Tsukasa Okino

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This page is about the Tsukasa Okino who posed as Kiriko Douji. For other characters with the same name, please visit Tsukasa (disambiguation).

For the more spoiler-filled details about the character, go to File No. 027 of the Mystery Files.

Tsukasa Okino (沖野 司 Okino Tsukasa) is a character in 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim.


Child Prodigy

Tsukasa Okino is a high-school student that is well-known for his high IQ and ability to skillfully fumble people. Okino is also the one responsible for various technologies including some Sentinel generations and armaments. During the 2064 Battle, Okino was fighting with Juro Izumi, Ei Sekigahara, and Ryoko Shinonome in the Sentinels, but after the infection incident, he was transferred to 1944 and went into hiding. Fortunately, Okino's short, silver hair, petite build, and high-pitched voice allowed him to pass as a woman by the name of Kiriko Douji. In 1985, with the help of his newfound friend Takatoshi Hijiyama, he seeks to prevent the destruction of the world by any means necessary.


Work in Progress


Tsukasa Okino is seen with multiple appearances throughout the game.

He is first seen presenting as Kiriko Douji in the 1940s, where he is seen wearing the sailor uniform blouse commonly seen in Japanese girls' uniforms. It is navy blue, with a deeper blue used for the knotted ribbon hanging from the front. It is accompanied by navy blue pants that go down to the ankle, which have light vertical stripes. He has long silver hair in two braids that go halfway down his upper arms.

He is also seen wearing the Sakura High School girls' uniform in the 1980s. It is a sailor uniform with a wide collar, and a large violet ribbon in the front. It is accompanied by a pleated skirt. Okino wears a longer skirt than most of the girls do, with it going down to his knees. He still wears the same hairstyle, with long silver hair in two braids that go halfway down his upper arms.

Finally, he's also seen wearing the Sakura High School boys' uniform, with a gakuran. He has short silver hair, with a distinctive strand that curls outward.



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There are 38 Event Archive entries with Tsukasa Okino:

# Name Protagonist Setting Description
024 Innerlocitor Renya Gouto Sector 1/2104: Shikishima Tech Lab #6 As Renya Gouto started working with Chihiro Morimura and the others, they analyzed data from the mainframe and discovered something revelatory: news recordings from 2188, reporting on innerlocitors and memory tampering.
034 Sentinel Pilot Cadets Keitaro Miura Sector 5/1944: Sakura National Hallway Takatoshi Hijiyama and Keitaro Miura have been chosen to become pilot cadets for the new Japanese military weapon, the Sentinel. Tamao Kurabe and Kiriko Douji see the two off as they head out to their station.
035 Sentinel No. 19 Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 5/1944: Ayame Pass, Sentinel Factory Takatoshi Hijiyama takes Keitaro Miura to the armory and shows him Sentinel No. 19. As the two discuss, Kiriko Douji walks in and delivers instructions from the professor.
036 Simulated Personality Ei Sekigahara Sector 5/1944: Ayame Pass, Sentinel Factory Ei Sekigahara questions Tsukasa Okino about the effects of DD-426 he is experiencing. Okino, having transferred his memories into his nanomachines to create a simulated personality, seems to be beyond reach of its effects.
038 The Identity of Kiriko Douji Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 5/1944: Tokisaka Shrine Takatoshi Hijiyama had chased down Kiriko Douji to Tokisaka Shrine, as she was suspected of being a spy. Cornered, she then disappears in a flash of light. Hijiyama learns from a suspicious man who had sneaked into the factory that her real name is Tsukasa Okino, and that she is actually a man.
090 Mysterious Motives Natsuno Minami Sector 5/1945: Ayame Pass, Sentinel Factory Natsuno Minami and BJ arrive at the military factory at Ayame Pass. While they don't find Sentinel No. 17, they do find Sentinel No. 19, which had been piloted by one of BJ's friends.
091 Transcending Space and Time Natsuno Minami Sector 5/1945: Tokisaka Shrine With the gate lock changed by the mysterious boy, another boy wearing a cap finds Natsuno Minami and BJ, who are unable to return to their own time.
156 Hijiyama the Jacket Snatcher Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Kaede Riverbed Half a year after being shifted from 1944, Hijiyama strikes fear in the nearby delinquents, who now know him as the "Jacket Snatcher."
161 Won't You Help Me? Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Abandoned Factory Alley In Higoromo-cho, Takatoshi Hijiyama finally reunites with the one he was looking for, Tsukasa Okino. Okino promises Hijiyama that if he helps him see his work through to the end, he'll do whatever he wants.
163 Memories of Kiriko-san Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Takatoshi Hijiyama enters the old school building and remembers his first time meeting Kiriko Douji. Hijiyama grins to himself as he thinks of her, unaware that Tsukasa Okino is standing right in front of him.
165 A Love Rival!? Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building When Takatoshi Hijiyama returns to the old school building passageway, he finds Tsukasa Okino confessing his love to Nenji Ogata. Shocked, Hijiyama lets his emotions get the better of him, and he punches Ogata, knocking him out.
166 D-Code Broadcaster Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Takatoshi Hijiyama and Tsukasa Okino look through Nenji Ogata's brain. Unable to detect a D-Code command signal from him, they discover that the person sending out the signal has changed. As Okino examines further, however, he finds clues toward the current signal broadcaster within Ogata's brain.
169 Find the Key Nenji Ogata Sector 4/1985: ??? When he comes to, Nenji Ogata finds himself inside an unfamiliar machine. Confused, a voice suddenly calls out to him. The voice commands Ogata to find the "D-Code key," then forcibly turns back time on him.
172 Only One Way Out Nenji Ogata Sector 4/1985: ??? After coming to, Nenji Ogata finds himself back inside the machine. The mysterious voice promises to save Ogata and Tomi Kisaragi if Ogata is able to find the key.
174 The Key's Whereabouts Nenji Ogata Sector 4/1985: ??? Nenji Ogata talks to the mysterious voice inside the machine again. Once the voice understands that Ogata is searching for the key at a train platform, it turns back time on him again.
176 Identity Revealed Nenji Ogata Sector 4/1985: ??? When Nenji Ogata talks to the mysterious voice again, the static on the screen clears for a moment, revealing the identity of the voice to be Tsukasa Okino.
177 I'm Onto You Nenji Ogata Sector 4/1985: ??? After Nenji Ogata chases Tsukasa Okino onto a train, he finds himself back in the machine. With the static on the screen gone, he can clearly see Okino. He also sees Takatoshi Hijiyama next to him, the one he fought at the riverbed.
178 Captive Nenji Ogata Sector 4/1985: Abandoned Factory 2F As Nenji Ogata comes to, he finds himself in an abandoned factory in Higoromo-cho. Held captive by Tsukasa Okino and Takatoshi Hijiyama, Ogata is told that the events at the station were all inside his head. In order for him to find the key, he's sent back to that world once again.
180 Conflicted Nenji Ogata Sector 4/1985: ??? Nenji Ogata wakes up in the machine again and speaks to Tsukasa Okino. Fearing for Natsuno Minami's safety, Ogata doesn't tell Okino the key's whereabouts.
181 Why Did You...? Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Abandoned Factory Alley Taking a breather, Takatoshi Hijiyama and Tsukasa Okino exit the abandoned factory. After Okino leaves to go to a convenience store, Hijiyama reunites with the Yakisoba Pan Angel who gave him yakisoba pan back at the riverbed. But when Hijiyama tries to stop her from entering the factory, instead of yakisoba pan, she pulls out a gun and shoots him.
184 Slowly and Carefully Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Abandoned Factory 2F Takatoshi Hijiyama wakes up in the factory in Higoromo-cho, only to find himself bound by Tsukasa Okino, who's examining his brain. Hijiyama resists, amusing Okino and causing him to peer even deeper into his mind.
185 Pan-Induced Memory Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building When Takatoshi Hijiyama arrives at the old school building hallway and eats the yakisoba pan he bought at the cafeteria earlier, he remembers his encounter with the Yakisoba Pan Angel from the other day.
187 Please, Help Me Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Abandoned Factory 2F Takatoshi Hijiyama returns to the hideout in Higoromo-cho and confirms that Tsukasa Okino is safe, but Ei Sekigahara has tailed him there. Sekigahara has been looking for Okino, saying he needs him as he clutches his head in pain.
188 Preserving Memories Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Abandoned Factory 2F With the pills starting to become ineffective, Ei Sekigahara asks Tsukasa Okino to back up his own memories. Okino then begins mapping Sekigahara's brain.
190 Destroyers of Worlds Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Tokisaka Shrine To confirm what Keitaro Miura said is true, Takatoshi Hijiyama shifts to 1945 with Tsukasa Okino. There, he sees remains of the Deimos spread across the desolate land, and he realizes 1945 and 1985 aren't connected by causality.
191 I Saw That! Tomi Kisaragi Sector 4/1985: Tokisaka Shrine Tomi Kisaragi goes to Tokisaka Shrine to find a way to shift back to 2025. With seemingly perfect timing, Takatoshi Hijiyama and Tsukasa Okino shift to Kisaragi's location. She calls out to Okino, who's capable of helping her get back to 2025.
232 Partners in Time Tomi Kisaragi Sector 4/1985: Tokisaka Shrine Tomi Kisaragi meets up with Tsukasa Okino, who's been waiting for her at Tokisaka Shrine. Kisaragi goes to the shifter, and Okino executes the shift.
233 Terraforming Tomi Kisaragi Sector 3/2025: Mainframe Tomi Kisaragi and Tsukasa Okino shift to the mainframe to find Shu Amiguchi and Natsuno Minami there as well. After seeing the log of Tomi Kisaragi from 2188, they reestablish communications with Miyuki Inaba and hear how she plans to change Universal Control.
244 Secrets Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Break Area Curious about what Tsukasa Okino and the female student were talking about in the break area, Takatoshi Hijiyama decides to lie in wait for them and find out.
246 Pursuers Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Tokisaka Shrine While Takatoshi Hijiyama waits for Tsukasa Okino, Nenji Ogata and Juro Kurabe arrive. Hijiyama and Ogata both wait together for Okino.
247 The Mystery Deepens Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 3/2025: Mainframe Tsukasa Okino takes Takatoshi Hijiyama to the UFO, where Hijiyama learns that the 30 km-long UFO is buried 300 m beneath Ashitaba City. He also discovers the reason why the Deimos attacked 1945 before 1985, as well as all the current information on the innerlocitors and the D-Code.
252 Survival Plan Juro Kurabe Sector 4/1985: Abandoned Factory 2F Tsukasa Okino and Takatoshi Hijiyama are holding Juro Kurabe captive at the abandoned factory in Higoromo-cho. The Juro Izumi within Kurabe, also known as 426, reveals the purpose of his actions.
269 Lost Memories Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Abandoned Factory Alley When he arrives at the abandoned factory in Higoromo-cho, a girl with braids comes out and pushes Ei Sekigahara to recall his memories.
272 Strange Atmosphere Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 3/2025: Mainframe Takatoshi Hijiyama and Tsukasa Okino shift back to the UFO. However, things in the UFO seem off, and they're suddenly attacked by several androids. The two of them try to shift back, but with the controls moved Hijiyama is able to shift while Okino is left behind in the UFO.
275 Okino's Death Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 3/2025: Mainframe Takatoshi Hijiyama takes down the androids that come at him one by one with the phaser. He runs over to where Tsukasa Okino is lying, and after entrusting Hijiyama with a letter, he vanishes.
292 The Real World Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: ??? Tsukasa Okino opens up communications to Takatoshi Hijiyama, who's entered Sentinel No. 12. After being told the truth about the world by Okino, Hijiyama goes to protect his homeland and those he loves.
306 Planet RS13-Alpha N/A ??? After the final battle, the pilots awaken to the real world. Their long journey through a simulated reality has served to prepare them for a new life on a second Earth, somewhere in the direction of Virgo. Miyuki Inaba praises the miracle of their survival and bids them farewell.
313 Overcoming Obstacles N/A Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Takatoshi Hijiyama, Tamao Kurabe, and Tsukasa Okino visit the old school building at Sakura High. After a few words, Okino convinces Hijiyama to go out and spend some quality time together. Tamao Kurabe meets her other self for the first time, and the two chat about the success of the interstellar development program.


