Meta Chips/Meta-System

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Meta Chips are a form of currency found in 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, and are collected from defeated kaiju or remembrance stories. They can be used to purchase/enhance armaments, or to upgrade 5 parameters of the Sentinel. Meta-Chips can also be used to enhance functions of the Meta-System, also known as the terminal.

An image of the meta-system in 13-Sentinels, which helps ward off kaiju with various functions and modifiers.

Terminal Enhancement

Meta-System: As the core programming of the terminal, the meta-system must be upgraded to unlock other functions, and can be upgraded up to level 10. Costs 1000 extra meta-chips each level.
Score Multiplier: Score achieved during battle is multiplied by the level upgraded. Costs 1000 extra meta-chips each level.
Chip Multiplier: Meta-Chip rewards are multiplied by half the level upgraded. Costs 2000 extra meta-chips each level.
Meta-Skill Use: Increases personal Meta-Skill uses to the level upgraded. Costs 1000 extra meta-chips each level.
[Meta-Skill] Terminal Recovery: Fixes 30% of Terminal corruption. Costs 1000 meta-chips.
[Meta-Skill] Heal Team HP: Recovers 30% of all allies' HP. Costs 1000 meta-chips.
[Meta-Skill] Heal Team EP: Recovers 30% of all allies' EP. Costs 2000 meta-chips.
[Meta-Skill] Instant Team Cooldown: Immediately all allies to take action. Costs 2000 meta-chips.
[Meta-Skill] Team Barrier: Raises shields on all allies for 10 seconds. Costs 3000 meta-chips.
[Meta-Skill] Team Accelerate: Doubles all allies' move speed for 30 seconds. Costs 3000 meta-chips.
[Meta-Skill] Power Boost: Doubles Attack of Sentinels/support armaments in range for 15 seconds. Costs 4000 meta-chips.
[Meta-Skill] Durability Boost: Halves damage to Sentinels/support armaments in range for 30 seconds. Costs 4000 meta-chips.
[Meta-Skill] Gravity: Plants a gravity field at a target area for 8 seconds, pulling kaiju toward it. Costs 5000 meta-chips.
[Meta-Skill] Deploy Type-98: Summons 4 Type-98 Bipeds. Costs 5000 meta-chips.
[Meta-Skill] Score Boost: All kaiju within range give 3 times the level upgraded score rewards for 1 minute. Costs 6000 meta-chips.

Sentinel Upgrades

Enhances the Sentinel's armor. HP is increased, Defense is increased, and there is an added chance to nullify attacks.
Enhances Sentinel's Generator. EP is increased, Attack is increased, and EP recovery is increased.
Fire Control Equipment
Enhances Sentinel's Fire Control Systems(FCS). Attack is increased, Accuracy is increased, and critical damage is increased.
Enhances Sentinel's drive system. Speed is increased, Defense is increased, and move speed/distance is increased.
Enhances Sentinel's nerve sync. Accuracy is increased, Speed is increased, EXP is increased, and decreases how much Brain Overload the pilots receive.


