Ei Sekigahara

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This page is about Ei Sekigahara, one of the 13 protagonists. For other characters called the same name, please visit Ei (disambiguation).

For the more spoiler-filled details about the character, go to File No. 007 of the Mystery Files.

Ei Sekigahara (関ヶ原 瑛 Sekigahara Ei) is a Protagonist in 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. He is the pilot of Sentinel No. 11.


Amnesiac on the Run

A stoic young man with amnesia, Ei finds himself next to a dead body without any memories of his past. Declared a boy "from another dimension", he's constantly pursued by armed gunmen in black suits, and often finds himself in intense life-or-death situations. Through investigating the clues and people in 1985, he chases the truth behind his lost memories...


Work in Progress


Ei Sekigahara wears the Sakura High School school uniform, with a variation on their gakuran that does not have any visible buttons. He wears the black uniform slacks with a single pleat. He has short silvery-blond hair, and light eyes.




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There are 58 Event Archive entries with Ei Sekigahara:

# Name Protagonist Setting Description
026 Teacher and Student Ryoko Shinonome Sector 2/2064: Sakura High, Schoolyard Ryoko Shinonome, who had been rescued from the initial kaiju attack in 2064, begins to harbor feelings for Tetsuya Ida.
027 Operation Aegis (Event Archive) Ei Sekigahara Sector 2/2064: Building Rooftop On the precipice of the kaiju invasion, Chihiro Morimura and Tetsuya Ida are discussing the fate of the world when they're interrupted by Ei Sekigahara. Rather than confront Morimura directly, Sekigahara asks Ida about Operation Aegis, expressing doubts about the Sentinel system updates he had been asked to do.
028 KEITARO MIURA (Event Archive) Ei Sekigahara Sector 2/2064: Shikishima Sentinel Hangar Ei Sekigahara speaks with Miura, the AI of Sentinel No. 17, and learns of the logs from 2188. Morimura had locked most of this data down, but Miura secretly kept a backup of one log, storing it in the Sentinel's memory block. He implores Sekigahara to recover this at all costs if the Sentinel should ever come to harm.
029 DD-426 Contamination Ryoko Shinonome Sector 2/2064: Shikishima Sentinel Hangar Tetsuya Ida asks Ryoko Shinonome to install the Sentinel upgrade code DD-426. She does as he asks, but rather than installing it to her own Sentinel No. 14, she installs it to No. 15—Ei Sekigahara's Sentinel.
033 The Android with Skin Ei Sekigahara Sector 1/2104: Shikishima Tech Lab #6 Due to the incident of 2064, Ei Sekigahara has been force-transmitted to the underground research facility in 2104. Androids awaken and begin to attack, but are shot down by a strange girl with braids. She tells him she can create pills to delay the effects of DD-426, under one condition: he must help her get out of there.
036 Simulated Personality Ei Sekigahara Sector 5/1944: Ayame Pass, Sentinel Factory Ei Sekigahara questions Tsukasa Okino about the effects of DD-426 he is experiencing. Okino, having transferred his memories into his nanomachines to create a simulated personality, seems to be beyond reach of its effects.
037 You're a Lunatic Keitaro Miura Sector 5/1944: Sakura National Hallway Ei Sekigahara, who was being chased down by the military police as a suspected spy, was hiding out in the wooden school building, helped by Tamao Kurabe. Keitaro Miura tries to take him to the station for spouting nonsense at him⁠—such as having fought with a future version of Miura⁠—but Sekigahara pulls out a gun and leaves.
038 The Identity of Kiriko Douji Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 5/1944: Tokisaka Shrine Takatoshi Hijiyama had chased down Kiriko Douji to Tokisaka Shrine, as she was suspected of being a spy. Cornered, she then disappears in a flash of light. Hijiyama learns from a suspicious man who had sneaked into the factory that her real name is Tsukasa Okino, and that she is actually a man.
041 Hidden Data Ei Sekigahara Sector 3/2025: Ruined City After losing the battle, Ei Sekigahara appears before Tetsuya Ida. Ida promises to take away the effects of DD-426 in exchange for Sekigahara's help in stopping Operation Aegis and bringing about another loop, as well as extracting log data from Miura. Although hesitant, Sekigahara activates Miura.
042 Izumi, Unreturning Megumi Yakushiji Sector 3/2025: Road to Sakura High After losing the battle in 2025, Megumi Yakushiji and Juro Izumi meet once again in front of the downed Sentinel No. 13. A man that was Izumi's ally appears before them, as Yakushiji holds the heavily injured Izumi in her arms.
