Event Archive

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I can't go on... My head... feels like it's splitting...

The section below contains spoilers for the story of 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. It would be ill-advised to scroll without caution if you want to have a blind experience with the game, or have not completed it in its entirety.

The Event Archive can be accessed from Analysis mode in 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. Entries are added to the Event Archive as the player progresses through Remembrance mode. It is listed in chronological order.

315 Event Archive entries have been added:

# Name Protagonist Setting Description
001 Long-Distance Transmission Keitaro Miura 2187: Satellite Orbit A transmission between Keitaro Miura and Natsuno Minami. Just as construction of the new colony nears completion, the ethics committee throws a wrench in that plan. Unfazed, Miura shares his interest in the Pacific War, and the two of them look forward to the next time they'll be able to see each other in person.
002 Kurabe House Restoration Keitaro Miura 2188: Satellite Orbit A transmission between Keitaro Miura and Tamao Kurabe. Professor Kurabe is the leading authority on AI who served as Professor Morimura's former teacher. They plan to recreate Tamao Kurabe's residence in the 20th century based on nothing but her memories and old photographs.
003 Sectors Under Construction Keitaro Miura 2188: Satellite Orbit A transmission between Keitaro Miura and Chihiro Morimura. Construction of the Sectors is nearing completion. The group had decided to start over from before the nanomachine war, but could not agree on which era would make the best starting point. To resolve this dilemma, they created five wards covering multiple eras at once.
004 One Last Wish Juro Kurabe 2188: Satellite Orbit When Takatoshi Hijiyama learns that Nozomu Yakushiji is infected, he locks the doors to protect the colony. Major Izumi rushes to the scene and orders Hijiyama to open up, allowing him to exit and retrieve Nozomu's daughter, Megumi.
005 Proliferating Probes Renya Gouto 2188: Satellite Orbit A transmission between Yuki Takamiya and Chihiro Morimura. With the adjustments to the probes complete and the DNA data of the fifteen safely transported, the two of them entrust their hopes to their own clones. While gathering that genetic data, a certain someone's identity was revealed, but Morimura chooses not to intervene.
006 She Who Destroyed Mankind Ei Sekigahara 2188: Satellite Orbit A transmission between Chihiro Morimura and Ei Sekigahara. In a tense confrontation, Sekigahara accuses Morimura of being a traitor to humanity and sets off a bomb at the power generator. He then makes his way toward her, intent to finish the job.
007 Transmission Log to Gouto Renya Gouto 2188: Satellite Orbit A transmission from Tetsuya Ida to Renya Gouto. He reports that someone had modified the settings for the final phase, causing Chihiro Morimura's memories to be overwritten. According to the changelog, the one who did this was none other than Juro Izumi.
008 Kengo Ogata (Event Archive) Renya Gouto 2188: Satellite Orbit A log between Shikishima CEO Renya Gouto and Chairman Kengo Ogata. Ogata, who had died about a year prior, speaks from an AI backup stored within Chihiro Morimura's administrative data. He reveals that he was the one who ordered Morimura to sell the nanomachines, sowing the seeds for this disaster.
009 The Final Countdown? Iori Fuyusaka Sector 1/2104: Mainframe A memory of a dream Iori Fuyusaka had. Three teenagers discover an ominous countdown amid what seems to be the ruins of an alien spaceship.
010 Escape from the End Juro Kurabe Sector 1/2105: Mainframe A memory of a dream Juro Kurabe had. As the Earth's crust crumbles beneath the buried UFO, the three teens plan an escape to the past. Okino, unable to set a timer on the transmitter, sacrifices himself to allow Juro Izumi and Chihiro Morimura to make it through to Sector 0 without him.
011 The Two Survive Juro Kurabe Sector 1/2089: Kaede River, Sumire Bridge A memory of a dream Juro Kurabe had. Thanks to Okino's sacrifice, Juro Izumi and Chihiro Morimura were successfully sent back two Sumire Bridge in the year 2089. With a bittersweet glimmer of hope in their hearts, the two of them begin to move on.
012 A Movie Scene? Juro Kurabe Sector 1/2104: Where the Rebels Hid A memory of a dream Juro Kurabe had. The two of them succeeded in destroying a facility associated with the interstellar development project, but are quickly detected by the authorities.
013 Prisoner Number 426 Juro Kurabe Sector 1/2104: Prison Interrogation Room One of Juro Kurabe's memories. Prisoner number 426, Juro Izumi, is questioned in an underground interrogation room. Under the strict supervision of Officer Onishi, young Juro Izumi and Tsukasa Okino are brought in, but neither admits to recognizing him. Before the interrogation can come to a close, news comes in of a kaiju attack.
014 My Name is... Tetsuya Ida Shu Amiguchi Sector 3/2025: Destroyed Apartment A memory of a dream Shu Amiguchi had. Tomi Kisaragi stands in shock next to her crumbling apartment building as he attempts to console her. Keitaro Miura and Chihiro Morimura come to rescue them, and he reveals that his name is Tetsuya Ida.
015 A Relentless Nightmare Juro Kurabe Sector 2/2065: Destroyed City Center A memory of a recurring nightmare that Juro Kurabe has. Amidst a burning city, he slaughters students one by one. Just as he's about to fire the final shot at Shu Amiguchi, Chihiro Morimura takes him down.
016 A Wish Entrusted Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: Destroyed City Grounds A memory of a dream Shu Amiguchi had. It's Judgment Day—the day the kaiju have made their assault, breaking through the last line of defense. To put an end to the fight, Chihiro Morimura sacrifices herself to send him back to Sumire Bridge, 16 years into the past.
017 Reunion Iori Fuyusaka Sector 1/2089: Kaede River, Sumire Bridge A memory of a dream Iori Fuyusaka had. As she stands atop the bridge, a boy named Tetsuya Ida warps in on a huge, walking tank. To avoid any further commotion, the two leave the area together.
018 League of Darkness Nenji Ogata Sector 4/1976: Tokisaka Shrine, Empty Lot A suspicious woman approaches the 7-year-old Nenji Ogata. Ogata, reminded of the TV show Kamen Hero, believes her to be one of the villains and runs for his life. Unfortunately for him, she has no trouble giving chase, and succeeds in injecting him with nanomachines.
019 Bridgetop Standoff Iori Fuyusaka Sector 1/2097: Kaede River, Sumire Bridge A memory of a dream Iori Fuyusaka had. Juro Izumi and Chihiro Morimura have a standoff on Sumire Bridge. Pleading for her to let him pass, he reminds her of their relationship, but she cannot forgive him for his murders in this world. Even as his words grasp at her heart, she braces herself and pulls the trigger.
020 Consciousness and Body Shu Amiguchi Sector 1/2100: Shikishima Tech Lab #6 After eight years of research, Tetsuya Ida has succeeded in developing his first android: a robot with the consciousness of Tomi Kisaragi. Kisaragi, newly awakening as an AI, wants to know what happened to her original self. Morimura gravely informs her of her death at the hands of a certain man.
021 No. 16's Statement Renya Gouto Sector 1/2100: Shikishima Tech Lab #6 Tomi Kisaragi, recently revived as an android, tells Chihiro Morimura about the deadly explosion at the gate. Realizing that Tetsuya Ida had lied about Juro Izumi's murders, Morimura is crushed by regret.
022 Resurrection Shu Amiguchi Sector 1/2100: Shikishima Tech Lab #6 Tetsuya Ida installs 426's data into an android in order to extract information from him. Before long, Tomi Kisaragi runs in, opposing his plan for her to take over the human Kisaragi's body. Ida attempts to delete 426 once more, but right under his nose, 426 takes over the Kisaragi android and makes his escape.
023 All That's Important Is You Ryoko Shinonome Sector 1/2100: Shikishima Tech Lab #6 Tetsuya Ida notices that Tomi Kisaragi and 426 had swapped places. Tensions hang in the air as he and Kisaragi discuss her fate. Despite her protests, Ida refuses to go on without her, and draws his own conclusion. If he can restart all this from the beginning, Kisaragi can be revived as a human without ever knowing what happened.
024 Innerlocitor Renya Gouto Sector 1/2104: Shikishima Tech Lab #6 As Renya Gouto started working with Chihiro Morimura and the others, they analyzed data from the mainframe and discovered something revelatory: news recordings from 2188, reporting on innerlocitors and memory tampering.
025 Sentinel Pilot Juro Izumi Ryoko Shinonome Sector 2/2064: Kamazumi Ward In an office building thrown into panic from kaiju's arrival, Ryoko Shinonome calls out for her missing friends. A terrifying kaiju glares at her through the high-rise window, but before she comes to any harm, she is saved by the pilot of Sentinel No. 13.
026 Teacher and Student Ryoko Shinonome Sector 2/2064: Sakura High, Schoolyard Ryoko Shinonome, who had been rescued from the initial kaiju attack in 2064, begins to harbor feelings for Tetsuya Ida.
027 Operation Aegis (Event Archive) Ei Sekigahara Sector 2/2064: Building Rooftop On the precipice of the kaiju invasion, Chihiro Morimura and Tetsuya Ida are discussing the fate of the world when they're interrupted by Ei Sekigahara. Rather than confront Morimura directly, Sekigahara asks Ida about Operation Aegis, expressing doubts about the Sentinel system updates he had been asked to do.
028 KEITARO MIURA (Event Archive) Ei Sekigahara Sector 2/2064: Shikishima Sentinel Hangar Ei Sekigahara speaks with Miura, the AI of Sentinel No. 17, and learns of the logs from 2188. Morimura had locked most of this data down, but Miura secretly kept a backup of one log, storing it in the Sentinel's memory block. He implores Sekigahara to recover this at all costs if the Sentinel should ever come to harm.
029 DD-426 Contamination Ryoko Shinonome Sector 2/2064: Shikishima Sentinel Hangar Tetsuya Ida asks Ryoko Shinonome to install the Sentinel upgrade code DD-426. She does as he asks, but rather than installing it to her own Sentinel No. 14, she installs it to No. 15—Ei Sekigahara's Sentinel.
030 The Sentinel Infection Incident Ryoko Shinonome Sector 2/2064: Center of the City The full-scale invasion of the kaiju has begun. While on defense, the Sentinels start going haywire. Thanks to Chihiro Morimura's quick decision-making, they're able to force-transmit the Sentinels to safety, but not before suffering heavy losses.
