1st Generation Sentinels

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General Description


First Generation Sentinels are metal titans used during the battles of 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. The most basic of the Sentinels, first generation sentinels rely on brute forces and formidable defenses to defeat kaiju. This unfortunately renders them inefficient at taking down aerial units, without the use of EMP.

Sentinels No. 1-9 (DECOMISSIONED)

These Sentinels were taken during the Sector 2 Sentinel Infection incident, and never recovered. Therefore no one pilots them in the final battle.

Sentinel No.10

Nenji Ogata

Rush Attack, Leap Attack, Demolisher Blade, Anti-Air Defensive Flares, Tackle, EMP Attractor, Defense Mode, Limiter Removal, Anti-Ground Multi-Lock Missiles, Hyper Condenser

Pilot Skills
-Level 05: I Die Hard- Withstand a killing blow with 1 HP remaining once per battle.
-Level 10: That All You Got- WT recover speed increases when defeating a kaiju.
-Level 15: C'mon C'mon!- Rush Attack power increases whenever the attack hits kaiju.
-Level 20: Don't Mess With Me- Automatically counterattacks all nearby kaiju after taking a certain amount of damage.
-Level 25: Now I'm Mad- Attack increases when HP decreases
-Level 30: Get Away From Her!- Whenever Kisaragi is attacked, Attack significantly increases.

"Well, Kisaragi.... I hope you were watching me out there!"- Ogata, after a successful mission.

Nenji Ogata is Sentinel No. 10's pilot, a 1st Generation Model. Like all 1st Generation models, his role is to take the fight to the kaiju right in their faces. What makes him stand out from Hijiyama and Sekigahara is his emphasis on chaining kills, a more potent Rush Attack, and a Hyper Condenser that improves his Demolisher Blade. The improved blade now hits in a wider area and has more attacks per swing at the cost of more EP. When paired with Limiter Removal and his brutal swinging techniques, he can continuously clear and attack an army of kauji before some of them can get an attack out. This also makes him an excellent candidate for All-In rush attacks where consistency and being with a team doesn't affect his damage output. The decreased cool down when hitting kaiju with Rush Attacks makes him good for baiting and killing Drum Mines.

Nenji has the highest speed but the lowest defense out of the three 1st Generation pilots. He has more HP than Sekigahra, while possessing more EP than Hijiyama. Seeing Kisaragi get hurt increases his attack power. Other than that, this rebellious youth is an uncomplicated pilot.

Being a 1st Generation pilot is hard with having the lowest defense. Great care must be taken when using Limiter Remover because he can't take as many hit as the others before going down.

Sentinel No.11

Ei Sekigahara

Rush Attack, Demolisher Blade, Anti-Air Defensive Flares, Leap Attack, EMP Attractor, Tackle, EMP Surrounding, Limiter Removal, Forced Cooling Device, Anti-Ground Multi-Lock Missiles.

Pilot Skills
-Level 5: Motorcyclist- Move speed increases when not piloting a Sentinel.
-Level 10: I Work Alone- Attack and WT recovery speed increases when no allies are nearby.
-Level 15: CQC Specialist- Close-quarter attacks do more damage the closer the kaiju are.
-Level 20: Marksman- Increases critical-hit chance against aerial kaiju.
-Level 25: Saw That Coming- High chance to dodge close-quarter attacks.
-Level 30: You Okay, Iori?- Whenever Fuyusaka's HP decreases, WT recovery speed increases.

Sentinel No.12

Takatoshi Hijiyama

Rush Attack, Leap Attack, Tackle, Demolisher Blade, Anti-Air Defensive Flares, EMP Attractor, Defense Mode, Limiter Removal, Counter, Composite Ceramic Armor.

Pilot Skills
-Level 5: Patriot- Attack increases proportional to damage done to the city.
-Level 10: Okino's Support- Increases Back Attack range.
-Level 15: Lone Wolf- The less members on the strike team, the higher Attack increases.
-Level 20: Pride of Japan- Defense increases when HP decreases.
-Level 25: Tactics Drill- Attack increases when the total number of combos exceeds 100.
-Level 30: That's More Like It!- The more kaiju there are, the higher all stats increase.

"The invasion ends here!"- Takatoshi, determined to save his country.

Takatoshi pilots Sentinel No. 12, a 1st Generation model. His mode of operation is to attract the enemy's attention, get in close, and destroy them with extreme prejudice. He is the only 1st Generation pilot who has access to Ceramic Armor and Counter. With the two, Takatoshi is immune to small arms damage while being able to dish out the pain at the same time. Couple that with his EMP abilities and Defense Mode, and he can pull an entire army of kaiju away from his countrymen and deal with the threat accordingly. With Limiter Removal, this fervent soldier's killing abilities dramatically increase. Aiming for Back Attacks will most certainly see even the heaviest and armored kaiju fall. His Anti-Air Defensive Flares also makes him handy in a pinch in case of heavy missile attacks.

With the highest HP, Defense and Attack, he makes for an excellent tank and brawler. However, he also has the lowest Speed and EP out of the three 1st Generation pilots. Being surrounded by kaiju, seeing the city in ruins, and having less people in the attack team makes him fight harder.

Despite having the highest Attack, he doesn't have the same power spikes in damage that Ogata and Sekigahara posses. His pilot skills that raise his attack are extremely situational, and having less pilots on the field isn't enough to make up for his increase in attack. His low EP means he can't be operational for too long unless he can consistently kill large amounts of kaiju. The lack of Anti-Ground Multi-Lock Missiles makes him less effective at crowd control.