048 Love at First Plight Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Sakura High School Having overslept because of her dream, Iori Fuyusaka makes a mad dash to make it to the morning assembly. She bumps into a male student she doesn't recognize, and instantly falls for him.
055 A Time-Warped Encounter Iori Fuyusaka Sector 2/2065: Destroyed City Center Iori Fuyusaka meets the male student from before in the ruined world. They encounter the automated Sentinel No. 8, which had been put under Deimos control. Fuyusaka loses consciousness due to the impact, but is discovered by Renya Gouto and Chihiro Morimura.
060 I Won't Let You Escape Ryoko Shinonome Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Science Room Ryoko Shinonome was waiting in the science room for Ei Sekigahara, and tries to stop him with a gun when he starts working on the gate. While the two struggle, the shift is executed.
062 426's Hideout Ryoko Shinonome Sector 3/2025: Ruined City Ryoko Shinonome discovers 426's hideout and finally corners him. Just as she decides to take him out by force, an intense headache disables her.
063 Ei-kun...? Ryoko Shinonome Sector 3/2025: Ruined City Ryoko Shinonome is confused by the fact that Ei Sekigahara is not 426. As she struggles to get through her headache, she is discovered by Tomi Kisaragi and the others who were shifted along with her.
068 To the Rescue Tomi Kisaragi Sector 3/2025: Sakura High Chasm Tomi Kisaragi and Nenji Ogata find the missing Ryoko Shinonome on the road near Sakura High School. When the nearby androids activate and try to attack them, a boy with a gun appears.
069 Discord Tomi Kisaragi Sector 3/2025: Sakura High Chasm To escape from 2025, Tomi Kisaragi and company decide to go down the giant hole. Taking Miwako Sawatari with them, once they get near Sakura High School they find Ryoko Shinonome and Ei Sekigahara confronting each other.
070 Sentinel No. 16, Respond Tomi Kisaragi Sector 3/2025: Mainframe Tomi Kisaragi and company make it to the shifter 300 m underground. As Kisaragi touches a mysterious display, she is able to communicate with the missing Sentinel No. 16. But the transmission is quickly cut off, and they are attacked by androids once again. The shift is executed right as they are in danger, and they escape 2025.
071 Universal Control (Event Archive) Tomi Kisaragi Sector 4/1985: Tokisaka Shrine As they complete their shift from 2025 to 1985, they notice Miwako Sawatari is nowhere to be found.
080 A Tragic Love Iori Fuyusaka Sector 3/2025: Mainframe Iori Fuyusaka manages to shift into the UFO that was in her dreams. As she investigates the alien-like dolls and the machinery, the boy she likes appears along with Ryoko Shinonome. Fuyusaka, who had been hiding behind the androids, feels saddened by seeing how he feels about Shinonome.
085 Close Encounters with...? Natsuno Minami Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Athletics While participating in track team activities, Natsuno Minami encounters strange men in black suits, as well as a mysterious student.
111 No Regrets Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Back Alley Iori Fuyusaka and Miwako Sawatari get harassed by Takemi Wajima and his goons, who had been lying in wait for them. Wajima leers at Fuyusaka and closes in, but the cute boy appears again and diffuses the situation. Feeling that she might not be able to see him again, Fuyusaka runs after him with all her strength.
112 With All Her Might Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Tsutsuji Station Iori Fuyusaka returns to Tsutsuji Station as she runs after the male student. She finally finds him, but sees that he's been caught by a black suit. To save him, Fuyusaka hits the man with all her might. With Yuki Takamiya's help, Fuyusaka and the boy get away safely on a motorcycle.
113 I Love You... Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Tsuwabuki Bypass Motorway To get away from the black suits, the two flee the area on a motorcycle. On the way to her house, Iori Fuyusaka admits her feelings for him. The boy, whose name is Ei Sekigahara, is surprised, but accepts her feelings.
140 Miura, Activate Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Yuki Takamiya, now remembering what the device Ryoko Shinonome asked her to hide looked like, goes back to the classroom and pulls out the box she stashed there earlier. She struggles to figure out how to activate it, and Ei Sekigahara shows up just in time to do so with ease. Along with this robot he calls Miura, they head to Sector 3, where Natsuno Minami has been stranded.
141 Where You Go, I'll Follow Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Tokisaka Shrine Ei Sekigahara and Miura head to Tokisaka Shrine, the place that was mentioned in Natsuno Minami's notebook as well. They shift to Sector 3 through time travel, but are unable to find Minami.