031 The Boy from the Future Megumi Yakushiji Sector 3/2024: Satsuki Pond Park Megumi Yakushiji and her best friend, Tomi Kisaragi, walk through Satsuki Pond Park on their way home from school. Out of nowhere, a giant robot crash lands into the water before their eyes, along with a strange boy known as Juro Izumi.
032 The Day Mr. Ida Saved Me Ryoko Shinonome Sector 4/1984: Kamazumi Police Station Due to the incident of 2064, Ryoko Shinonome and her Sentinel have been force-transmitted to 1984. While she is under police interrogation, Tetsuya Ida steps in and uses his authority with the Special Investigations Unit to take her away.
033 The Android with Skin Ei Sekigahara Sector 1/2104: Shikishima Tech Lab #6 Due to the incident of 2064, Ei Sekigahara has been force-transmitted to the underground research facility in 2104. Androids awaken and begin to attack, but are shot down by a strange girl with braids. She tells him she can create pills to delay the effects of DD-426, under one condition: he must help her get out of there.
034 Sentinel Pilot Cadets Keitaro Miura Sector 5/1944: Sakura National Hallway Takatoshi Hijiyama and Keitaro Miura have been chosen to become pilot cadets for the new Japanese military weapon, the Sentinel. Tamao Kurabe and Kiriko Douji see the two off as they head out to their station.
035 Sentinel No. 19 Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 5/1944: Ayame Pass, Sentinel Factory Takatoshi Hijiyama takes Keitaro Miura to the armory and shows him Sentinel No. 19. As the two discuss, Kiriko Douji walks in and delivers instructions from the professor.
036 Simulated Personality Ei Sekigahara Sector 5/1944: Ayame Pass, Sentinel Factory Ei Sekigahara questions Tsukasa Okino about the effects of DD-426 he is experiencing. Okino, having transferred his memories into his nanomachines to create a simulated personality, seems to be beyond reach of its effects.
037 You're a Lunatic Keitaro Miura Sector 5/1944: Sakura National Hallway Ei Sekigahara, who was being chased down by the military police as a suspected spy, was hiding out in the wooden school building, helped by Tamao Kurabe. Keitaro Miura tries to take him to the station for spouting nonsense at him⁠—such as having fought with a future version of Miura⁠—but Sekigahara pulls out a gun and leaves.
038 The Identity of Kiriko Douji Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 5/1944: Tokisaka Shrine Takatoshi Hijiyama had chased down Kiriko Douji to Tokisaka Shrine, as she was suspected of being a spy. Cornered, she then disappears in a flash of light. Hijiyama learns from a suspicious man who had sneaked into the factory that her real name is Tsukasa Okino, and that she is actually a man.
039 The Mark on the Pillar Keitaro Miura Sector 5/1945: Kurabe House One day in 1945, at the Kurabe residence, Keitaro Miura discovers a large mark on the pillar. The cause of this was Chihiro, who hit the laundry bucket against it while trying to beat up giant ghosts.
040 Deployed Too Early Tomi Kisaragi Sector 3/2025: Kamazumi Ward As the kaiju attack escalates, Tomi Kisaragi tries to find her mother inside a commercial building in the midst of being evacuated. Renya Gouto and Chihiro Morimura are also inside trying to rescue her. Before their eyes Sentinel No. 13 appears, piloted by Juro Izumi, to fight off the kaiju.
041 Hidden Data Ei Sekigahara Sector 3/2025: Ruined City After losing the battle, Ei Sekigahara appears before Tetsuya Ida. Ida promises to take away the effects of DD-426 in exchange for Sekigahara's help in stopping Operation Aegis and bringing about another loop, as well as extracting log data from Miura. Although hesitant, Sekigahara activates Miura.
042 Izumi, Unreturning Megumi Yakushiji Sector 3/2025: Road to Sakura High After losing the battle in 2025, Megumi Yakushiji and Juro Izumi meet once again in front of the downed Sentinel No. 13. A man that was Izumi's ally appears before them, as Yakushiji holds the heavily injured Izumi in her arms.
043 The Yakisoba Pan Angel Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Kaede Riverbed Takatoshi Hijiyama, who had caught a cold from bathing and is on his knees from immense hunger, is given the first yakisoba pan of his life from a girl who happened to be passing by.
044 1985 Nostalgia Tomi Kisaragi Sector 4/1985: Keyaki-cho Shopping District Tomi Kisaragi, originating from 2025, is excited about the unusualness of how things look in 1985. Renya Gouto tells her that she is to attend the Sakura High School of this era.
045 Precious Memories Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Schoolyard In the schoolyard, Megumi Yakushiji asks Ms. Morimura about Juro Izumi's condition. She is told that Izumi has already lost his memories, and is being treated as another personality named Juro Kurabe.
046 Tears Tomi Kisaragi Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Schoolyard Tomi Kisaragi is troubled by the unfamiliar era she is in, but reunites with Megumi Yakushiji in the schoolyard. Kisaragi, who thought that Juro Izumi's attitude was odd, asks Yakushiji the reason for it.
047 Tamao's Statement Renya Gouto Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Schoolyard Renya Gouto, who had been called out to the schoolyard, is asked for help by Tamao Kurabe. Fearing that Chihiro Morimura has not given up on implanting 426's memories into Juro Kurabe, she asks him to keep an eye on Morimura.
048 Love at First Plight Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Sakura High School Having overslept because of her dream, Iori Fuyusaka makes a mad dash to make it to the morning assembly. She bumps into a male student she doesn't recognize, and instantly falls for him.
049 Spirited Girls Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Iori Fuyusaka and her good friend Miwako Sawatari get to know their classmate, Tomi Kisaragi. Their childhood friend, Natsuno Minami, and Megumi Yakushiji, who came to call Minami back, also enter the classroom.
050 The Dream Team Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Iori Fuyusaka comes to the passageway to look for a cat, but it immediately runs into the bushes and gets away. When she looks back up, she sees Juro Kurabe and Shu Amiguchi talking to each other in secretive tones.
051 Seeker of Truth Renya Gouto Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Science Room Renya Gouto tries to use the gate in the science room, but Chihiro Morimura finds him and objects. Gouto had noticed the change in her attitude, and has been suspicious of her current state.
052 Dreaming of Sumire Bridge Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Iori Fuyusaka meets up with Juro Kurabe and Shu Amiguchi at the passageway to the old school building. Fuyusaka has been having strange dreams similar to the other two, and tells them about her dream of the boy who looked like Amiguchi and the tank with legs.
053 Dreaming of UFOs Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Front Gate After finding the cat at the front gate, Iori Fuyusaka and Juro Kurabe make friendly conversation. They greet Tomi Kisaragi as she arrives, and Fuyusaka tells Kurabe about the UFO dream she had.
054 Iori Who Leapt Through Time Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Science Room Iori Fuyusaka cleans the science room with Juro Kurabe. After Kurabe returns to his classroom, Fuyusaka is left in the science room by herself. A series of mysterious bright screens light up before her.
055 A Time-Warped Encounter Iori Fuyusaka Sector 2/2065: Destroyed City Center Iori Fuyusaka meets the male student from before in the ruined world. They encounter the automated Sentinel No. 8, which had been put under Deimos control. Fuyusaka loses consciousness due to the impact, but is discovered by Renya Gouto and Chihiro Morimura.
056 A Biometric ID Renya Gouto Sector 3/2025: Mainframe Renya Gouto had pondered the possibility that Iori Fuyusaka and Chihiro Morimura's biometric ID were the same, and took the unconscious Fuyusaka to the mainframe. Using her biometric ID, he is successful in accessing Morimura's logs.
057 The Future Renya Gouto Renya Gouto Sector 3/2025: Mainframe At the mainframe, Renya Gouto looks at Chihiro Morimura's two logs, as well as the log of Renya Gouto from 2188. The Shikishima CEO in the 2188 log calls himself Renya Gouto.
058 Not a Dream Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Nurse's Office Iori Fuyusaka finds herself in a bed when she wakes. Near her stands her friend, Miwako Sawatari, as well as Ms. Morimura and Renya Gouto. Fuyusaka tells them about how she met Ei Sekigahara in the ruined future.
059 Where's Their Weakness? Tomi Kisaragi Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Tomi Kisaragi looks for internal information regarding Shikishima Industries in the reference books she borrowed from the library. She eventually is able to have Miwako Sawatari introduce her to a childhood friend whose father works at Shikishima Industries.
060 I Won't Let You Escape Ryoko Shinonome Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Science Room Ryoko Shinonome was waiting in the science room for Ei Sekigahara, and tries to stop him with a gun when he starts working on the gate. While the two struggle, the shift is executed.
061 Captain Pompadour Tomi Kisaragi Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building In the passageway behind the science room, Tomi Kisaragi meets with someone she didn't expect. The childhood friend of Miwako Sawatari was Captain Pompadour himself, Nenji Ogata, whom she met near the station. While the two of them bicker, Iori Fuyusaka calls out to them. In an instant, a mysterious light blinds her and when she comes to again, Kisaragi and the others have disappeared.
062 426's Hideout Ryoko Shinonome Sector 3/2025: Ruined City Ryoko Shinonome discovers 426's hideout and finally corners him. Just as she decides to take him out by force, an intense headache disables her.
063 Ei-kun...? Ryoko Shinonome Sector 3/2025: Ruined City Ryoko Shinonome is confused by the fact that Ei Sekigahara is not 426. As she struggles to get through her headache, she is discovered by Tomi Kisaragi and the others who were shifted along with her.
064 Stranded Tomi Kisaragi Sector 3/2025: Ruined City Tomi Kisaragi, Nenji Ogata, and Miwako Sawatari are suddenly enveloped by light. When they come to, they wake up in a ruined city they don't recognize.
065 Those That Eat Cake Together Tomi Kisaragi Sector 3/2025: Destroyed Apartment Tomi Kisaragi thinks about where she once lived as she looks at what's left of it. At the cake shop on the first floor, she would often eat a pear tart with her friend Megumi Yakushiji, and reminisces about the day she was reunited with her.
066 The Kaiju Remains Tomi Kisaragi Sector 3/2025: Misumi-cho, Kaiju Remains Tomi Kisaragi and Nenji Ogata discover a control panel inside the remains of a kaiju. Kisaragi couldn't get any response, but when Ogata does the same, a large monitor suddenly appears. Upon it, images that indicate the kaiju is a piece of terraforming machinery manufactured by Shikishima are displayed.
067 The Unmoving Guardian Tomi Kisaragi Sector 3/2025: Road to Sakura High On the road to Sakura High School, Tomi Kisaragi and Nenji Ogata find the fallen Sentinel No. 13. Kisaragi remembers the day that giant was deployed to protect the city.
