2nd Generation Sentinels

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General Description


Second Generation Sentinels are metal titans used during the battles of 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. With access to strong melee and ranged weaponry, second generation sentinels are effective in almost every situation. However, second generation's most notable armaments are the supporting sentry gun and guardian, which serve as a stationary attacker and kaiju decoy respectively.

Sentinel No. 13

Juro Kurabe

Heavy Knuckles, Arms-Mounted Machine Cannons, Multi Rocket Launchers, Sentry Gun, Guardian, Jammer Rocket Launchers, Anti-Ground Piercing Rocket Launchers, Guardian Avenger, Plasma Arc Fusion Cutter

Pilot Skills
-Level 5: I'll Protect You All- The more members on the strike team, the higher all stats increase.
-Level 10: Movie Addiction- WT recovery speed increases when deployed in consecutive battles.
-Level 15: Kaiju Nerd- The more Kaiju there are, the higher all stats increase.
-Level 20: Never Again- Attack increases when terminal defense rate is 40% or below.
-Level 25: Restored Memories- Increases all stats.
-Level 30: The Only Neat Thing to Do- WT recovery speed significantly increases for the strike team in the final battle.

Sentinel No. 14

Ryoko Shinonome

Arm-Mounted Machine Cannons, Sentry Gun, Shield Emmiter, Anti-Ground Piercing Rocket Launchers, Guardian Avenger, Hyper Condenser, Plasma Arc Fusion Cutter

Pilot Skills
-Level 5: I'll Be Fine Alone- Increases all stats when no allies are nearby.
-Level 10: Won't Lose Again- Attack increases when terminal defense rate is 40% or lower.
-Level 15: Not Dead Yet!- Defense increases as HP decreases.
-Level 20: Make Them Pay!- Attack, WT recovery, and move speed increases temporarily after taking a certain amount of damage.
-Level 25: Don't Underestimate Me- EP slightly recovers when attacked
-Level 30: Atonement- Whenever Shinonome's Sentinel is destroyed, recovers HP for allies

"You want me to go?"- Ryoko heading off to battle.

Ryoko is the pilot of Sentinel No. 14. She is a versatile character due in part of her 2nd Generation Sentinel. Her play style puts on emphasis on being alone, a bit further away from her teammates, defending a quadrant, taking damage to boost her stats and setting up a defensive perimeter with Sentry Guns. From defending lanes with quick uses of Heavy Knuckles, to eliminating swarms of kaiju with rockets, fending off powerful attacks with Shield Emitter and distracting the opponent with Guardians, Ryoko is a lone wolf who has the tools to look after herself, but is still able to help the team. Unlike Iori or Juro, she trades Jammer Rockets for a Hyper Condenser, an ability that enables her to deploy two Sentry Guns at the cost of the 50% more EP for the second turret.

Statistically, Ryoko is very average, with an HP pool lower than Juro but is stronger than Iori while being more or less equal in everything else. Where she shines however, is her above average Accuracy, enabling her to score more critical hits. This makes her more efficient for mobs and dismembering Hi-Quads, Terra Carriers, and RPFs.

Take heed. As a pilot of a 2nd Generation model, it's very easy for her to be overwhelmed in the front lines if not supported. Due to her slow travel speed, it's harder to escape once cornered. On foot, she has no means of transportation and can be easily hunted down by homing missiles. Long cool downs, further mired by high EP costs means she can't be operational for too long. Lastly, Plasma Arc Fusion Cutter has a short startup range even when fully upgraded. This makes chasing down HVTs very difficult.

Sentinel No. 15

Iori Fuyusaka

Arm-Mounted Machine Cannons, Multi Rocket Launchers, Sentry Gun, Heavy Knuckles, Guardian, Repair Emiiter, Shield Emitter, Jammer Rocket Launchers, Plasma Arc Fusion Cutter.

Pilot Skills
-Level 5: Gotta Stay Calm- Defense and WT recovery speed increases temporarily when kaiju appear.
-Level 10: To Protect Everyone- Increases the Defense of Guardians and Sentry Guns.
-Level 15: I Can Fight Too!- Increases armament power when used right after an ally attacks.
-Level 20: We'll Be Okay- After defending, HP slightly recovers for self and allies.
-Level 25: At His Side- If Sekigahara is in the Strike Team, increases all stats.
-Level 30: Lend Me Strength- WT recovery speed increases when summoning weaponry.