A Relentless Nightmare

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Juro Kurabe's Dream
Sakura Ward City Center
The camera pans across the scene, showing the dead bodies of other compatibles. Juro Izumi (Two Loops Ago) stands, one hand to his chest and the other holding a gun. He is clearly exhausted. Tetsuya Ida, Megumi Yakushiji (One Loop Ago), and Chihiro Morimura (One Loop Ago) stand across from him, cowering.
Megumi Yakushiji (One Loop Ago): Izumi-san... Stop, please...
Chihiro Morimura (One Loop Ago): You killed everyone...
Chihiro Morimura (One Loop Ago): How could you do such a thing?
Tetsuya Ida steps forward, approaching Izumi. Izumi raises his gun, aiming at Ida.
Tetsuya Ida: You...
Tetsuya Ida: You came to the future for this?
Tetsuya Ida: What ever happened to protecting us!?
Juro Izumi (Two Loops Ago): Ida... We had it all wrong.
Juro Izumi: The true cause of this disaster... was you.
Tetsuya Ida: What?
Juro Izumi: It's your nanomachines. You all have them.
Juro Izumi: That's what's calling the Deimos here.
Juro Izumi: As long as you kids are alive...
Juro Izumi: The hordes will keep on coming until they've destroyed all time and space.
Tetsuya Ida: You're lying.
Juro Izumi: I'm sorry.
Izumi shoots Ida. Ida falls to the ground, clutching his chest. Izumi shoots Chihiro Morimura (One Loop Ago) who instantly falls to the ground, dead. Megumi Yakushiji (One Loop Ago) turns, gasping at the body.
Chihiro Morimura (One Loop Ago): Eek!
Juro Izumi: This is the only way.
Yakushiji (One Loop Ago) tries to run, but is gunned down by Izumi. She collapses next to Morimura (One Loop Ago).
Megumi Yakushiji (One Loop Ago): No... No...!
Juro Izumi: I'm sorry, Yakushiji.
Juro Izumi: The pain will only last for a moment.
Izumi slumps, hand covering his mouth, looking as though he will throw up. His hand moves to his chest.
Juro Izumi: Ugh...
Juro Izumi: It's too late to back out now.
Juro Izumi: I must kill my doubts... and finish the job.
Juro Izumi: In order to escape this eternal cage...
Juro Izumi: It must be done.
Tetsuya Ida: The cause of this... was us?
Juro Izumi: You're persistent, Ida.
Juro Izumi: Don't worry... I'll put you out of your misery.
Izumi is shot, and falls to the ground. The camera pans to Chihiro Morimura (Two Loops Ago), gun still raised.
Juro Izumi: Guh!
Chihiro Morimura (Two Loops Ago): My god...
Chihiro Morimura (Two Loops Ago): What have you done, Juro?
Morimura runs over to Ida, crouching down to look at him.
Tetsuya Ida: Morimura-san...
Chihiro Morimura (Two Loops Ago): Where's the wound? Let me see it.
Juro Izumi: Kuh...
Morimura stands, looking over her shoulder down at Izumi.
Juro Izumi: This...
Juro Izumi: ...was all... for you.
Juro Izumi: Morimura...