068 To the Rescue Tomi Kisaragi Sector 3/2025: Sakura High Chasm Tomi Kisaragi and Nenji Ogata find the missing Ryoko Shinonome on the road near Sakura High School. When the nearby androids activate and try to attack them, a boy with a gun appears.
069 Discord Tomi Kisaragi Sector 3/2025: Sakura High Chasm To escape from 2025, Tomi Kisaragi and company decide to go down the giant hole. Taking Miwako Sawatari with them, once they get near Sakura High School they find Ryoko Shinonome and Ei Sekigahara confronting each other.
070 Sentinel No. 16, Respond Tomi Kisaragi Sector 3/2025: Mainframe Tomi Kisaragi and company make it to the shifter 300 m underground. As Kisaragi touches a mysterious display, she is able to communicate with the missing Sentinel No. 16. But the transmission is quickly cut off, and they are attacked by androids once again. The shift is executed right as they are in danger, and they escape 2025.
071 Universal Control (Event Archive) Tomi Kisaragi Sector 4/1985: Tokisaka Shrine As they complete their shift from 2025 to 1985, they notice Miwako Sawatari is nowhere to be found.
072 Special Investigations Unit (Event Archive) Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: SIU Director's Room The sukeban girl, Yuki Takamiya, is scouted by the man with glasses from the Special Investigations Unit to infiltrate Sakura High School as a spy. Takamiya rolls her eyes at the outrageous assignment of monitoring students who are suspected of being related to weapons development, but then she sees Natsuno Minami's name on the list.
073 Wajima vs Takamiya Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: Keyaki-cho Shopping District Shu Amiguchi happens upon Yuki Takamiya, who's being harassed by Takemi Wajima's delinquent gang from Kuri High. To get her out of the situation, he punches Wajima and gives her a ride on his motorcycle.
074 Riding Tandem Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: Tsuwabuki Bypass Motorway Shu Amiguchi convinces Yuki Takamiya to ride on his motorcycle with him and they succeed in getting away. Amiguchi, hearing she's going to be transferring to Sakura High School, feels they were fated to meet and gets excited.
075 What Did I Just See? Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: Aoi Ward, Gogyo Street Shu Amiguchi drops off Yuki Takamiya and then witnesses the nurse from Sakura High School, Chihiro Morimura, enter the Shikishima building.
076 The Idol Miyuki Inaba Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: Amiguchi's Room It's midnight as Shu Amiguchi stirs awake from his dream. That's when the idol on the TV, Miyuki Inaba, starts talking to him.
077 Memory, Interrupted Tomi Kisaragi Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, New Building Tomi Kisaragi talks to Miwako Sawatari about what happened in 2025, but Sawatari seems to have completely forgotten about it.
078 Cleaning Duty Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, New Building After waking up from the dream of shooting Juro Kurabe, and wanting to meet with the cute boy again, Iori Fuyusaka decides to go back into the science room. She seeks out Miwako Sawatari, who's on cleaning duty that day, to unlock it for her.
079 Open Sesame! Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Science Room Having snuck into the science room, Iori Fuyusaka tries to shift again. Unable to find any clues, she says a magical spell out of desperation and the very same light from before appears.
080 A Tragic Love Iori Fuyusaka Sector 3/2025: Mainframe Iori Fuyusaka manages to shift into the UFO that was in her dreams. As she investigates the alien-like dolls and the machinery, the boy she likes appears along with Ryoko Shinonome. Fuyusaka, who had been hiding behind the androids, feels saddened by seeing how he feels about Shinonome.
081 The Argument That Day Tomi Kisaragi Sector 4/1985: Kamazumi Station Tomi Kisaragi, wanting to confirm the theory that all the people in town are managed by Universal Control, suggests they return to 2025, but is stopped by Nenji Ogata.
082 Nat-chan and Yuki-chan Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Athletics Yuki Takamiya, who just transferred to Sakura High School, makes her way over to the track team. There, she is reunited with her best friend, Natsuno Minami, whom she hasn't seen in several years.
083 The Pilot of Sentinel No. 14 Ryoko Shinonome Sector 4/1985: Shikishima Sentinel Hangar After the forced transmission from 2064, Sentinel No. 14 is back in Chihiro Morimura and company's possession. Megumi Yakushiji is introduced as a new pilot for the Sentinel, but Ryoko Shinonome is strongly opposed to this.
084 The Life of Natsuno Minami Natsuno Minami Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, New Building Natsuno Minami is a lover of aliens, UFOs, and the supernatural, ever since she was in elementary school and given the nickname "Dr. Space." She looks forward to UFO programs, even as a high schooler.
085 Close Encounters with...? Natsuno Minami Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Athletics While participating in track team activities, Natsuno Minami encounters strange men in black suits, as well as a mysterious student.
086 Hello, BJ! Natsuno Minami Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Track Room In the track team locker room, Natsuno Minami has a fated encounter with the alien, BJ. Minami hides BJ in her P.E. bag and heads toward the shrine near the school, looking for the "Gate" he's been wanting to find.
087 The Shifter Gate Natsuno Minami Sector 4/1985: Tokisaka Shrine Natsuno Minami arrives at BJ's destination: Tokisaka Shrine. She gets excited when she sees the brightly lit shifter gate appear before her.
088 The War of the Worlds Natsuno Minami Sector 2/2065: Destroyed City Center Natsuno Minami shifts to a devastated city with BJ. According to the news report shown, this place is Kasumi-cho of the future and BJ has come here to find a memory cell. To get away from the giant alien weapons that keep destroying the city, Minami sprints deeper into the city.
089 The New Old Building Natsuno Minami Sector 5/1945: Sakura National Hallway Natsuno Minami and BJ shift to the Sakura High School of 1945. Just as she expresses her awe in seeing the brand new old school building, the two of them hear voices and hide. They learn from a conversation between a male and female student that a weapon lies at Ayame Pass.
090 Mysterious Motives Natsuno Minami Sector 5/1945: Ayame Pass, Sentinel Factory Natsuno Minami and BJ arrive at the military factory at Ayame Pass. While they don't find Sentinel No. 17, they do find Sentinel No. 19, which had been piloted by one of BJ's friends.
091 Transcending Space and Time Natsuno Minami Sector 5/1945: Tokisaka Shrine With the gate lock changed by the mysterious boy, another boy wearing a cap finds Natsuno Minami and BJ, who are unable to return to their own time.
092 Boy Meets Girl Keitaro Miura Sector 5/1945: Tokisaka Shrine After getting a break from his factory duty, Keitaro Miura is able to come back to town for a few months. He sees a mysterious light come from Tokisaka Shrine and has a fated meeting with Natsuno Minami, who had been hiding behind the trees.
093 Air Raid Keitaro Miura Sector 5/1945: Near Kurabe House Due to the air raid from the U.S. military, the residential area that included Tamao Kurabe's family home is burnt to the ground. Keitaro Miura searches for Tamao and his sister, Chihiro, as sparks fly about.
094 The New American Weapon Keitaro Miura Sector 5/1945: Tokisaka Shrine Keitaro Miura and the others run away from the strange-looking new American weapons. Leaving Chihiro and Natsuno Minami to Tamao Kurabe, Miura runs off to the Sentinel to mount a counterattack.
095 Chihiro Kidnapped Keitaro Miura Sector 5/1945: Tokisaka Shrine After Keitaro Miura and Natsuno Minami leave, Renya Gouto appears before a struggling Tamao Kurabe and takes Chihiro away from her.
096 A Boy's First Battle Keitaro Miura Sector 5/1945: Near Kurabe House Getting into Sentinel No. 19, Keitaro Miura takes on the new American weapons. However, he is unable to take on the sheer number of enemies by himself, and gets close to the operation limit. As he makes up his mind to charge in for a suicidal attack, the Sentinel is suddenly enveloped in a mysterious light.
097 Another World Keitaro Miura Sector 4/1985: Building Rooftop Keitaro Miura gets out of his Sentinel. Instead of being surrounded by houses burning from the flames of war, he sees a skyscraper-lined great city before him.
098 No Place Like Home Natsuno Minami Sector 4/1985: Building Rooftop Natsuno Minami and BJ, who had been hiding in the maintenance hatch, were able to return to their own time in Sentinel No. 19. Keitaro Miura is already gone and Minami and BJ leave before people start to gather.
099 Struck by... a Bag? Keitaro Miura Sector 4/1985: Keyaki-cho Shopping District Keitaro Miura makes his way into the shopping district and is confused by the unfamiliar clothing and look of the city. He ends up angering a student with distinguishable hair and loses consciousness after being struck by the student's bag.
100 Japanese History? Keitaro Miura Sector 4/1985: Amiguchi's Room When he comes to, Keitaro Miura finds himself in a large room. He is taken aback by the large amounts of music records, projection devices, and the textbook of future events, eventually realizing that this place is the year 1985.
101 The Compatible (Event Archive) Renya Gouto Sector 3/2025: Destroyed Apartment Within the ruined city of 2025, Renya Gouto and Chihiro, a clone of Chihiro Morimura, talk about the compatible ones. They then leave for 1985 to give a status report of the last five years.
102 A Familiar Sunset Renya Gouto Sector 4/1985: Kaede Riverbed Renya Gouto and Chihiro arrive at the riverbed in 1985. After gazing at the sunset, she is filled with a somewhat nostalgic feeling, then goes along with Gouto to the residence.
103 My Best Friend's Meddling Natsuno Minami Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, New Building Natsuno Minami and BJ are being chased by the black suits and hide in a classroom. Natsuno is shocked to find out that her best friend, Yuki Takamiya, is working alongside the mysterious organization.
104 A Promise to Tamao Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Rooftop Megumi Yakushiji cries by herself for Juro, who has become a different person. Tamao Kurabe approaches and tells her she can arrange for her to live with Juro. Agreeing to her terms, Yakushiji accepts the rental agreement for the Kurabe residence.
105 The Uninvited Housewife Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Kurabe House Megumi Yakushiji, a girl in the same year as Juro Kurabe, suddenly moves into his house. Kurabe thinks it's a joke, but she shows him the rental agreement that she received from Tamao Kurabe, his grandmother. Although Kurabe did not know her well, Megumi acts as if she had known him from before.
106 Usami's Got a Gun Natsuno Minami Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, New Building Natsuno Minami is relieved that she found her top secret notebook, but is suddenly shot at by Tomi Kisaragi and makes a run for it.
107 What Sawatari Saw Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, New Building Miwako Sawatari runs toward the north school building to get to the arts room when she stumbles upon Natsuno Minami and a Tomi Kisaragi with bandages on her leg.
