List of Deimos

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Deimos are enemies encountered in Destruction Mode. There are a total of 11 types of Deimos, with most of them having multiple generations. The list below only contains information from first-generation Deimos, but more is available on each of their respective pages.

11 types of Deimos have been encountered:

Image Name HP Description
Twintail (Mystery Files).png Twintail 1300 Kaiju that specializes in long-range attacks. Attacks from a distance with missiles and gatling guns. It can be taken down at a close range with melee attacks or from a distance with long-ranged weapons.
RPF (Mystery Files).png RPF 16000 Short for "Roving Production Facility". Creates kaiju internally. Since it keeps producing small and medium-sized kaiju, leaving it alone can result in being overwhelmed by enemies. Destroy it as quickly as possible.
G-Moler (Mystery Files).png G-Moler 1600 Heavily-armored kaiju that specializes in close combat. At 35m, it possesses both massive weight and power. Ranged attacks, such as rapid-fire guns, aren't very effective. It's best to take down with close-quarter attacks.
Worker (Mystery Files).png Worker 150 Small, crawling kaiju equipped with a low output beam gun. Though it may be the weakest among the kaiju, it's still 8m in length and a major threat to humans. Moves in packs, but had low durability. Area attacks are effective.
Gladiator (Mystery Files).png Gladiator 10000 (Armored) Kaiju that looks exactly like 1st-generation Sentinels. Just like 1st-generation Sentinels, it's adept at close combat, so it's best to keep your your distance. Nullifies damage 300 or lower with Composite Ceramic Armor.
Drum Mine (Mystery Files).png Drum Mine 1300 A self-destructing kaiju that deals enormous damage around it. Has a massive amount of explosives in its giant, cylindrical body. However, the explosives don't detonate from impact or heat. Stop its functions before it detonates to prevent an explosion.
Hi-Quad (Mystery Files).png Hi-Quad 6000 (Armored) Giant, roving crane kaiju that stands over 100m tall. Comes equipped with an arsenal of weapons and thick armor. A direct hit from its powerful plasma cannons can be deadly. Find a blind spot and strike it with close-quarter attacks.
APSOS (Mystery Files).png APSOS 1400 Kaiju that generates shields around other nearby kaiju. Since shielded enemies aren't affected by attacks, prioritize targeting the APSOS to prevent shield generation. The APSOS is structurally frail, so it's easy to destroy.
Hunter (Mystery Files).png Hunter 120 Aerial scout drone kaiju, about 5m tall. They can form ranks and attack with small excavator beams. Individually, they're not much of a threat, but they're difficult to destroy without anti-air armaments.
Drillfly (Mystery Files).png Drillfly 1300 Aerial kaiju that measures well over 20 m. Attacks from the air with machine guns and missiles. Extremely agile at both digging and flight, take it out quickly with armaments such as railguns before it reaches the terminal.
Terra Carrier (Mystery Files).png Terra Carrier 10000 Giant aerial carrier kaiju. Attacks with machine guns and by releasing stored Hunters. It has thick armor and is difficult to damage since it's airborne. EMP and close-quarter attacks are most effective against it.