142 Kisaragi Android Found Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building When Yuki Takamiya arrives at the old school building, she discovers that Ei Sekigahara found an android that looks like Tomi Kisaragi hidden away in a broom cupboard.
143 A Conscious Criminal Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Kaede River, Sumire Bridge With the evidence stacked against her, Erika Aiba reveals that she's actually Juro Izumi. Izumi is shot up by Chihiro Morimura, and riddled with bullet holes, narrowly escapes by jumping off the bridge and disappearing.
144 Intrusion Juro Kurabe Sector 4/1985: Tokisaka Shrine Juro Kurabe witnesses a male student shoot someone. As things begin to settle, Kurabe cautiously walks toward the scene, but the fallen android gets up and attacks him. The android's consciousness enters Kurabe's nanomachines and before he realizes what's happening, a boy named Kyuta Shiba appears before him.
175 D-Command Nenji Ogata Sector 4/1985: Tsutsuji-Bound Local Train Nenji Ogata gets on the train in pursuit of Ryoko Shinonome. Inside the train, he finds Shinonome and Ei Sekigahara lying on the ground. A mysterious man appears before him and tells him that 15 boys and girls are commanding the Deimos.
186 Live to Protect Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building In the old school building hallway, Takatoshi Hijiyama happens upon Ei Sekigahara and a Sentinel scout unit. When Hijiyama activates the scout unit, it projects what appears to be a conversation log between Takatoshi Hijiyama and Tsukasa Okino of the future.
187 Please, Help Me Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Abandoned Factory 2F Takatoshi Hijiyama returns to the hideout in Higoromo-cho and confirms that Tsukasa Okino is safe, but Ei Sekigahara has tailed him there. Sekigahara has been looking for Okino, saying he needs him as he clutches his head in pain.
188 Preserving Memories Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Abandoned Factory 2F With the pills starting to become ineffective, Ei Sekigahara asks Tsukasa Okino to back up his own memories. Okino then begins mapping Sekigahara's brain.
192 Love in the Fast Lane Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Keyaki-cho Shopping District Iori Fuyusaka, Tomi Kisaragi, and Miwako Sawatari walk through the shopping district together. Ei Sekigahara shows up on a motorcycle and persuades Fuyusaka to go with him.
193 Dreams of Another Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Tsuwabuki Bypass Motorway Iori Fuyusaka tells Ei Sekigahara about the dreams she keeps having. Sekigahara tells her that they aren't dreams, but in fact Chihiro Morimura's memories.
194 Illusion Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Ayame Park Iori Fuyusaka and Ei Sekigahara meet Chihiro Morimura at Ayame Park. There they learn that Morimura is an illusion created by Universal Control.
199 Mission Failed Megumi Yakushiji Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Megumi Yakushiji finds the boy with short hair, though he manages to sneak up behind her. Unable to shoot him, Yakushiji realizes the target is a boy she's met before.
243 Shattered Memories Ryoko Shinonome Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Nurse's Office Ryoko Shinonome awakens in the nurse's office, Ei Sekigahara at her side. Ms. Morimura states that the nanomachines linked to Shinonome's memory have separated, causing her to forget everything but the ability to control Sentinels and gates. With no way left to remove the infection, Morimura gives up on the Sentinels.
254 Sentinel Transfer Iori Fuyusaka Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building In the old school building, Ei Sekigahara registers Iori Fuyusaka to Sentinel No. 15. After explaining the activation switch, Sekigahara parts ways with Fuyusaka.
255 A Crime Etched in History Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Back Alley Ei Sekigahara, who's losing his memories, asks Chihiro Morimura why she wishes to go through with Operation Aegis, as well as why she deleted the logs from 2188.
256 One of Me is Enough Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Back Alley As Ei Sekigahara is assaulted by the intense pain from his memory loss, a young girl appears before Chihiro Morimura, who meets her end at the hands of the girl.
257 A New Awakening Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Back Alley As the rain hammers down, Ei Sekigahara wakes up in an alley. He's in possession of an odd gun, and beside him lies a dead woman. However, his own memories are lost, and he can't remember what happened. He decides to leave the area for now.