108 Waiting for Sawatari Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Front Gate Iori Fuyusaka and Tomi Kisaragi wait for Miwako Sawatari at the front gate. As Sawatari runs over to them, she tells them that she met Natsuno Minami earlier. But then the bus arrives and they all rush to get on.
109 Exterminator Natsuno Minami Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Girls' Bathroom Natsuno Minami hides in one of the stalls in the girls' bathroom. Outside of the stall, the machines get into an intense battle. As things become quiet, Minami comes out of the stall only to be shot in the cheek by the android that looks like Tamao Kurabe.
110 On the Way Home Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Tsutsuji Station Iori Fuyusaka, Tomi Kisaragi, and Miwako Sawatari all try to go home, but Takemi Wajima gets in their way. Luckily, Heizo Onishi of the juvenile division, who had been in the area, helps them get away.
111 No Regrets Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Back Alley Iori Fuyusaka and Miwako Sawatari get harassed by Takemi Wajima and his goons, who had been lying in wait for them. Wajima leers at Fuyusaka and closes in, but the cute boy appears again and diffuses the situation. Feeling that she might not be able to see him again, Fuyusaka runs after him with all her strength.
112 With All Her Might Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Tsutsuji Station Iori Fuyusaka returns to Tsutsuji Station as she runs after the male student. She finally finds him, but sees that he's been caught by a black suit. To save him, Fuyusaka hits the man with all her might. With Yuki Takamiya's help, Fuyusaka and the boy get away safely on a motorcycle.
113 I Love You... Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Tsuwabuki Bypass Motorway To get away from the black suits, the two flee the area on a motorcycle. On the way to her house, Iori Fuyusaka admits her feelings for him. The boy, whose name is Ei Sekigahara, is surprised, but accepts her feelings.
114 Why Are You Here? Keitaro Miura Sector 4/1985: Sakura High School Keitaro Miura, who was searching for clues to get back to his era, is reunited with Natsuno Minami in front of the school. Hearing Minami's words that she'll "take him to the Kurabe House," Miura remembers what happened in the house he lived in.
115 Another Freeloader Juro Kurabe Sector 4/1985: Kurabe House Juro Kurabe wakes up from a nap in the living room to see that Megumi Yakushiji had just been making dinner. As he helps with the preparation, Natsuno Minami barges into the house. In exchange for keeping the secret of him living with Yakushiji, she asks Kurabe to let Keitaro Miura stay at the house.
116 A House That Shouldn't Exist Keitaro Miura Sector 4/1985: Kurabe House Taken along by Natsuno Minami, Keitaro Miura walks through the threshold of the 1985 Kurabe House. The inside of the house is identical to the Kurabe residence that had burnt down in 1945, but the mark on the pillar is not there.
117 The Visage of My Sister Keitaro Miura Sector 4/1985: Ayame Park Unable to return to his own time and getting impatient, Keitaro Miura goes to where the factory was in Ayame Pass. The place is now a park and Miura sees a girl that looks like Chihiro, but finds that she's a relative of the young man with her. Miura is filled with feelings of missing his sister.
118 The Mysteries of Time Travel Keitaro Miura Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Athletics Keitaro Miura goes to the athletics building in search of Natsuno Minami. To discover the truth about time travel, the two head to the old school building.
119 Where Did We Come From? Keitaro Miura Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Natsuno Minami reveals to Keitaro Miura that she's been helping the alien, BJ. Miura notices that he looks like a Sentinel scout unit and BJ confirms that he's looking for the Sentinel he came on. BJ then shows an important log to Miura.
120 Miura Again Keitaro Miura Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Athletics Keitaro Miura visits the athletics building with questions about why Natsuno Minami, a person of this era, showed up in 1945. He is not able to find her, but is asked about his relation to her from members of the track team. Thanks to the team manager's info, Miura heads toward Tokisaka Shrine.
121 Going Back Home Keitaro Miura Sector 4/1985: Tokisaka Shrine Keitaro Miura arrives at Tokisaka Shrine and witnesses the moment that Natsuno Minami and BJ shift. Miura follows them in to make sure that Chihiro is safe in his own time... But that shift was also witnessed by someone else.
122 The Search for Chihiro Keitaro Miura Sector 5/1985: Tokisaka Shrine Keitaro Miura returns to 1945 with the others and they leave Tokisaka Shrine to search for Chihiro.
123 The Disappearance of Tamao Keitaro Miura Sector 5/1985: Near Kurabe House Keitaro Miura and company make their way to the Kurabe residence, unnerved by the fact that not a single other person is around. There they find Tamao Kurabe on the ground, weakened and near-death. She tells Miura that Chihiro was taken by Renya Gouto, and then vanishes without a trace.
124 Finding Gouto Keitaro Miura Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Front Gate Keitaro Miura goes to Sakura High School in search of clues about Renya Gouto. One of Natsuno Minami's friends shows him a picture, and he recognizes him as the man that was at Ayame Park with Chihiro.
125 Chihiro...? Keitaro Miura Sector 4/1985: Ayame Park To find Renya Gouto, Keitaro Miura heads toward Ayame Park and meets the little girl from before. Miura is relieved that she is indeed Chihiro, but is troubled by how different she seems. When Gouto finally shows himself, he tells Miura that Ei Sekigahara is trying to kill her.
126 Mistaken Identity Natsuno Minami Sector 2/2065: Destroyed City Center Natsuno Minami goes back to 2065 in search of the Sentinel again, and finds out from BJ that the tripods are also robots made by Shikishima. BJ then reveals that they are not actually on Earth, and that Minami herself might be an alien.
127 A Missing Memory Natsuno Minami Sector 1/2105: Underground Facility Natsuno Minami and BJ shift to the underground facility in 2105 to access the quantum computer and find the location of Sentinel No. 17. They discover that Sentinel No. 17 is located on a man-made satellite.
128 Accessing the Mothership Renya Gouto Sector 3/2025: Mainframe Renya Gouto and Chihiro arrive at the mainframe. To stop the manufacturing of kaiju at the automated factories, Chihiro uses her senior admin ID to try and access the mothership.
129 A Closed World Natsuno Minami Sector 3/2025: Ruined City Natsuno Minami goes to Sector 3 to find the UFO, but is shot by Ryoko Shinonome, who had been lying in wait. When she comes to, BJ is nowhere to be found and Minami realizes that she has been trapped in 2025.
130 Me, from the Future Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Finding herself near the old school building, Yuki Takamiya sees Ryoko Shinonome watching a projection from a box-like device. Shinonome is unstable and looks like she might collapse, so she asks Takamiya to hide the device for her.
131 Suspicious Pills Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Nurse's Office When Ryoko Shinonome wakes in the nurse's office, she takes the pills from Yuki Takamiya and swallows a mouthful of them. Takamiya asks why she was supposed to hide the device, but Shinonome has completely forgotten that she asked her to do so.
132 Nat-chan's Gone Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, New Building Yuki Takamiya worries about Natsuno Minami, who has been absent from school for several days. She questions her classmates and friends, and finds out that the Special Investigations Unit is somehow involved.
133 Keep Your Nose Out Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Aoi Ward, Gogyo Street Yuki Takamiya presses the direct of SIU, Tetsuya Ida, for answers. He tells her not to pursue Natsuno Minami's disappearance, but this only strengthens her resolve.
134 A Fruitless Effort Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Tokisaka Shrine Yuki Takamiya and Erika Aiba search for clues around Tokisaka Shrine, hoping they can find something that will lead to the reason behind Natsuno Minami's disappearance, but they find nothing.
135 Red Glasses Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Girls' Bathroom Yuki Takamiya goes to the girls' bathroom to find the truth about the fire incident. The inside is heavily damaged, but not from a fire. She discovers red glasses on the floor... and has an idea of who they might belong to.
136 Pressing the Suspect Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, New Building Still searching for any clues that might lead to Natsuno Minami, Yuki Takamiya questions Tomi Kisaragi about the girls' bathroom. Miwako Sawatari says that she saw Tomi in the north school building at the time of the incident, but Iori Fuyusaka confirms that Kisaragi was already with her at the front gate during that time.
137 A Sentinel Brought In Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Kamazumi Police Station Yuki Takamiya was taken in by Heizo Onishi for fighting Takemi Wajima and his boys, and is told that there's been several heavy machinery accidents occurring lately. Takamiya thinks that it has something to do with the robot described in Natsuno Minami's notebook and decides to head to the shipbuilding docks where the machinery is being stored.
138 Who's That Aiba? Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Train to South Port, Interior While on the way to the shipbuilding docks, Yuki Takamiya talks to Nenji Ogata, who happened to be on the train as well. According to him, Erika Aiba in class 1-D has been absent from school for a long time.
139 The Pilots' Mark Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Shikishima Sentinel Hangar Yuki Takamiya is able to sneak into the Shikishima docks, but is met by Ryoko Shinonome and Renya Gouto. There, a mark she doesn't recognize appears around her collarbone. They reveal that she, too, has a connection to the Sentinels.
140 Miura, Activate Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Yuki Takamiya, now remembering what the device Ryoko Shinonome asked her to hide looked like, goes back to the classroom and pulls out the box she stashed there earlier. She struggles to figure out how to activate it, and Ei Sekigahara shows up just in time to do so with ease. Along with this robot he calls Miura, they head to Sector 3, where Natsuno Minami has been stranded.
141 Where You Go, I'll Follow Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Tokisaka Shrine Ei Sekigahara and Miura head to Tokisaka Shrine, the place that was mentioned in Natsuno Minami's notebook as well. They shift to Sector 3 through time travel, but are unable to find Minami.
142 Kisaragi Android Found Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building When Yuki Takamiya arrives at the old school building, she discovers that Ei Sekigahara found an android that looks like Tomi Kisaragi hidden away in a broom cupboard.
143 A Conscious Criminal Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Kaede River, Sumire Bridge With the evidence stacked against her, Erika Aiba reveals that she's actually Juro Izumi. Izumi is shot up by Chihiro Morimura, and riddled with bullet holes, narrowly escapes by jumping off the bridge and disappearing.
144 Intrusion Juro Kurabe Sector 4/1985: Tokisaka Shrine Juro Kurabe witnesses a male student shoot someone. As things begin to settle, Kurabe cautiously walks toward the scene, but the fallen android gets up and attacks him. The android's consciousness enters Kurabe's nanomachines and before he realizes what's happening, a boy named Kyuta Shiba appears before him.
