Long-Distance Transmission

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Long-Distance Transmission Satellite Orbit
Natsuno Minami: Miura-kun? What do you need?
Keitaro Miura: Do I have to need something to hear your voice?
Natsuno Minami: I guess not, but we're supposed to be working.
Natsuno Minami: How's everything on your end?
Keitaro Miura: Sector 2's construction is going pretty smooth so far.
Keitaro Miura: We should be able to sustain a second colony soon.
Keitaro Miura: All it'll take is four more orbits, tops.
Keitaro Miura: You doing okay?
Natsuno Minami: Still getting used to zero-G. And trying not to puke.
Natsuno Minami: As for the project, we've got a few complications.
Natsuno Minami: Got the ethics committee breathing down our necks.
Keitaro Miura: Didn't know space exploration was a matter of ethics...
Natsuno Minami: No, they're all worked up about our machines.
Natsuno Minami: Their self-replication is what's making the board nervous.
Natsuno Minami: "May lead to the invasion of intelligent life," or something.
Keitaro Miura: ...They're worried about a war with aliens that might not even exist?
Keitaro Miura: Shouldn't our ethics team be more grounded in reality?
Natsuno Minami: You're one to talk.
Natsuno Minami: Still reading about history 24/7?
Keitaro Miura: Yeah. It's fascinating stuff.
Keitaro Miura: I'm reading about the Pacific War right now.
Natsuno Minami: Two hundred years ago, right? When this all started?
Keitaro Miura: Yeah. It's fascinating stuff.
Keitaro Miura: Part of a world war, involving countless powerful nations.
Keitaro Miura: Yeah. It's fascinating stuff.
Keitaro Miura: It reshaped the way we approach technology and ideology.
Keitaro Miura: Yeah. It's fascinating stuff.
Keitaro Miura: Like I said, fascinating stuff.
Keitaro Miura: Yeah. It's fascinating stuff.
Keitaro Miura: If I could pick an era to be born in, I'd live around then.
Natsuno Minami: Sounds like a big mess to me.
Keitaro Miura: Oh, well...
Keitaro Miura: If you'd like, I could send over some of my reading on it.
Natsuno Minami: I think I'll pass.
Natsuno Minami: So... any idea when we can meet up again?
Keitaro Miura: It'll be about 420 hours till the next time I'm off...
Keitaro Miura: I'll keep in touch, Natsuno.
Natsuno Minami: Good. I'll be looking forward to it.
Keitaro Miura: Bye.
Keitaro Miura: ...