Sectors Under Construction

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Satellite Orbit: Sector 4
Keitaro Miura: Morimura-san.
Chihiro Morimura: Is all going as planned?
Keitaro Miura: All issues have been resolved on my end.
Keitaro Miura: Four Sectors are ready for the final phase.
Keitaro Miura: The remaining one is at roughly 70%.
Chihiro Morimura: Sectors?
Keitaro Miura: Their structures are similar to these colonies.
Keitaro Miura: So that's what I've been calling them.
Chihiro Morimura: So we'll have five Sectors, then.
Keitaro Miura: I've chosen not to divide them based on orbital positions.
Keitaro Miura: Instead, I've separated them by historical eras.
Keitaro Miura: I've been meaning to ask.
Keitaro Miura: Why don't we create a residential district of the present day?
Chihiro Morimura: The decision was made to start over...
Chihiro Morimura: ...from a time before the world took such a terrible turn.
Keitaro Miura: Before the nanonmachine incidents?
Chihiro Morimura: ...Perhaps humanity tasted the fruit of knowledge too early.
Chihiro Morimura: When it was being decided how far we should go back...
Chihiro Morimura: ...we couldn't come to an agreement.
Chihiro Morimura: So we ultimately settled on preparing residential districts by era.
Keitaro Miura: I've always wanted to live in the 20th century before the war...
Keitaro Miura: So this works out perfectly.
Keitaro Miura: However, some resources of the era are quite old.
Keitaro Miura: Accurately reproducing them might pose a difficulty.
Keitaro Miura: I don't think I can do it with confidence.
Chihiro Morimura: That's fine.
Chihiro Morimura: As long as our civilization survives...
Chihiro Morimura: ...I'll be happy.
Keitaro Miura: Once it's completed, just one district will be the size of a city.
Keitaro Miura: It'll have a bustling population of 1.2 million people.
Chihiro Morimura: We have more residential areas than we originally planned.
Chihiro Morimura: Ms. Kurabe's hands are going to be awfully full.
Keitaro Miura: I'm sure everything will be finished on time.
Keitaro Miura: I have to get back to work.
Chihiro Morimura: Understood.