Yuki Takamiya

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This page is about Yuki Takamiya, one of the 13 protagonists. For other characters called the same name, please visit Yuki (disambiguation).

For the more spoiler-filled details about the character, go to File No. 023 of the Mystery Files.

Yuki Takamiya (鷹宮 由貴 Takamiya Yuki) is a protagonist in 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, and the pilot of Sentinel No. 21.


Gang Leader

A surly delinquent who (reluctantly) infiltrates the school as a spy to save her best friend. Despite her disdain for her underhanded allies, she stubbornly seeks the truth when everyone else has something to hide. Tough and caustic, but she's got a protective streak and a sharp mind.


Work in Progress


Yuki Takamiya wears the Suzugamine Girls' High School school uniform. It is a black sailor uniform, with a wide collar with a single white stripe on either side of it. It has a red ribbon that hangs from the front of the blouse. She wears her sleeves rolled up. She has a long pleated skirt which goes just past her knees. Her long black hair is pulled back into a high ponytail, which is tied with a red ribbon.



Yuki Takamiya can be unlocked two different ways:


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There are 40 Event Archive entries with Yuki Takamiya:

# Name Protagonist Setting Description
072 Special Investigations Unit (Event Archive) Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: SIU Director's Room The sukeban girl, Yuki Takamiya, is scouted by the man with glasses from the Special Investigations Unit to infiltrate Sakura High School as a spy. Takamiya rolls her eyes at the outrageous assignment of monitoring students who are suspected of being related to weapons development, but then she sees Natsuno Minami's name on the list.
073 Wajima vs Takamiya Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: Keyaki-cho Shopping District Shu Amiguchi happens upon Yuki Takamiya, who's being harassed by Takemi Wajima's delinquent gang from Kuri High. To get her out of the situation, he punches Wajima and gives her a ride on his motorcycle.
074 Riding Tandem Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: Tsuwabuki Bypass Motorway Shu Amiguchi convinces Yuki Takamiya to ride on his motorcycle with him and they succeed in getting away. Amiguchi, hearing she's going to be transferring to Sakura High School, feels they were fated to meet and gets excited.
075 What Did I Just See? Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: Aoi Ward, Gogyo Street Shu Amiguchi drops off Yuki Takamiya and then witnesses the nurse from Sakura High School, Chihiro Morimura, enter the Shikishima building.
082 Nat-chan and Yuki-chan Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Athletics Yuki Takamiya, who just transferred to Sakura High School, makes her way over to the track team. There, she is reunited with her best friend, Natsuno Minami, whom she hasn't seen in several years.
084 The Life of Natsuno Minami Natsuno Minami Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, New Building Natsuno Minami is a lover of aliens, UFOs, and the supernatural, ever since she was in elementary school and given the nickname "Dr. Space." She looks forward to UFO programs, even as a high schooler.
103 My Best Friend's Meddling Natsuno Minami Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, New Building Natsuno Minami and BJ are being chased by the black suits and hide in a classroom. Natsuno is shocked to find out that her best friend, Yuki Takamiya, is working alongside the mysterious organization.
112 With All Her Might Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Tsutsuji Station Iori Fuyusaka returns to Tsutsuji Station as she runs after the male student. She finally finds him, but sees that he's been caught by a black suit. To save him, Fuyusaka hits the man with all her might. With Yuki Takamiya's help, Fuyusaka and the boy get away safely on a motorcycle.
130 Me, from the Future Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Finding herself near the old school building, Yuki Takamiya sees Ryoko Shinonome watching a projection from a box-like device. Shinonome is unstable and looks like she might collapse, so she asks Takamiya to hide the device for her.
131 Suspicious Pills Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Nurse's Office When Ryoko Shinonome wakes in the nurse's office, she takes the pills from Yuki Takamiya and swallows a mouthful of them. Takamiya asks why she was supposed to hide the device, but Shinonome has completely forgotten that she asked her to do so.