145 A Talking Cat Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Stairs Megumi Yakushiji follows Juro Kurabe up the stairwell and a mysterious talking cat, "Fluffy", appears before her. He proposes a contract to Yakushiji. If she has a chance to save Kurabe, Yakushiji thinks she'd even make a deal with the devil.
146 The Shootout Dream Juro Kurabe Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Science Room Asked by Renya Gouto, Juro Kurabe and Iori Fuyusaka clean up the science room. After putting down the beakers that Fuyusaka asked him to put away, Kurabe tells Fuyusaka about the shootout dream he had.
147 To Nat-chan Yuki Takamiya Sector 3/2025: Ruined City Led by Miura, who found a location that had an unnatural gathering of androids, Yuki Takamiya sets out to rescue Natsuno Minami.
148 The Hawk Has Landed Yuki Takamiya Sector 3/2025: Kaiju Remains With the gun given to her by Ei Sekigahara, Yuki Takamiya takes down the attacking androids. At the end of her long search, she finally finds Natsuno Minami. The two of them embrace each other like they never want to let go.
149 The Contract Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Kurabe House Megumi Yakushiji approaches Juro Kurabe, who is sleeping in the living room. Fluffy appears at his side and presses the contract on her once again. To bring Kurabe back to normal, Yakushiji makes up her mind and agrees to the contract with Fluffy.
150 Renya Gouto—Witch! Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Megumi Yakushiji calls Renya Gouto out to the passageway of the old school building. She then shoots the very first "witch" with her Magical Gun, beginning the fulfillment of her contract with Fluffy. According to him, those shot with the Magical Gun will have hazy memories around the shooting.
151 BJ, Missing Keitaro Miura Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Athletics Keitaro Miura is unable to accept the changes in Chihiro and wishes to see Natsuno Minami again. When he reaches the athletics building, he sees that Minami is in a panicked state. He questions her about it and learns that BJ is missing. Miura and Minami split up to look for BJ.
152 The Past Keitaro Miura Keitaro Miura Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Keitaro Miura is hung up on Ei Sekigahara's words and asks BJ if they are one in the same. BJ acknowledges this and says that he isn't from the future, but rather someone that used to be Miura.
153 From The Future Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Shu Amiguchi happens upon Keitaro Miura in the passageway. Amiguchi tells Miura about the dream he had of him the other day.
154 Connecting Dreams Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Shu Amiguchi meets up with Iori Fuyusaka at the old school building passageway. As they talk about the dreams they had, they realize that they both had the same dream. In an effort to get to the bottom of the mystery, Amiguchi tells Fuyusaka about the dream he had the other day.
155 Inaba's Communications Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: Amiguchi's Room Shu Amiguchi wakes up in the middle of the night and talks to Miyuki Inaba through the TV. He finds out that she is able to communicate by posing as broadcast content.
156 Hijiyama the Jacket Snatcher Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Kaede Riverbed Half a year after being shifted from 1944, Hijiyama strikes fear in the nearby delinquents, who now know him as the "Jacket Snatcher."
157 Daily Life is Strange Juro Kurabe Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, New Building Juro Kurabe feels that something's off with his school and daily life. As he talks to his good friend Kyuta Shiba, like he always does while in class, Miwako Sawatari asks him to take some papers from the podium over to the nurse's office.
158 Medication Record Juro Kurabe Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Nurse's Office Juro Kurabe takes the stack of papers to Ms. Morimura in the nurse's office. Once there, he finds a mysterious medication record on the desk with the name "Juro Izumi" written on it.
159 Sentinel No. 13: Activate Juro Kurabe Sector 4/1985: Keyaki-cho Shopping District Juro Kurabe meets Keitaro Miura at the shopping district and touches his forehead, which activates Sentinel No. 13. Kyuta Shiba meddles with Kurabe's memories after saying something meaningful, as if he knows what happened.
160 Keitaro Miura—Witch! Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Kurabe House One night, Megumi Yakushiji uses the Magical Gun to shoot Keitaro Miura, who's also staying at the Kurabe House. Fluffy says that someone has performed a procedure on Miura that makes him forcibly use magic.
161 Won't You Help Me? Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Abandoned Factory Alley In Higoromo-cho, Takatoshi Hijiyama finally reunites with the one he was looking for, Tsukasa Okino. Okino promises Hijiyama that if he helps him see his work through to the end, he'll do whatever he wants.
162 Alma Mater, 40 Years Later Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Front Gate To find Tsukasa Okino, Takatoshi Hijiyama visits his alma mater, Sakura National School. However, 40 years have changed it quite a bit.
163 Memories of Kiriko-san Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Takatoshi Hijiyama enters the old school building and remembers his first time meeting Kiriko Douji. Hijiyama grins to himself as he thinks of her, unaware that Tsukasa Okino is standing right in front of him.
164 Going Back on His Word Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building After Takatoshi Hijiyama and Tsukasa Okino split up for a few hours, Hijiyama wakes up in a classroom at the old school building. Feeling he can't wait until Okino comes back, he leaves the building and goes around Sakura High School looking for him.
165 A Love Rival!? Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building When Takatoshi Hijiyama returns to the old school building passageway, he finds Tsukasa Okino confessing his love to Nenji Ogata. Shocked, Hijiyama lets his emotions get the better of him, and he punches Ogata, knocking him out.
166 D-Code Broadcaster Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Takatoshi Hijiyama and Tsukasa Okino look through Nenji Ogata's brain. Unable to detect a D-Code command signal from him, they discover that the person sending out the signal has changed. As Okino examines further, however, he finds clues toward the current signal broadcaster within Ogata's brain.
167 Gone Back in Time Nenji Ogata Sector 4/1985: Kamazumi Station Right after the train derailment accident, Nenji Ogata finds himself standing directly on the Line No. 5 platform at Kamazumi Station, once again with Tomi Kisaragi. Ogata believes that time has turned back somehow.
168 Overturned Train Nenji Ogata Sector 4/1985: Tsutsuji-Bound Semi-Express While Nenji Ogata and Tomi Kisaragi are riding the train, kaiju suddenly attack the city. At that moment, the train they're on is overturned.
169 Find the Key Nenji Ogata Sector 4/1985: ??? When he comes to, Nenji Ogata finds himself inside an unfamiliar machine. Confused, a voice suddenly calls out to him. The voice commands Ogata to find the "D-Code key," then forcibly turns back time on him.
170 The Platform... Again? Nenji Ogata Sector 4/1985: Kamazumi Station Just as he's figuring out what's going on, time turns back on Nenji Ogata once more, and he finds himself standing on the Line No. 5 platform at Kamazumi Station yet again.
171 March of the Kaiju Nenji Ogata Sector 4/1985: Burning City Nenji Ogata and Tomi Kisaragi exit the station, finding that the kaiju invasion has already began and that they're unable to escape.
172 Only One Way Out Nenji Ogata Sector 4/1985: ??? After coming to, Nenji Ogata finds himself back inside the machine. The mysterious voice promises to save Ogata and Tomi Kisaragi if Ogata is able to find the key.
173 Lady of the League Nenji Ogata Sector 4/1985: Tsutsuji-Bound Express Nenji Ogata gets on the train in pursuit of Iori Fuyusaka. Fuyusaka's appearance changes over and over in front of Ogata. Once she turns into Chihiro Morimura, she tells Ogata that he used to be the holder of the key, then shoots him.
174 The Key's Whereabouts Nenji Ogata Sector 4/1985: ??? Nenji Ogata talks to the mysterious voice inside the machine again. Once the voice understands that Ogata is searching for the key at a train platform, it turns back time on him again.
175 D-Command Nenji Ogata Sector 4/1985: Tsutsuji-Bound Local Train Nenji Ogata gets on the train in pursuit of Ryoko Shinonome. Inside the train, he finds Shinonome and Ei Sekigahara lying on the ground. A mysterious man appears before him and tells him that 15 boys and girls are commanding the Deimos.
176 Identity Revealed Nenji Ogata Sector 4/1985: ??? When Nenji Ogata talks to the mysterious voice again, the static on the screen clears for a moment, revealing the identity of the voice to be Tsukasa Okino.
177 I'm Onto You Nenji Ogata Sector 4/1985: ??? After Nenji Ogata chases Tsukasa Okino onto a train, he finds himself back in the machine. With the static on the screen gone, he can clearly see Okino. He also sees Takatoshi Hijiyama next to him, the one he fought at the riverbed.
178 Captive Nenji Ogata Sector 4/1985: Abandoned Factory 2F As Nenji Ogata comes to, he finds himself in an abandoned factory in Higoromo-cho. Held captive by Tsukasa Okino and Takatoshi Hijiyama, Ogata is told that the events at the station were all inside his head. In order for him to find the key, he's sent back to that world once again.
179 Holder of the Key Nenji Ogata Sector 4/1985: Tsutsuji-Bound Semi-Express After chasing Juro Kurabe onto the train, Nenji Ogata learns that Natsuno Minami is the one who holds the key. However, the man protecting her warns Ogata that Minami's safety may be jeopardized if Tsukasa Okino finds out she has the key.
180 Conflicted Nenji Ogata Sector 4/1985: ??? Nenji Ogata wakes up in the machine again and speaks to Tsukasa Okino. Fearing for Natsuno Minami's safety, Ogata doesn't tell Okino the key's whereabouts.
181 Why Did You...? Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Abandoned Factory Alley Taking a breather, Takatoshi Hijiyama and Tsukasa Okino exit the abandoned factory. After Okino leaves to go to a convenience store, Hijiyama reunites with the Yakisoba Pan Angel who gave him yakisoba pan back at the riverbed. But when Hijiyama tries to stop her from entering the factory, instead of yakisoba pan, she pulls out a gun and shoots him.
182 Sentinel No. 10 Nenji Ogata Sector 4/1985: ??? Juro Kurabe gives Nenji Ogata a message he received from Juro Izumi, and Ogata gets on a train to find Megumi Yakushiji. He wakes up in the machine again, but this time, Tsukasa Okino doesn't appear on the screen. Instead, it's Yakushiji, who says she'll cast a spell on Ogata because of his willingness to fight, releasing him from Okino's restrictions.
183 Escape from the Factory Nenji Ogata Sector 4/1985: Abandoned Factory Alley With the help of Megumi Yakushiji, Nenji Ogata escapes the abandoned factory in Higoromo-cho. In the alley, he finds Takatoshi Hijiyama, who's unable to move.
184 Slowly and Carefully Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Abandoned Factory 2F Takatoshi Hijiyama wakes up in the factory in Higoromo-cho, only to find himself bound by Tsukasa Okino, who's examining his brain. Hijiyama resists, amusing Okino and causing him to peer even deeper into his mind.