  • The name Tsukasa means "officer, boss" (司).
  • Tsukasa's surname Okino means "offshore, open sea, ocean, high seas" (沖) (oki) and "field, wilderness" (野) (no).


  • Though the development team never decided on the location of Okino's start switch, Director George Kamitani thinks it would be on the nape of his neck.[1]
  • Artist Yukiko Hirai originally proposed the idea for Okino to cross-dress.[2]
  • The characters Hibari Ōzora from the manga series Stop!! Hibari-kun! and Sōji Okita from Tottemo Hijikata-kun inspired Okino's character.[3]
    • Notable as well is the influence Stop!! Hibari-kun! had on the development of Okino and Hijiyama's relationship; they are inspired by the two main characters Ōzora and Kosaku, respectively.
  • Director George Kamitani confirms that when Okino acts awkwardly when he meets Keitaro Miura and Takatoshi Hijiyama in Event Archive: Sentinel Pilot Cadets, it's because he was planning to use them as test subjects to perform experiments on to circumvent DD-426.[4]
  • When asked how Okino manages to make money, Director George Kamitani suggests that it's possible he's selling scraps from the ruins of Sector 1, but believes that he has a smarter way to earn his living expenses.[5]



Characters of 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Protagonists Juro KurabeIori FuyusakaMegumi YakushijiTomi KisaragiNenji OgataNatsuno MinamiShu AmiguchiYuki TakamiyaEi SekigaharaKeitaro MiuraTakatoshi HijiyamaRyoko ShinonomeRenya Gouto
Non-playable Characters Tsukasa OkinoTamao KurabeTamao Kurabe (One Loop Ago)Takatoshi Hijiyama (One Loop Ago)BJMiwako SawatariKyuta ShibaFluffyErika AibaJuro IzumiChihiro MorimuraChihiroTetsuya IdaMiyuki InabaTakemi WajimaHeizo OnishiKiriko DoujiHeizou Douji
2188 Characters Juro Izumi (2188)Chihiro Morimura (2188)Megumi Yakushiji (2188)Ei Sekigahara (2188)Renya Gouto (2188)Natsuno Minami (2188)Keitaro Miura (2188)Takatoshi Hijiyama (2188)Nenji Ogata (2188)Tomi Kisaragi (2188)Tetsuya Ida (2188)Yuki Takamiya (2188)Ryoko Shinonome (2188)Tsukasa Okino (2188)Tamao Kurabe (2188)Nozomu Yakushiji