263 Ei Sekigahara (Event Archive) Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Building Rooftop Chased by a man in a black suit, Ei Sekigahara makes his way to a building rooftop. With nowhere to run, he uses the phaser in his possession to stun his pursuer.
264 Message to Myself Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Kaede Riverbed After evading the black suits, Ei Sekigahara meets a mysterious girl. He examines the package she left for him, which activates and projects a log from a version of himself from before he lost his memories.
265 Counting on a Student ID Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Front Gate Ei Sekigahara meets Iori Fuyusaka at the front gate and returns her student ID. He doesn't want Fuyusaka to know he doesn't remember her, so he pretends that he still has his memories.
266 Fuyusaka's Campus Tour Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Schoolyard After making sure the black suits have left campus, Ei Sekigahara has Iori Fuyusaka lead him to the nurse's office after school. On the way, he runs into the mysterious girl he met earlier.
267 Hopeless Busybody Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Nurse's Office With Iori Fuyusaka's help, Ei Sekigahara is able to sneak into the nurse's office. Fuyusaka leaves to search for the key to the desk when a strange girl enters the nurse's office. Tomi Kisaragi also shows up, triggering a memory in Sekigahara after she says the words "hopeless busybody."
268 Shikishima SXR-NR Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Back Alley Returning to the scene of the crime once again, Ei Sekigahara presses the emblem on the key, which calls a motorcycle. He gets on, and on the way to his destination, he discovers that Iori Fuyusaka and Chihiro Morimura have the same biometric ID.
269 Lost Memories Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Abandoned Factory Alley When he arrives at the abandoned factory in Higoromo-cho, a girl with braids comes out and pushes Ei Sekigahara to recall his memories.
270 Message Service Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Front Gate Ei Sekigahara is told by Miwako Sawatari, a friend of Iori Fuyusaka, that the cryptic note was for a message service. Just then, he spots the boy who was receiving the nanomachine treatments as well as the strange girl who pointed a gun at him in the nurse's office. Suspicious that they're connected to the agency, he follows them.
271 The Little Mastermind Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Kurabe House Following the boy and girl into the Kurabe House, Ei Sekigahara tries to shoot the strange girl, but Juro Kurabe takes the shot instead. Afterward, a cat sitting on the TV, who appears to be the brains behind it all, talks to Sekigahara. Keitaro Miura hits him, and Sekigahara recalls a memory of Miura.
277 It's Her Again Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Athletics Seeking Natsuno Minami, Ei Sekigahara heads to the athletics building. There, he finds the mysterious girl who left him the message at the riverbed.
278 Girl on the Run Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Ei Sekigahara pursues the mysterious girl who keeps running away from him. Almost as if being lured, he follows her into the old school building.
279 Records of the Truth Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Ei Sekigahara enters the old school building after Yuki Takamiya, the mysterious girl he's been chasing. He ends up finding the girl he was searching for in the first place, Natsuno Minami. The data unit with her shows Sekigahara a log between himself and the other Miura, as well as a log between himself and Renya Gouto from 2188.
280 To the SIU Building Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Aoi Ward, Gogyo Street Led by Yuki Takamiya, Ei Sekigahara makes his way into the Special Investigation Unit's headquarters.
281 Piercing Ambition Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: SIU Director's Room Ei Sekigahara arrives at the SIU office to find a rather unusual-looking Tetsuya Ida. Ida, who's been waiting for Sekigahara, has taken Iori Fuyusaka hostage.
295 The Last Piece Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Tsuwabuki Bypass Motorway Ei Sekigahara arrives near Iori Fuyusaka and sees that 12 Sentinels have already been deployed. He activates his new unit, Sentinel No. 11, and joins the fight.
306 Planet RS13-Alpha N/A ??? After the final battle, the pilots awaken to the real world. Their long journey through a simulated reality has served to prepare them for a new life on a second Earth, somewhere in the direction of Virgo. Miyuki Inaba praises the miracle of their survival and bids them farewell.

