I'm Onto You

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Two screens appear over a green background dotted with stars. The first screen is of Nenji Ogata in what appears to be his cockpit. The second is of Tsukasa Okino wearing his gakuran.
Nenji Ogata: Okino, you asshole...
Tsukasa Okino: What's going on here?
Tsukasa Okino: Can he see me?
Nenji Ogata: I'm onto you, bastard.
Nenji Ogata: Get me outta this capsule thing!
Tsukasa Okino: ...Capsule?
Another screen appears, this time with Takatoshi Hijiyama in his uniform.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: Did he figure it out? What's our next move?
Nenji Ogata: Wait, you're that...
Nenji Ogata: ...
Nenji Ogata: Now I remember!
Nenji Ogata: Hijiyama!
Nenji Ogata: You came outta nowhere with that suckerpunch!
Takatoshi Hijiyama: I gave you plenty warning.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: Don't act like I pulled some lowdown trick.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: It's not my fault if you can't take a punch.
Nenji Ogata: You... son of a...
All the screens close, and the screen fades out.