3rd Generation Sentinels

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General Description


Third Generation Sentinels are metal titans used during the battles of 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. Originally meant to be automatically piloted, Third Generation sentinels can shoot missiles and lasers from long distances. Because of this, hordes of far-way kaiju fall easily to the might of this generation. Unfotunately, close quarters combat is a struggle for this generation, and impossible in certain situations. It's best to keep these Sentinels in low-risk positions to ward off incoming kaiju.

Sentinel No.16

Tomi Kisaragi

6-Multi-Launching Rapid Cannons, Long-Range Missiles, EMP Stunner, Stun Knuckles, Main Battery Heaven Railgun, Homing Missile, Anti-Ground Hunter Missile, Hyper Condenser, Missile Rain, Super Large Missile

Pilot Skills
-Level 5: Think We'll Go Viral?- If Fuyusaka or Yakushiji are in the strike team, increases all stats.
-Level 10: It's Not Like That- If Ogata is in the strike team, WT recovery speed increases.
-Level 15: Get Lost!- Increases armament power when attacking from beyond a certain distance.
-Level 20: You're So Reckless!- Attack increases against any kaiju near Ogata.
-Level 25: For My Parents- Attack increases proportional to damage done to the city.
-Level 30: Fight Song- After defending, EP slightly recovers for allies.

Sentinel No.17

Natsuno Minami

6 Multi-Launching Rapid Cannons, Main Battery Heavy Railgun, EMP Stunner, Long-Range Missiles, Stun Knuckles, Anti-Air Bombardment, Homing Missile, Forced Cooling Device, Anti-Ground Hunter Missile, Missile Rain

Pilot Skills
-Level 5: Sprinter- Move speed increases when not piloting a Sentinel.
-Level 10: Warmup Run- Attack increases temporarily, proportional to distance moved.
-Level 15: Research Notebook- Increases all stats when on a stage already completed with S-rank.
-Level 20: The War of the Worlds- If Hi-Quad is nearby, Attack significantly increases.
-Level 25: Gotta Stay Positive!- The more Kaiju there are, the higher all stats increase.
-Level 30: I Won't Give Up, BJ! - Significantly increases all stats when total HP of allies is 70% or below.

"Number 17, moving!"- Natsuno moving into position.

Natsuno foregoes immediate burst damage for a more slow burn, fire when ready, and economic use of her weapons. She helps bridge the gap between light and heavy weapons, if given enough time. Enemies that are too strong against machine guns and normal rockets, but too much of a waste for Demolisher Blade, Homing Missiles, Missile Rain, and multiple attacks have their days numbered. Warmup Run is her ace in the hole. After traveling a certain distance, even the basic starter weapons of a Generation 3 Sentinel can mop up or soften armored kaiju. This ability boosts her attack so greatly, even her Heavy Railgun can outdamage Miura's superior Mega Railgun if given enough room to move. With a Forced Cooling Device installed, she can act and recover quicker after an attack. This makes for a deadly combination and can keep the enemies at bay while running and gunning. The ability to use EMPs more frequently to stall can be an option depending on the situation. In the event her Sentinel is destroyed, she can move considerably faster on foot. So much so that she can even outrun most homing missiles locked on her.

Compared to Miura and Kisaragi, Natsuno is faster than Kisaragi but weaker than Miura. Having everyone be critically damaged, being near Hi-Quads and replaying cleared stages with an S-Rank will boost her attack power. Attacking first, then having Miura attack second helps boost his attack as well.

Her weaknesses is time, set up, a lack of immediate safe damage, and an odd skill set that's too situational or niche in order to reliably use. It can take awhile to get to a good running start to get Warmup Run to activate; getting her Actuator to level 60 and above can remedy this. She lacks Super Large Missile, and her only other good wide range, single hit attack is Homing Missile; it's not as reliable nor powerful. Her railgun will need the assistance of a Generation 4's Gravity Missile in order devastate a group of staggered enemies.

Sentinel No.18 (DECOMMISIONED)

Tamao Kurabe (compatible, but never piloted in the final battle)


Sentinel No.19

Keitaro Miura

6 Multi-Launching Rapid Cannons, Main Battery Heavy Railgun, Long-Range Missiles, Stun Knuckles, Anti-Air Bombardment, EMP Stunner, Main Battery Mega Railgun, Anti-Ground Hunter Missile, Missile Rain, Super Large Missile

Pilot Skills
-Level 5: Now, Natsuno-san!- If Minami attacks after Miura, Attack increases.
-Level 10: Big Brother- If Chihiro contacts the team, increases all stats until the end of the next wave.
-Level 15: Prepared for Death- Defense increases when HP decreases.
-Level 20: Soldier, Guardian, Demon- Whenever Miura's Sentinel is destroyed, a powerful localized shockwave is emitted.
-Level 25: Tactics Drill- Attack increases when the total number of combos exceeds 100.
-Level 30: Classmate- If Miura attacks after Hijiyama, Attack increases.