Pilot Skills

  • Level 5: Motorcyclist - Move speed increases when not piloting a Sentinel.
  • Level 10: I Work Alone - Attack and WT recovery speed increases when no allies are nearby.
  • Level 15: CQC Specialist - Close-quarter attacks do more damage the closer the kaiju are.
  • Level 20: Marksman - Increases critical-hit chance against aerial kaiju.
  • Level 25: Saw That Coming - High chance to dodge close-quarter attacks.
  • Level 30: You Okay, Iori? - Whenever Fuyusaka's HP decreases, WT recovery speed increases.


Icon Name Description Trophy
Sekigahara's Prologue Cleared.png Sekigahara's Prologue Cleared Completed Ei Sekigahara's prologue in Remembrance. Bronze
Sekigahara's Story 50% Cleared.png Sekigahara's Story 50% Cleared Reached 50% in Ei Sekigahara's story in Remembrance. Bronze
Sekigahara's Story Cleared.png Sekigahara's Story Cleared Completed Ei Sekigahara's story in Remembrance. Bronze


  • The name Ei means "crystal" (瑛).
  • Ei's surname Sekigahara means "barrier, gate" (関) (seki) and "field, plain" (原) (hara).


  • Sekigahara's story was inspired by the science fiction films Total Recall and Solaris. It also took inspiration from the episode titled "Demon with a Glass Hand" from the American TV series The Outer Limits, although it underwent some changes.[1]
  • Writer Watanabe Kouji has stated that his favorite scene in the game takes place within Sekigahara's last event, Event No. 281: Piercing Ambition. He proclaims this to be a scene that will leave a mark in the history of science fiction.[2]
  • Ei does not appear in the ending cutscene that happens while the credits are rolling.
  • Because Iori Fuyusaka's story was originally intended to be more like a shoujo manga, with Sekigahara deciding whether he was interested in Iori Fuyusaka or Ryoko Shinonome, the way he refers to Shinonome is very inconsistent, as that is a remnant of that original idea.[3]
  • In the epilogue, Iori Fuyusaka refers to Sekigahara as あの人 (ano hito) ("that person"), which is commonly used by a married woman to refer to her husband.[4]
  • While it was not shown on-screen, George Kamitani says that Sekigahara would've returned to see Fluffy one last time in order to get shot with the Magical Gun.[5]
  • Sekigahara's school uniform not having any buttons was from the developers originally thinking of Sakura High School having different uniforms in the 2060s.[6]



Characters of 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Protagonists Juro KurabeIori FuyusakaMegumi YakushijiTomi KisaragiNenji OgataNatsuno MinamiShu AmiguchiYuki TakamiyaEi SekigaharaKeitaro MiuraTakatoshi HijiyamaRyoko ShinonomeRenya Gouto
Non-playable Characters Tsukasa OkinoTamao KurabeTamao Kurabe (One Loop Ago)Takatoshi Hijiyama (One Loop Ago)BJMiwako SawatariKyuta ShibaFluffyErika AibaJuro IzumiChihiro MorimuraChihiroTetsuya IdaMiyuki InabaTakemi WajimaHeizo OnishiKiriko DoujiHeizou Douji
2188 Characters Juro Izumi (2188)Chihiro Morimura (2188)Megumi Yakushiji (2188)Ei Sekigahara (2188)Renya Gouto (2188)Natsuno Minami (2188)Keitaro Miura (2188)Takatoshi Hijiyama (2188)Nenji Ogata (2188)Tomi Kisaragi (2188)Tetsuya Ida (2188)Yuki Takamiya (2188)Ryoko Shinonome (2188)Tsukasa Okino (2188)Tamao Kurabe (2188)Nozomu Yakushiji