185 Pan-Induced Memory Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building When Takatoshi Hijiyama arrives at the old school building hallway and eats the yakisoba pan he bought at the cafeteria earlier, he remembers his encounter with the Yakisoba Pan Angel from the other day.
186 Live to Protect Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building In the old school building hallway, Takatoshi Hijiyama happens upon Ei Sekigahara and a Sentinel scout unit. When Hijiyama activates the scout unit, it projects what appears to be a conversation log between Takatoshi Hijiyama and Tsukasa Okino of the future.
187 Please, Help Me Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Abandoned Factory 2F Takatoshi Hijiyama returns to the hideout in Higoromo-cho and confirms that Tsukasa Okino is safe, but Ei Sekigahara has tailed him there. Sekigahara has been looking for Okino, saying he needs him as he clutches his head in pain.
188 Preserving Memories Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Abandoned Factory 2F With the pills starting to become ineffective, Ei Sekigahara asks Tsukasa Okino to back up his own memories. Okino then begins mapping Sekigahara's brain.
189 Sons of the Motherland Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building At the old school building, Takatoshi Hijiyama reminisces about his pilot training days. By chance, he reunites with Keitaro Miura, who also happened to be at Sakura High School.
190 Destroyers of Worlds Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Tokisaka Shrine To confirm what Keitaro Miura said is true, Takatoshi Hijiyama shifts to 1945 with Tsukasa Okino. There, he sees remains of the Deimos spread across the desolate land, and he realizes 1945 and 1985 aren't connected by causality.
191 I Saw That! Tomi Kisaragi Sector 4/1985: Tokisaka Shrine Tomi Kisaragi goes to Tokisaka Shrine to find a way to shift back to 2025. With seemingly perfect timing, Takatoshi Hijiyama and Tsukasa Okino shift to Kisaragi's location. She calls out to Okino, who's capable of helping her get back to 2025.
192 Love in the Fast Lane Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Keyaki-cho Shopping District Iori Fuyusaka, Tomi Kisaragi, and Miwako Sawatari walk through the shopping district together. Ei Sekigahara shows up on a motorcycle and persuades Fuyusaka to go with him.
193 Dreams of Another Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Tsuwabuki Bypass Motorway Iori Fuyusaka tells Ei Sekigahara about the dreams she keeps having. Sekigahara tells her that they aren't dreams, but in fact Chihiro Morimura's memories.
194 Illusion Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Ayame Park Iori Fuyusaka and Ei Sekigahara meet Chihiro Morimura at Ayame Park. There they learn that Morimura is an illusion created by Universal Control.
195 Even So, I'll Do It Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Kurabe House Megumi Yakushiji returns to the Kurabe House, where Fluffy asks how she felt about shooting Renya Gouto. She then remembers the events of that day.
196 The Girl Who Talks to Cats Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Front Gate Megumi Yakushiji talks to Fluffy at the front gate. She's told to head to the old school building passageway after class.
197 Jealousy Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, New Building Megumi Yakushiji witnesses Juro Kurabe and Iori Fuyusaka having a pleasant conversation in the hallway, filling her with jealousy.
198 Short-Haired Boy—Witch! Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building At the old school building passageway, Fluffy tells Megumi Yakushiji that her next target is a boy with short hair. According to Fluffy, the boy also has a real gun.
199 Mission Failed Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Megumi Yakushiji finds the boy with short hair, though he manages to sneak up behind her. Unable to shoot him, Yakushiji realizes the target is a boy she's met before.
200 Juro Izumi (Event Archive) Juro Kurabe Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Stairs Juro Kurabe witnesses Megumi Yakushiji and Renya Gouto having a private conversation. He hears the name "Izumi" and recognizes it from the medication record in the nurse's office.
201 Terrible Dream Juro Kurabe Sector 4/1985: Amiguchi's Room Juro Kurabe and Kyuta Shiba come to hang out at Shu Amiguchi's place. As Kurabe's leaving, he tells Amiguchi about the terrible dream he had recently.
202 Our Video Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: Amiguchi's Room Shu Amiguchi invites Juro Kurabe over to hang out at his place. Before heading out, Kurabe borrows a video tape from him.
203 What I Can't Tell Miura Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Kurabe House After Keitaro Miura finishes eating, Megumi Yakushiji talks about the scar on his head. She then remembers the day she shot Miura with the Magical Gun.
204 Inaba's Goal Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: Amiguchi's Room Miyuki Inaba says she's showing Shu Amiguchi Tetsuya Ida's past so she can see into Ida's mind. She then tells Amiguchi that he and the others are in the middle of Project Ark, an endeavor meant to save humanity.
205 Across the World in 30 km Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: Amiguchi's Room Miyuki Inaba tells Shu Amiguchi that this world is actually an isolated enclosure only 30 km in diameter. Inaba unlocks a portion of the Tsuwabuki Bypass so that Amiguchi could see the outer walls himself.
206 How About a Date? Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Cafeteria Shu Amiguchi asks out Yuki Takamiya on a date at the cafeteria. They get on Amiguchi's motorcycle and head to Takamiya's maternal grandmother's place in the neighboring Hamanashi prefecture.
207 At the Outer Walls Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: Tsuwabuki Bypass Motorway Shu Amiguchi and Yuki Takamiya travel through the Tsuwabuki Bypass motorway and arrive at the outer walls. Amiguchi, now seeing the walls with his own eyes, begins to question if every memory he's had outside the city was a lie.
208 Surveillance Footage Ryoko Shinonome Sector 1/2105: Shikishima Tech Lab #6 While she investigates the data at the underground facility, Ryoko Shinonome discovers that some of the data has been erased. To find out who erased the logs, she checks the facility's surveillance footage.
209 Megumi and Shu's Promise Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Front Gate Megumi Yakushiji and Shu Amiguchi meet at the front gate, and they make a promise to meet each other on the roof after school.
210 To the Roof Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, New Building Megumi Yakushiji heads toward the roof to shoot Shu Amiguchi, a witch, with her Magical Gun.
211 Sentinel No. 20: Activate Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Rooftop Shu Amiguchi is shot by Megumi Yakushiji on the roof. Moments later, Sentinel No. 20 is suddenly activated.
212 Shu Amiguchi—Witch! Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Rooftop When Megumi Yakushiji shoots Shu Amiguchi, a Sentinel suddenly activates. Juro Kurabe witnesses the whole event, and Fluffy ends up having to manipulate his memories.
213 4th-Gen Sighted Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: Aoi Ward, Gogyo Street On the rooftop of a building, men in black suits and a suspicious man with glasses see Sentinel No. 20. The man then immediately orders the black suits to contact all agencies as well as the U.S. military.
214 World Beyond the Walls Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: ??? Shu Amiguchi, now in Sentinel No. 20, ends up outside of the outer walls. After communicating with Miyuki Inaba, he and his Sentinel begin to fall, and he returns to the residential district once again.
215 Threat Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: Ayame Park Sentinel No. 20 falls near Ayame Park. Shu Amiguchi gets out of the Sentinel, and Yuki Takamiya happens to be nearby. As they talk, a suspicious man approaches them, saying he's with a government agency, and presses Amiguchi to cooperate.
216 It's Not Magic Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Kurabe House Megumi Yakushiji finds out that Fluffy really can manipulate memories. Then, as she's told the truth about witches and magic, Yakushiji is ordered to shoot Tomi Kisaragi next, and she remembers the day she agreed to Fluffy's contract.
217 I'm a Liar Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Front Gate Megumi Yakushiji meets Tomi Kisaragi at the front gate and tells her she's currently living with Juro Kurabe. Yakushiji, who's been ordered to shoot Kisaragi, feels she doesn't deserve to call Kisaragi her best friend, especially after Kisaragi lent her an ear.
218 First to Suggest Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, New Building Megumi Yakushiji happens upon Tomi Kisaragi, who's lost at rock, paper, scissors, and has to buy bread for Iori Fuyusaka and Miwako Sawatari. Yakushiji chases Kisaragi toward the cafeteria so she can shoot her with the Magical Gun.
219 Tomi Kisaragi—Witch! Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Cafeteria Megumi Yakushiji shoots Tomi Kisaragi with the Magical Gun in the crowded cafeteria and leaves. However, Nenji Ogata is there and grows suspicious.
220 Ogata in Waiting Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Front Gate Nenji Ogata waits for Megumi Yakushiji at the front gate, and Yakushiji runs away from him and heads home. At that moment, Ogata remembers that he was saved by Yakushiji.
221 An Ugly Flame Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Kurabe House Megumi Yakushiji comes home from school and finds out that Juro Kurabe had a dream about Iori Fuyusaka. Fluffy then appears and tells her to shoot the very same Fuyusaka next.
222 Fluffy's Joke? Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Front Gate Megumi Yakushiji spots Fluffy near the front gate, but for some reason, he runs off. Right after that, she notices Fluffy on top of the fence of the front gate where he just ran off.
223 Luring Fuyusaka Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, New Building Megumi Yakushiji finds Iori Fuyusaka and Miwako Sawatari chatting in the hallway. She takes Fuyusaka along with her to the girls' bathroom.
224 Iori Fuyusaka—Witch! Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Girls' Bathroom Megumi Yakushiji shoots Iori Fuyusaka with the Magical Gun in the girls' bathroom. Miwako Sawatari also reveals she didn't see Fluffy on the fence that morning.
225 I Don't Know a Shiba Juro Kurabe Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, New Building Juro Kurabe learns from Tomi Kisaragi and Miwako Sawatari that his classmate, Kyuta Shiba, has never existed. Kurabe then realizes he can't recall any specific memories he's had with Shiba.
226 Kurabe's Talking to Himself Tomi Kisaragi Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, New Building Tomi Kisaragi witnesses Juro Kurabe muttering to himself in the classroom after school. Kisaragi leaves a little before Miwako Sawatari to handle some business.
227 SOS Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: Amiguchi's Room Miyuki Inaba contacts Shu Amiguchi and tells him Tetsuya Ida is going to erase her. She asks Amiguchi to save her, and as he's leaving, he encounters Ryoko Shinonome.
228 Return to the Outer Walls Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: Tsuwabuki Bypass Motorway Shu Amiguchi and Ryoko Shinonome travel through the Tsuwabuki Bypass motorway and arrive at the outer walls. They get into Sentinel No. 20 and shift to Sector 3.
229 Sector 3 Terminal Shu Amiguchi Sector 3/2025: Sakura High Chasm In Sentinel No. 20, Shu Amiguchi and Ryoko Shinonome slowly descend from Sakura High School to the underground terminal.