132 Nat-chan's Gone Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, New Building Yuki Takamiya worries about Natsuno Minami, who has been absent from school for several days. She questions her classmates and friends, and finds out that the Special Investigations Unit is somehow involved.
133 Keep Your Nose Out Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Aoi Ward, Gogyo Street Yuki Takamiya presses the direct of SIU, Tetsuya Ida, for answers. He tells her not to pursue Natsuno Minami's disappearance, but this only strengthens her resolve.
134 A Fruitless Effort Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Tokisaka Shrine Yuki Takamiya and Erika Aiba search for clues around Tokisaka Shrine, hoping they can find something that will lead to the reason behind Natsuno Minami's disappearance, but they find nothing.
135 Red Glasses Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Girls' Bathroom Yuki Takamiya goes to the girls' bathroom to find the truth about the fire incident. The inside is heavily damaged, but not from a fire. She discovers red glasses on the floor... and has an idea of who they might belong to.
136 Pressing the Suspect Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, New Building Still searching for any clues that might lead to Natsuno Minami, Yuki Takamiya questions Tomi Kisaragi about the girls' bathroom. Miwako Sawatari says that she saw Tomi in the north school building at the time of the incident, but Iori Fuyusaka confirms that Kisaragi was already with her at the front gate during that time.
137 A Sentinel Brought In Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Kamazumi Police Station Yuki Takamiya was taken in by Heizo Onishi for fighting Takemi Wajima and his boys, and is told that there's been several heavy machinery accidents occurring lately. Takamiya thinks that it has something to do with the robot described in Natsuno Minami's notebook and decides to head to the shipbuilding docks where the machinery is being stored.
138 Who's That Aiba? Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Train to South Port, Interior While on the way to the shipbuilding docks, Yuki Takamiya talks to Nenji Ogata, who happened to be on the train as well. According to him, Erika Aiba in class 1-D has been absent from school for a long time.
139 The Pilots' Mark Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Shikishima Sentinel Hangar Yuki Takamiya is able to sneak into the Shikishima docks, but is met by Ryoko Shinonome and Renya Gouto. There, a mark she doesn't recognize appears around her collarbone. They reveal that she, too, has a connection to the Sentinels.
140 Miura, Activate Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Yuki Takamiya, now remembering what the device Ryoko Shinonome asked her to hide looked like, goes back to the classroom and pulls out the box she stashed there earlier. She struggles to figure out how to activate it, and Ei Sekigahara shows up just in time to do so with ease. Along with this robot he calls Miura, they head to Sector 3, where Natsuno Minami has been stranded.
141 Where You Go, I'll Follow Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Tokisaka Shrine Ei Sekigahara and Miura head to Tokisaka Shrine, the place that was mentioned in Natsuno Minami's notebook as well. They shift to Sector 3 through time travel, but are unable to find Minami.
142 Kisaragi Android Found Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building When Yuki Takamiya arrives at the old school building, she discovers that Ei Sekigahara found an android that looks like Tomi Kisaragi hidden away in a broom cupboard.
143 A Conscious Criminal Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Kaede River, Sumire Bridge With the evidence stacked against her, Erika Aiba reveals that she's actually Juro Izumi. Izumi is shot up by Chihiro Morimura, and riddled with bullet holes, narrowly escapes by jumping off the bridge and disappearing.
147 To Nat-chan Yuki Takamiya Sector 3/2025: Ruined City Led by Miura, who found a location that had an unnatural gathering of androids, Yuki Takamiya sets out to rescue Natsuno Minami.
148 The Hawk Has Landed Yuki Takamiya Sector 3/2025: Kaiju Remains With the gun given to her by Ei Sekigahara, Yuki Takamiya takes down the attacking androids. At the end of her long search, she finally finds Natsuno Minami. The two of them embrace each other like they never want to let go.
206 How About a Date? Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Cafeteria Shu Amiguchi asks out Yuki Takamiya on a date at the cafeteria. They get on Amiguchi's motorcycle and head to Takamiya's maternal grandmother's place in the neighboring Hamanashi prefecture.