1st Generation Sentinels

Armaments Sentinels
Armament EP POW WT Effect 10 11 12
Rush Attack 0 800x4 → 800x7 3s X X X
A fierce double-fisted barrage. Attacks ground kaiju several times.
Leap Attack 50 450 3s X X
Jumps toward target area and impacts ground kaiju with a shockwave.
Demolisher Blade 150 80x36 → 104x52 4s X X X
Arm-mounted excavator that slices through ground kaiju in front. Heavy damage. Ignores armor.
Anti-Air Defensive Flares 200 10 4s 20s X X X
Spreads numerous flares in the air, obstructing aerial kaiju and missiles.
Tackle 100 500 → 820 4s X X X
Charges toward target area, knocking away ground kaiju in the Sentinel's path.
EMP Attractor 150 110 3s 10s X X X
An electromagnetic pulse shot halts movement, drops aerial kaiju, and distracts kaiju.
Defense Mode 100 → 60 - 0s 20s X X
Shifts into Defense Mode. Move speed drops to 1/3 but durability quadruples.
Limiter Removal 300 → 220 - 0s 15s X X X
Removes Sentinel limiter. Durability drops to 1/3, but Attack and Speed doubles.
Anti-Ground Multi-Lock Missiles 150 220x12 → 380x12 6s X X
Unleashes a random barrage of missiles toward ground kaiju within target area.
EMP Surrounding 150 400 → 580 3s 10s X X
A modified condenser extends the Demolisher Blade's range and number of attacks. (150 → 300 EP)
Counter - 400 - X
When attacked, immediately counterattacks all ground kaiju near the Sentinel.
Composite Ceramic Armor - - - X
Immune to attacks dealing 500 damage or less, due to special composite armor.
Hyper Condenser - - - X
A modified condenser extends the Demolisher Blade's range and number of attacks. (150 → 300 EP)
Forced Cooling Device - - - X
WT recovery speed increases by 30% due to a powerful cooling device.
Wide-Range Suppression Rockets (Switch) 200 150x48 → 310x48 7.5s 6s X
Fires a rocket barrage at ground kaiju within target area. Slows their movement.
Hurricane Rush (Switch) 100 360x18 4s X
A high-speed double-fisted barrage. Attacks surrounding kaiju several times.
Anti-Air Demolisher Blade (Switch) 200 80x36 → 104x52 4s X
Arm-mounted excavator that slices through aerial kaiju in front. Heavy damage. Ignores armor.
Anti-Ground Missile Barrage (Switch) 300 300x48 6.7s X
Fires a missile barrage at ground kaiju within target area.
High-Performance Charger (Switch) - - - X
EP recovery time reduced and recovery amount increased while defending. (Time 8s → 6s, EP Recovery 30% → 60%)
Optimized Actuator (Switch) - - - X
Movement before attacking with armament is multiplied by 1.3

2nd Generation Sentinels:

Heavy Knuckles: Attacks a ground kaiju 2 times with the Sentinel's giant fist. EP cost: 0
Enhanced Power:2740x2 /Enhanced Wait Time:4s

Arm-Mounted Machine Cannons: Attacks kaiju within target area in front of the Sentinel with Machine Cannons. EP: 0 cost:
Enhanced Power:72x49 /Enhanced Wait Time:7s

Multi Rocket Launchers: Fires multiple rockets into target areas. EP cost: 100
Enhanced Power:150x8 /Enhanced Wait Time:7s

Sentry Gun: Places small railgun at target area. Autofires on kaiju. EP cost: 250
Enhanced HP:3000 /Enhanced Power:1300x10 /Enhanced Wait Time:8s

Guardian: Places a Guardian at target area. Acts as a decoy, distracting kaiju. EP cost: 100
Enhanced HP:4000 /Enhanced Wait Time: 7s

Jammer Rocket Launchers: Fires rockets into target area. Decreases move speed by 25% and durability by 50%. EP cost: 100
Enhanced Power:100x2 /Enhanced Wait Time:6s /Enhanced Effect:15s

Anti-Ground Piercing Rocket Launchers: Fires piercing rockets at ground kaiju within target area. EP cost: 150
Enhanced Power:300x4 /Enhanced Wait Time:6s /Armor Piercing

Guardian Avenger: Places a Guardian at target area. Acts as a decoy, and violently explodes when destroyed. EP cost: 250
Enhanced HP:1500 /Enhanced Power:4000 /Enhanced Wait Time:7s

Plasma Arc Fusion Cutter: Welding tool deals heavy damage to a ground kaiju. Ignores armor and slows movement. EP cost: 350
Enhanced Power:260x50 /Enhanced Wait Time:7s /Enhanced Effect:15s/ Armor Piercing.

Repair Emitter: Places an emitter at target area. Recovers HP of nearby allies, up to a maximum of 40% HP. EP cost: 150
Enhanced HP:2000 /Enhanced Wait Time:7s /Enhanced Lasts for:8s

Shield Emitter: Places an emitter at target area. Shields nearby allies. EP cost: 200
Enhanced HP:2000 /Enhanced Wait Time:7s /Enhanced Lasts for:8s

Hyper Condenser: A modified condenser allows for 2 Sentry Guns to be placed. EP cost:None

3rd Generation Sentinels:

Chest-Mounted 6 Multi-Launching Rapid Cannons: Attacks kaiju within target area in front of the Sentinel with heavy-caliber rounds. EP cost: 0
Enhanced Power:171x20 /Enhanced Wait Time:6s