230 Ida vs Amiguchi Shu Amiguchi Sector 3/2025: Mainframe Shu Amiguchi confronts Tetsuya Ida, who's taken Yuki Takamiya hostage. Ida then commands Miyuki Inaba's functions to be shut down. Ryoko Shinonome manipulates the equipment to shift herself, Ida, and Takamiya to Sector 4, leaving Amiguchi and the black suits behind. As Amiguchi and the black suits try to find a way out of the mainframe, Natsuno Minami appears.
231 Goodbye, Mr. Ida Ryoko Shinonome Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Science Room Along with Tetsuya Ida and Yuki Takamiya, Ryoko Shinonome shifts back to Sakura High School's science room. Pointing the phaser at Ida, the same one she took from him, Shinonome bids him farewell.
232 Partners in Time Tomi Kisaragi Sector 4/1985: Tokisaka Shrine Tomi Kisaragi meets up with Tsukasa Okino, who's been waiting for her at Tokisaka Shrine. Kisaragi goes to the shifter, and Okino executes the shift.
233 Terraforming Tomi Kisaragi Sector 3/2025: Mainframe Tomi Kisaragi and Tsukasa Okino shift to the mainframe to find Shu Amiguchi and Natsuno Minami there as well. After seeing the log of Tomi Kisaragi from 2188, they reestablish communications with Miyuki Inaba and hear how she plans to change Universal Control.
234 Just Like Mr. Ida Ryoko Shinonome Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Nurse's Office When Ryoko Shinonome wakes up on the bed in the nurse's office, Shu Amiguchi is there beside her. Once he sees that she's all right, he leaves the nurse's office.
235 A Record and an Ampoule Ryoko Shinonome Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Nurse's Office Ryoko Shinonome finds Iori Fuyusaka in the nurse's office. Shinonome remembers the day she discovered a used ampoule under Fuyusaka's pillows and the medication record of both herself and Fuyusaka on Ms. Morimura's desk.
236 Déjà Vu Juro Kurabe Sector 4/1985: Keyaki-cho Shopping District Keitaro Miura questions Juro Kurabe at the shopping district, telling Kurabe that they're the only ones there. Miura says there is no Kyuta Shiba, causing Kurabe to remember a similar conversation from before.
237 48Q Juro Kurabe Sector 4/1985: Keyaki-cho Shopping District Juro Kurabe discovers that nobody else can see Kyuta Shiba. Shiba reveals his true identity to him and tries to give him a new video.
238 Unlocked Memories Ryoko Shinonome Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Cafeteria At the cafeteria, Yuki Takamiya tells Ryoko Shinonome about how Shinonome attacked Tetsuya Ida. She then remembers the surveillance footage she saw in the underground facility.
239 Visitor from Outer Space Juro Kurabe Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Nurse's Office Juro Kurabe is on the run from Kyuta Shiba, who's trying to manipulate his memories. At the nurse's office, Kurabe talks to Ryoko Shinonome about the dreams he's been having.
240 Who Are You? Juro Kurabe Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Nurse's Office After Juro Kurabe tells Ryoko Shinonome about his dreams, she points out that those memories belong to a different Juro—Juro Izumi. Her demeanor changes, and she becomes wary of Kurabe.
241 It Was You Ryoko Shinonome Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Science Room After being pursued into the science room by Ms. Morimura and Renya Gouto, Ryoko Shinonome remembers the day she put DD-426 into Sekigahara's Sentinel.
242 The Truth of the Matter Ryoko Shinonome Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Science Room In order to get Ryoko Shinonome to remember the password for removing the Sentinel's infection, Ms. Morimura and Renya Gouto reveal to her that they've been letting her roam free for that very purpose.
243 Shattered Memories Ryoko Shinonome Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Nurse's Office Ryoko Shinonome awakens in the nurse's office, Ei Sekigahara at her side. Ms. Morimura states that the nanomachines linked to Shinonome's memory have separated, causing her to forget everything but the ability to control Sentinels and gates. With no way left to remove the infection, Morimura gives up on the Sentinels.
244 Secrets Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Break Area Curious about what Tsukasa Okino and the female student were talking about in the break area, Takatoshi Hijiyama decides to lie in wait for them and find out.
245 The Tamao Android (Event Archive) Juro Kurabe Sector 4/1985: Tokisaka Shrine Juro Kurabe and Nenji Ogata meet Takatoshi Hijiyama in front of Tokisaka Shrine. Kurabe thinks he remembers some events that transpired there and looks inside the nearby trash, where he discovers an android that looks like Tamao Kurabe.
246 Pursuers Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Tokisaka Shrine While Takatoshi Hijiyama waits for Tsukasa Okino, Nenji Ogata and Juro Kurabe arrive. Hijiyama and Ogata both wait together for Okino.
247 The Mystery Deepens Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 3/2025: Mainframe Tsukasa Okino takes Takatoshi Hijiyama to the UFO, where Hijiyama learns that the 30 km-long UFO is buried 300 m beneath Ashitaba City. He also discovers the reason why the Deimos attacked 1945 before 1985, as well as all the current information on the innerlocitors and the D-Code.
248 Is It Working? Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Kurabe House Juro Kurabe asks Megumi Yakushiji if he's actually Juro Izumi. But when Yakushiji avoids answering him, Kurabe gets irritated and runs off. She then remembers the agreement she made with Tamao Kurabe.
249 Passing By Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Front Gate Megumi Yakushiji meets Fluffy at the front gate, but he immediately runs off. Afterward, she comes across Juro Kurabe, but they pass by each other.
250 Juro Runs Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, New Building Megumi Yakushiji is talking to Ms. Morimura in the hallway, when Juro Kurabe approaches and starts talking to Ms. Morimura. After saying something cryptic to her, he suddenly runs off.
251 Juro's in Danger! Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Stairs Fluffy tells Megumi Yakushiji that Juro Kurabe is being taken to the abandoned factory in Higoromo-cho. He then says Kurabe's "getting too far" and disappears.
252 Survival Plan Juro Kurabe Sector 4/1985: Abandoned Factory 2F Tsukasa Okino and Takatoshi Hijiyama are holding Juro Kurabe captive at the abandoned factory in Higoromo-cho. The Juro Izumi within Kurabe, also known as 426, reveals the purpose of his actions.
253 Days Long Gone Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Abandoned Factory Alley Megumi Yakushiji rescues Juro Kurabe from the abandoned factory in Higoromo-cho. However, she finds that the memories within Kurabe don't belong to the original Juro Izumi. They're the memories of someone else.
254 Sentinel Transfer Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building In the old school building, Ei Sekigahara registers Iori Fuyusaka to Sentinel No. 15. After explaining the activation switch, Sekigahara parts ways with Fuyusaka.
255 A Crime Etched in History Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Back Alley Ei Sekigahara, who's losing his memories, asks Chihiro Morimura why she wishes to go through with Operation Aegis, as well as why she deleted the logs from 2188.
256 One of Me is Enough Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Back Alley As Ei Sekigahara is assaulted by the intense pain from his memory loss, a young girl appears before Chihiro Morimura, who meets her end at the hands of the girl.
257 A New Awakening Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Back Alley As the rain hammers down, Ei Sekigahara wakes up in an alley. He's in possession of an odd gun, and beside him lies a dead woman. However, his own memories are lost, and he can't remember what happened. He decides to leave the area for now.
258 Unreliable Shikishima Renya Gouto Sector 4/1985: Aoi Ward, Gogyo Street Renya Gouto exits the 9th building of Shikishima Industries. With Ms. Morimura dead, he can no longer rely on Shikishima. Gouto gets in a taxi and heads over to Ayame Park.
259 Memory Discrepancies Renya Gouto Sector 4/1985: Ayame Park Renya Gouto and Chihiro discuss who killed Ms. Morimura. As Gouto realizes there are discrepancies between Ms. Morimura and Chihiro's memories, he theorizes that Chihiro's memories belong to Professor Chihiro Morimura from 2188.
260 Compatibility and Clones Renya Gouto Sector 4/1985: Ayame Park As Renya Gouto speaks about how Chihiro's memories belong to Professor Chihiro Morimura from 2188, he continues to theorize that he and others are clones of the people from 2188.
261 Proof of Qualification Renya Gouto Sector 4/1985: Ayame Park Renya Gouto deduces Chihiro's motives and concludes that the person who killed Ms. Morimura was Professor Chihiro Morimura, which is who Chihiro really is.
262 Arriving at the Truth Renya Gouto Sector 4/1985: Ayame Park Renya Gouto tells Chihiro that what made him realize she was Professor Chihiro Morimura were the words "design engineer", which she used to describe Keitaro Miura. Then, in order to win the final battle, he proposes a bet to Chihiro.
263 Ei Sekigahara (Event Archive) Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Building Rooftop Chased by a man in a black suit, Ei Sekigahara makes his way to a building rooftop. With nowhere to run, he uses the phaser in his possession to stun his pursuer.
264 Message to Myself Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Kaede Riverbed After evading the black suits, Ei Sekigahara meets a mysterious girl. He examines the package she left for him, which activates and projects a log from a version of himself from before he lost his memories.
265 Counting on a Student ID Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Front Gate Ei Sekigahara meets Iori Fuyusaka at the front gate and returns her student ID. He doesn't want Fuyusaka to know he doesn't remember her, so he pretends that he still has his memories.
266 Fuyusaka's Campus Tour Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Schoolyard After making sure the black suits have left campus, Ei Sekigahara has Iori Fuyusaka lead him to the nurse's office after school. On the way, he runs into the mysterious girl he met earlier.
267 Hopeless Busybody Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Nurse's Office With Iori Fuyusaka's help, Ei Sekigahara is able to sneak into the nurse's office. Fuyusaka leaves to search for the key to the desk when a strange girl enters the nurse's office. Tomi Kisaragi also shows up, triggering a memory in Sekigahara after she says the words "hopeless busybody."
268 Shikishima SXR-NR Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Back Alley Returning to the scene of the crime once again, Ei Sekigahara presses the emblem on the key, which calls a motorcycle. He gets on, and on the way to his destination, he discovers that Iori Fuyusaka and Chihiro Morimura have the same biometric ID.
269 Lost Memories Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Abandoned Factory Alley When he arrives at the abandoned factory in Higoromo-cho, a girl with braids comes out and pushes Ei Sekigahara to recall his memories.
270 Message Service Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Front Gate Ei Sekigahara is told by Miwako Sawatari, a friend of Iori Fuyusaka, that the cryptic note was for a message service. Just then, he spots the boy who was receiving the nanomachine treatments as well as the strange girl who pointed a gun at him in the nurse's office. Suspicious that they're connected to the agency, he follows them.