207 At the Outer Walls Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: Tsuwabuki Bypass Motorway Shu Amiguchi and Yuki Takamiya travel through the Tsuwabuki Bypass motorway and arrive at the outer walls. Amiguchi, now seeing the walls with his own eyes, begins to question if every memory he's had outside the city was a lie.
215 Threat Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: Ayame Park Sentinel No. 20 falls near Ayame Park. Shu Amiguchi gets out of the Sentinel, and Yuki Takamiya happens to be nearby. As they talk, a suspicious man approaches them, saying he's with a government agency, and presses Amiguchi to cooperate.
230 Ida vs Amiguchi Shu Amiguchi Sector 3/2025: Mainframe Shu Amiguchi confronts Tetsuya Ida, who's taken Yuki Takamiya hostage. Ida then commands Miyuki Inaba's functions to be shut down. Ryoko Shinonome manipulates the equipment to shift herself, Ida, and Takamiya to Sector 4, leaving Amiguchi and the black suits behind. As Amiguchi and the black suits try to find a way out of the mainframe, Natsuno Minami appears.
231 Goodbye, Mr. Ida Ryoko Shinonome Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Science Room Along with Tetsuya Ida and Yuki Takamiya, Ryoko Shinonome shifts back to Sakura High School's science room. Pointing the phaser at Ida, the same one she took from him, Shinonome bids him farewell.
238 Unlocked Memories Ryoko Shinonome Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Cafeteria At the cafeteria, Yuki Takamiya tells Ryoko Shinonome about how Shinonome attacked Tetsuya Ida. She then remembers the surveillance footage she saw in the underground facility.
264 Message to Myself Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Kaede Riverbed After evading the black suits, Ei Sekigahara meets a mysterious girl. He examines the package she left for him, which activates and projects a log from a version of himself from before he lost his memories.
266 Fuyusaka's Campus Tour Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Schoolyard After making sure the black suits have left campus, Ei Sekigahara has Iori Fuyusaka lead him to the nurse's office after school. On the way, he runs into the mysterious girl he met earlier.
276 Goodbye, BJ Natsuno Minami Sector 4/1985: Kaede River, Sumire Bridge Natsuno Minami comes to Sumire Bridge and, at BJ's request, becomes the pilot of Sentinel No. 17. She transmits the Sentinel and asks BJ if the log data was successfully saved, but he doesn't respond.
277 It's Her Again Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Athletics Seeking Natsuno Minami, Ei Sekigahara heads to the athletics building. There, he finds the mysterious girl who left him the message at the riverbed.
278 Girl on the Run Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Ei Sekigahara pursues the mysterious girl who keeps running away from him. Almost as if being lured, he follows her into the old school building.
279 Records of the Truth Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Ei Sekigahara enters the old school building after Yuki Takamiya, the mysterious girl he's been chasing. He ends up finding the girl he was searching for in the first place, Natsuno Minami. The data unit with her shows Sekigahara a log between himself and the other Miura, as well as a log between himself and Renya Gouto from 2188.
280 To the SIU Building Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Aoi Ward, Gogyo Street Led by Yuki Takamiya, Ei Sekigahara makes his way into the Special Investigation Unit's headquarters.
297 Leave It to Me! Renya Gouto Sector 4/1985: Building Rooftop Renya Gouto and the others initiate Aegis, shutting down the terminal. Yuki Takamiya, who's taken refuge on a rooftop, assumes control of Sentinel No. 21.
306 Planet RS13-Alpha N/A ??? After the final battle, the pilots awaken to the real world. Their long journey through a simulated reality has served to prepare them for a new life on a second Earth, somewhere in the direction of Virgo. Miyuki Inaba praises the miracle of their survival and bids them farewell.
312 Respective Futures N/A Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Front Gate Takemi Wajima, same as ever, waits for Nenji Ogata in front of Sakura High. Ogata, to whom a lot of time has passed, is moved by his loyalty. At the front gate, Keitaro Miura and Natsuno Minami celebrate the return of BJ as Yuki Takamiya and Shu Amiguchi arrive. The two now have a child, Konatsu, despite their bickering.