Main Battery Heavy Railgun: Fires a large round directly forward at high speed, through electromagnetic induction. EP cost: 150
Enhanced Power:2100 /Enhanced Wait Time:5s

EMP Stunner: A Sentinel-localized electromagnetic field halts movement and drops aerial kaiju. EP cost: 200
Enhanced Power:5 /Enhanced Wait Time:8s /Enhanced Effect:6s

Long-Range Missiles: Attacks kaiju within target area with long-range missiles. EP cost: 100
Enhanced Power:110x6 /Enhanced Wait Time:6s

Stun Knuckles: Attacks ground kaiju with fist-mounted electromagnetic battering rams, halting their movement. EP cost: 100
Enhanced Power:1000 /Enhanced Wait Time:3s /Enhanced Effect:10s

Anti-Air Bombardment: Attacks aerial kaiju within target area in front if the Sentinel with anti-air bombardment. EP cost: 100
Enhanced Power:400x12 /Enhanced Wait Time:4s

Homing Missiles: Fires a highly potent homing missile at target kaiju. EP cost: 150
Enhanced Power:2720 /Enhanced Wait Time:6s

Forced Cooling Device: WT recovery speed increases by 30% due to a powerful cooling device. EP cost:None

Anti-Ground Hunter Missile: Fires a highly potent anti-ground long-ranged missile. Hits ground kaiju, ignoring armor. EP cost: 300
Enhanced Power:2800 /Enhanced Wait Time:8s /Armor Piercing

Missile Rain: Rains down countless missiles in a wide area in front of the Sentinel. EP cost: 350
Enhanced Power:26x174 /Enhanced Wait Time:6s

Main Battery Mega Railgun: Fires a large round directly forward at high speed, through focused electromagnetic induction. EP cost: 250
Enhanced Power:4500 /Enhanced Wait Time:5s

Super Large Missile: Fires off a powerful missile at a long distance. Can decimate a wide area. EP cost:750
Enhanced Power:10200 /Enhanced Wait Time:12s

4th Generation Sentinels:

Arm-Mounted Pulse Lasers: Fires laser beams at kaiju within target area in front of Sentinel. Ignores armor. EP cost: 0
Enhanced Power:82x24 /Enhanced Wait Time:5s/ Armor Piercing

Shield Matrix: Places shields on allies within target area, nullifying attacks from kaiju. EP cost: 150
Enhanced Wait Time:5s /Enhanced Effect:6s

Flare Torpedo: Deploys a mine at target area. Upon detecting kaiju, it explodes, overheating them. EP cost: 150
Enhanced Power:50 /Enhanced Wait Time:6s /Enhanced Lasts for:10s /Enhanced Effect:5s

Multi-Lock Missiles: Fires a random barrage of missiles of kaiju within target area, slowing their movement. EP cost: 100
Enhanced Power:61x59 /Enhanced Wait Time:4s /Enhanced Effect:6s

Shield Repair: Places a shield and recovers 30% HP of an ally. EP cost: 150
Enhanced Wait Time:5s /Enhanced Effect:6s

Gravity Missiles: Fires Missiles into target area. Gravitic forces pull kaiju toward the impact zone. EP cost: 150
Enhanced Wait Time:5s /Enhanced Lasts for:6s

Interceptors: Releases a swarm of drones that autofire on kaiju. Ignores armor. EP cost: 250
Enhanced Units:8 /Enhanced HP:100 /Enhanced Power:25x16/ Enhanced Wait Time:5s/ Armor Piercing

Leg Spike: Pierces kaiju with a leg spike and unleashes an electrical surge, overheating them. EP cost: 150
Enhanced Power:1940x2 /Enhanced Wait Time:4s /Armor Piercing /Enhanced Effect:6s

Arm-Mounted Convergent Lasers: Fires convergent laser beams directly forward from the Sentinel. Ignores armor. EP cost: 100
Enhanced Power:460x4 /Enhanced Wait Time:5s /Armor Piercing

Floating Mine: Sentinel moves to target area and deploys kaiju-sensitive mines. Overheats kaiju on detonation. EP cost: 150
Enhanced Power:250x6 /Enhanced Wait Time:5s /Enhanced Effect:7s

Hyper Condenser: A modified condenser allows for 4 more Interceptor units. EP cost:None