271 The Little Mastermind Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Kurabe House Following the boy and girl into the Kurabe House, Ei Sekigahara tries to shoot the strange girl, but Juro Kurabe takes the shot instead. Afterward, a cat sitting on the TV, who appears to be the brains behind it all, talks to Sekigahara. Keitaro Miura hits him, and Sekigahara recalls a memory of Miura.
272 Strange Atmosphere Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 3/2025: Mainframe Takatoshi Hijiyama and Tsukasa Okino shift back to the UFO. However, things in the UFO seem off, and they're suddenly attacked by several androids. The two of them try to shift back, but with the controls moved Hijiyama is able to shift while Okino is left behind in the UFO.
273 Impatience Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Front Gate To save the abandoned Tsukasa Okino, Takatoshi Hijiyama approaches Sakura High School in search of someone capable of time travel.
274 Led by a Scout Unit Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Takatoshi Hijiyama meets a girl and a scout unit inside the old school building. The girl gives Hijiyama a phaser, and he heads back to the UFO with the scout unit to rescue Tsukasa Okino.
275 Okino's Death Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 3/2025: Mainframe Takatoshi Hijiyama takes down the androids that come at him one by one with the phaser. He runs over to where Tsukasa Okino is lying, and after entrusting Hijiyama with a letter, he vanishes.
276 Goodbye, BJ Natsuno Minami Sector 4/1985: Kaede River, Sumire Bridge Natsuno Minami comes to Sumire Bridge and, at BJ's request, becomes the pilot of Sentinel No. 17. She transmits the Sentinel and asks BJ if the log data was successfully saved, but he doesn't respond.
277 It's Her Again Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Athletics Seeking Natsuno Minami, Ei Sekigahara heads to the athletics building. There, he finds the mysterious girl who left him the message at the riverbed.
278 Girl on the Run Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Ei Sekigahara pursues the mysterious girl who keeps running away from him. Almost as if being lured, he follows her into the old school building.
279 Records of the Truth Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Ei Sekigahara enters the old school building after Yuki Takamiya, the mysterious girl he's been chasing. He ends up finding the girl he was searching for in the first place, Natsuno Minami. The data unit with her shows Sekigahara a log between himself and the other Miura, as well as a log between himself and Renya Gouto from 2188.
280 To the SIU Building Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Aoi Ward, Gogyo Street Led by Yuki Takamiya, Ei Sekigahara makes his way into the Special Investigation Unit's headquarters.
281 Piercing Ambition Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: SIU Director's Room Ei Sekigahara arrives at the SIU office to find a rather unusual-looking Tetsuya Ida. Ida, who's been waiting for Sekigahara, has taken Iori Fuyusaka hostage.
282 Criminal from the Future Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Ayame Park Megumi Yakushiji meets a mysterious girl and Renya Gouto at Ayame Park, where she's told of a criminal from the future. Believing she was tricked by Fluffy, she runs back to the Kurabe House.
283 The Final Witch Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Kurabe House Megumi Yakushiji questions Fluffy at the Kurabe House. However, upon hearing that she's the final witch, Yakushiji turns the gun on herself and pulls the trigger.
284 Fluffy and I Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Kurabe House Fluffy confesses his true feelings to the unconscious Megumi Yakushiji and takes his leave.
285 Spark of Determination Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Front Gate Megumi Yakushiji finds a cat that looks like Fluffy sitting on top of the front gate. As she thinks of Fluffy, she makes up her mind and decides to fight.
286 Invincible Schoolgirl Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Aoi Ward, Gogyo Street As the people around her flee, Iori Fuyusaka makes her way to the pedestrian bridge. She starts to believe in herself just like Ei Sekigahara said she should, and she activates Sentinel No. 15, which was given to her by Sekigahara.
287 The Beginning Juro Kurabe Sector 4/1985: Aoi Ward, Gogyo Street The final battle begins. Juro Kurabe witnesses Iori Fuyusaka enter Sentinel No. 15.
288 Juro Kurabe (Event Archive) Juro Kurabe Sector 4/1985: Aoi Ward, Gogyo Street Juro Kurabe and Kyuta Shiba are on the pedestrian bridge as the final battle begins. With the memories entrusted to him by Shiba, Kurabe activates Sentinel No. 13.
289 Brothers in Arms Keitaro Miura Sector 4/1985: Kaede Riverbed Keitaro Miura and Takatoshi Hijiyama head to the rooftop of the covered building to take back Sentinel No. 19.
290 To Protect All I Hold Dear Keitaro Miura Sector 4/1985: Building Rooftop With the help of Takatoshi Hijiyama, Keitaro Miura is finally able to recover Sentinel No. 19. To assist Natsuno Minami, he activates Sentinel No. 19.
291 Defend With My Life Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Kaede Riverbed Relying on Tsukasa Okino's letter to him, Takatoshi Hijiyama activates Sentinel No. 12, which lies in the ocean of Sector 5.
292 The Real World Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: ??? Tsukasa Okino opens up communications to Takatoshi Hijiyama, who's entered Sentinel No. 12. After being told the truth about the world by Okino, Hijiyama goes to protect his homeland and those he loves.
293 Vow of Victory Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Building Rooftop Megumi Yakushiji stands on a building rooftop as kaiju come raining down like meteors, one by one. To help Juro Kurabe and win this battle, Yakushiji activates Sentinel No. 23.
294 I Fight for Myself Ryoko Shinonome Sector 4/1985: Shikishima Sentinel Hangar Ryoko Shinonome sneaks into the empty Sentinel hangar and activates Sentinel No. 14, which was given to her by Mr. Ida.
295 The Last Piece Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Tsuwabuki Bypass Motorway Ei Sekigahara arrives near Iori Fuyusaka and sees that 12 Sentinels have already been deployed. He activates his new unit, Sentinel No. 11, and joins the fight.
296 Breaking Limits Nenji Ogata Sector 4/1985: Burning City As the final battle rages on, Keitaro Miura's Sentinel No. 19 takes heavy damage. To protect Tomi Kisaragi, Nenji Ogata activates Sentinel No. 10 and faces off against the kaiju, surpassing his operating limit.
297 Leave It to Me! Renya Gouto Sector 4/1985: Building Rooftop Renya Gouto and the others initiate Aegis, shutting down the terminal. Yuki Takamiya, who's taken refuge on a rooftop, assumes control of Sentinel No. 21.
298 The Man Called Gouto Renya Gouto Sector 4/1985: Burning City Renya Gouto reveals his feelings for Ms. Morimura to Chihiro. He then activates Sentinel No. 22 once again and returns to the battlefield.
299 Evacuating Together Renya Gouto Sector 4/1985: Burning City Miwako Sawatari runs over to Chihiro, who's standing all alone as the city burns around her. Tomi Kisaragi leads the two of them out of the area.
300 Usami on the Move! Renya Gouto Sector 4/1985: Kaede Riverbed Tomi Kisaragi and the others escape from the burning city, but kaiju have appeared on the opposite side of the terminal. Kisaragi activates Sentinel No. 16 to join up with Iori Fuyusaka.
301 A Shift of the Populace Renya Gouto Sector 4/1985: Mainframe Chihiro begins mass shifting 1.2 million civilians from Sector 4 to Sector 3.
302 Survivors in a Ruined City Renya Gouto Sector 3/2025: Ruined City Miwako Sawatari is shifted to the ruined city of Sector 3, among numerous other civilians.
303 Mother and Son Renya Gouto Sector 4/1985: Mainframe As Chihiro finishes shifting the civilians, Takatoshi Hijiyama brings a request from Tsukasa Okino.
304 Sentimental Renya Gouto Sector 4/1985: Mainframe In the Sector 4 mainframe, Chihiro fulfills Tsukasa Okino's request to complete analysis of the Meta-Skills.
305 The Last Hope Renya Gouto Sector 4/1985: Mainframe Renya Gouto pleads Chihiro to establish a connection with Miyuki Inaba in the command ship. By programming three satellites to move into broadcasting position, she successfully opens the line of communication.
306 Planet RS13-Alpha N/A ??? After the final battle, the pilots awaken to the real world. Their long journey through a simulated reality has served to prepare them for a new life on a second Earth, somewhere in the direction of Virgo. Miyuki Inaba praises the miracle of their survival and bids them farewell.
307 Project Ark (Event Archive) N/A Satellite Orbit A log from Chihiro Morimura and Tamao Kurabe in 2188. With the unlikely success of Project Ark, humanity will have a chance to pick up the thread of history.
308 Dawn N/A Outside the Pod Juro Kurabe and Megumi Yakushiji, awakening from their pods, take their first steps into a new world to continue the legacy of humankind.
309 Your Biggest Fan N/A Sector 4/1985: Mainframe Tetsuya Ida restores connection to Sector 4 and speaks with Miyuki Inaba via transmission. As her ship nears the end of communication range, he requests that she sing for him once more.
310 The Researchers N/A Sector 4/1985: Ayame Park Renya Gouto and Ryoko Shinonome talk with Chihiro in Ayame Park. The two consult her about their research on using pods to recreate AI civilians as true humans, giving everyone a chance at life on the second Earth.
311 Five-Year Reunion N/A Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, New Building Iori Fuyusaka and Tomi Kisaragi return to Sakura High School, reuniting with Miwako Sawatari after five years. Before long, Juro Kurabe and Megumi Yakushiji reunite with a certain familiar face as well.
312 Respective Futures N/A Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Front Gate Takemi Wajima, same as ever, waits for Nenji Ogata in front of Sakura High. Ogata, to whom a lot of time has passed, is moved by his loyalty. At the front gate, Keitaro Miura and Natsuno Minami celebrate the return of BJ as Yuki Takamiya and Shu Amiguchi arrive. The two now have a child, Konatsu, despite their bickering.
313 Overcoming Obstacles N/A Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Takatoshi Hijiyama, Tamao Kurabe, and Tsukasa Okino visit the old school building at Sakura High. After a few words, Okino convinces Hijiyama to go out and spend some quality time together. Tamao Kurabe meets her other self for the first time, and the two chat about the success of the interstellar development program.
314 Certainty N/A Sector 4/1985: Empty Classroom After slipping past each other for so long, the two finally reunite and reestablish their love.
315 Infinite Possibilities N/A Sector 4/1985: Aoi Ward, Gogyo Street Fueled by humanity's boundless drive for survival, the probes repeat the cycle of self-replication, creating infinite possibilities across the vast expanse of space.