You picked a fight with the wrong girl!

Yuki, proudly defeating a kaiju.

Yuki is the pilot of Sentinel No. 21, a 4th generation model. The main draw of this daring, darling pilot is a combination of speed, explosive burst damage, and a full suite of wide hitting weaponry. Due to the airborne nature of her Sentinel, she can easily engage Terra Carriers and RPFs without the need for EMP support. On top of that, Yuki has access to Composite Armor and Counter, a combination that improves her survivability and lets her take the roll of a tank, to a small degree. Lastly, Shield Matrix is her only support weapon, helping to round her off.

Stats wise, Yuki boasts the highest HP, Defense and Attack out of the 4 but has the lowest EP. If there are less pilots in the strike team, Natsuno is part of the attack group, and is surrounded by numerous kaiju, her performance will be all the more deadly. Despite her views of him, Amiguchi makes for a fine companion in combat. He can support her directly with healing and shields, while her presence improves his damage and focus.

Yuki's low EP means she can't recklessly use Leg Spikes, her most powerful move. Not only that, Leg Spikes needs to be activated farther away from the enemy in order to strengthen it for maximum damage. Her High Risk, High Reward of being constantly in harm's way can go south very quickly. Compound the fact that she's slow on foot, there's a possible chance the team might lose an esteemed pilot too soon.

Pilot Skills

  • Level 05: I Got This - The less members in the strike team, the higher all stats increase.
  • Level 10: Let's Do This, Nat-chan! - If Minami is in the strike team, WT recovery speed increases.
  • Level 15: Brawling Prodigy - Leg Spike power increases proportional to distance traveled.
  • Level 20: I Can Take You All - If many kaiju are nearby, Attack and Defense increase.
  • Level 25: Too Slow, Buddy! - Back Attack power increases against attacking kaiju.
  • Level 30: My Only Friend - Whenever Minami is attacked, Attack significantly increases.

Related trophies

Icon Name Description Trophy
Takamiya's Prologue Cleared.png Takamiya's Prologue Cleared Completed Yuki Takamiya's prologue in Remembrance. Bronze
Takamiya's Story 50% Cleared.png Takamiya's Story 50% Cleared Reached 50% in Yuki Takamiya's story in Remembrance. Bronze
Takamiya's Story Cleared.png Takamiya's Story Cleared Takamiya's Story Cleared Bronze


  • The name Yuki means "reason" (由) (yu) and "honor" (郎) (ki). Yuki also means snow.
  • Yuki's surname Takamiya means "hawk" (鷹) (taka) and "shrine" (宮) (miya). 


Characters of 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Protagonists Juro KurabeIori FuyusakaMegumi YakushijiTomi KisaragiNenji OgataNatsuno MinamiShu AmiguchiYuki TakamiyaEi SekigaharaKeitaro MiuraTakatoshi HijiyamaRyoko ShinonomeRenya Gouto
Non-playable Characters Tsukasa OkinoTamao KurabeTamao Kurabe (One Loop Ago)Takatoshi Hijiyama (One Loop Ago)BJMiwako SawatariKyuta ShibaFluffyErika AibaJuro IzumiChihiro MorimuraChihiroTetsuya IdaMiyuki InabaTakemi WajimaHeizo OnishiKiriko DoujiHeizou Douji
2188 Characters Juro Izumi (2188)Chihiro Morimura (2188)Megumi Yakushiji (2188)Ei Sekigahara (2188)Renya Gouto (2188)Natsuno Minami (2188)Keitaro Miura (2188)Takatoshi Hijiyama (2188)Nenji Ogata (2188)Tomi Kisaragi (2188)Tetsuya Ida (2188)Yuki Takamiya (2188)Ryoko Shinonome (2188)Tsukasa Okino (2188)Tamao Kurabe (2188)Nozomu Yakushiji