A Movie Scene?

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Juro Kurabe's Dream
Renegades' Hideout
Juro Izumi (Two Loops Ago) and Chihiro Morimura (Two Loops Ago) are in the hideout together. Morimura reaches out her hand toward Izumi, who is clutching his abdomen.
Chihiro Morimura: Were you shot?
Chihiro Morimura: Show me.
Juro Izumi: It's nothing.
Morimura retracts her hand, looking away.
Chihiro Morimura: I had a misstep too.
Chihiro Morimura: I failed to kill one of the researchers.
Juro Izumi: The deed is done, though. The entire facility's been destroyed.
Juro Izumi: We did good.
Juro Izumi: The interstellar development project was sent back to square one.
Morimura turns back toward Izumi.
Chihiro Morimura: Do you think... we've changed the future?
Juro Izumi: Sure hope so.
Juro Izumi: If not... then we'll have killed all those innocents for nothing.
Juro Izumi: I'd like to believe they haven't died in vain.
Morimura turns away again. Suddenly, a light illuminates the hideout.
Juro Izumi: !
Chihiro Morimura: !
They both turn, with Izumi raising his gun in the direction of the light. The camera pans, showing a boat on the nearby river with a searchlight. The camera pans back to Izumi and Morimura, who both duck down.
Juro Izumi: A patrol boat...
Juro Izumi: They're onto us.
Juro Izumi: I'll handle this.
Juro Izumi: You go on ahead.
Morimura looks up at him, lifting her hand towards him.
Chihiro Morimura: This wasn't part of the plan.
Juro Izumi: I can barely walk.
Chihiro Morimura: So what, you want me to abandon you here?
Juro Izumi: ...You just need to make it through today. Remember?
Izumi stands up again, holding his gun. Shots are fired into the hideout at them.
Juro Izumi: Just go!
Morimura turns, and runs.