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Higoromo-cho Abandoned Factory 2F
Nenji Ogata wakes up, tied to a chair with headgear on. Takatoshi Hijiyama stands nearby, and walks past him, talking to Tsukasa Okino.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: Well, he's awake.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: What do we do now?
Tsukasa Okino: Don't worry about it.
Tsukasa Okino: We're not done yet.
Okino opens the terminal behind him.
Nenji Ogata: Where am I?
Nenji Ogata: What's goin' on here?
Tsukasa Okino: You don't have to know. You're going right back in.
Nenji Ogata: What are you doing to me?
Tsukasa Okino: You're just full of surprises...
Tsukasa Okino: How did you break out?
Nenji Ogata: This place...
Nenji Ogata: What is it, some kinda factory?
Nenji Ogata: What time is it...?
Tsukasa Okino: ...
Nenji Ogata: Hey.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: Keep quiet.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: Unless you want another beating.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: If you help us, this will be over soon.
Tsukasa Okino: The Attack
Nenji Ogata: Okino...
Nenji Ogata: You said you'd help us, right...?
Nenji Ogata: Then you gotta do somethin' before the attack hits!
Nenji Ogata: Can't you save any of the others?
Takatoshi Hijiyama: An attack...? Wait, you mean...
Takatoshi Hijiyama: Those things are the true foes of the Sentinels?
Tsukasa Okino: Exactly.
Tsukasa Okino: What I need to find is the reason for the attack.
Tsukasa Okino: So now we're here.
Tsukasa Okino: Trying to find the key that controls the D-forces.
Nenji Ogata: And these D-forces... That means the kaiju, right?
Nenji Ogata: This key's gonna let you control them?
Tsukasa Okino: D-Command
Nenji Ogata: One person's commanding these kaiju to come here, right?
Nenji Ogata: One outta these fifteen people?
Tsukasa Okino: So you knew...
Tsukasa Okino: Yes. Fifteen children's lives were manipulated...
Tsukasa Okino: that they would destroy the world.
Tsukasa Okino: They broadcast command signals from their body. Even if they don't want to, or don't even know.
Tsukasa Okino: Those signals create the kaiju, and then beckon them here.
Nenji Ogata: Like the old guy was sayin'...
Nenji Ogata: So... are there lots of keys?
Tsukasa Okino: No, just one.
Tsukasa Okino: Out of all fifteen...
Tsukasa Okino: Only one has the key that controls them.
Nenji Ogata: So you need a key to command them...
Nenji Ogata: Wait... Didn't she say somethin' about that?
Nenji Ogata: The first person who had this key...
Tsukasa Okino: League of Darkness
Nenji Ogata: That League of Darkness lady said somethin' about this...
Nenji Ogata: She said I was the one who had the key first.
Nenji Ogata: But I dunno anything about that. I don't remember anything, anyway...
Tsukasa Okino: Of course you don't.
Tsukasa Okino: The Control Key is a code for a program.
Tsukasa Okino: You're one of those fifteen people.
Tsukasa Okino: Up until 2 months ago, the commands were coming from you.
Nenji Ogata: Seriously...? It was me?
Takatoshi Hijiyama: It used to be. Now, though...
Takatoshi Hijiyama: Well, from what I hear, that had already changed by the time we caught you.
Tsukasa Okino: Now, another person's got the key.
Tsukasa Okino: And they're the one sending out the signal to start an apocalypse.
Nenji Ogata: So all the kaiju attacks... That's my fault...?
Tsukasa Okino: Remember, they haven't gotten here yet.
Tsukasa Okino: But...
Tsukasa Okino: Whatever you saw in there is going to come true soon enough.
Tsukasa Okino: Key
Nenji Ogata: Okay, so... this key's actually a program...
Nenji Ogata: How do you even look for somethin' like that?
Tsukasa Okino: Well, to you, it'll look like a standard metal key.
Tsukasa Okino: At least, within that station...
Nenji Ogata: What do you mean?
Tsukasa Okino: I need to see who got the Control Key after you.
Tsukasa Okino: The idea was to just pull the data out of you...
Tsukasa Okino: But whatever happened is really bound up in your personal memories.
Tsukasa Okino: Which means you're the only one who can dig that information out.
Tsukasa Okino: That's why you're in the chair, and I'm on the tech side.
Tsukasa Okino: I'm making it so you can find that key for me.
Nenji Ogata: Hold on a sec.
Nenji Ogata: You're tellin' me that whole station's...?
Takatoshi Hijiyama: You've been in this chair this whole time.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: That station...
Takatoshi Hijiyama: an illusion created from your memories.
Nenji Ogata: You gotta be kidding...
Tsukasa Okino: ...I see now.
Tsukasa Okino: That's how you broke out of the simulation...
Tsukasa Okino: Even I'm there at the station...
Tsukasa Okino: You piggybacked on my access ID...
Tsukasa Okino: I guess that'd get you clear of control.
Tsukasa Okino: Well, I can fix that right now.
Tsukasa Okino: Okay... Now we're all on the same page.
Tsukasa Okino: So. Let's jump back in.
Nenji Ogata: H-Hey, hold on!
Tsukasa Okino: Don't squirm.
Tsukasa Okino: Trust me, you don't want that tech coming off by force.
Tsukasa Okino: You might never wake up.
Nenji Ogata: ...
Tsukasa Okino: Find the key.
Hijiyama passes back in front of Ogata, standing next to him.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: My apologies for hitting you.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: But you need to take this seriously.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: If you want to be free, help us. That's your only option.
The screen fades out.