Keitaro Miura (One Loop Ago)

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This page is about Natsuno Minami's "alien" friend, BJ. For BJ's true identity and clarity about his other selves, please visit This disambiguation page.

For more details about this character, go to File No. 042 of the Mystery Files.

BJ is a non-player character in 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim.


Alien or Scout Unit?

BJ is a mysterious small robot (height about 60 cm) that Natsuno Minami encountered. He asks Minami for help finding a memory cell, as well as the lost Sentinel No. 17.


Work in Progress


Work in Progress



BJ's true identity is Miura Keitaro from one loop ago, who assisted Chihiro Morimura from two loops ago in defending the world one loop ago from the Kaijus. When Sector 4 fell and the world was about to be reset, Miura, along with Tamao Kurabe, Takatoshi Hijiyama, and Tomi Kisaragi from one loop ago, were instructed to escape to Sector 0 using a Type-98 Biped. However, the Type-98 Biped exploded during the transfer, presumably attacked by a Kaiju. As such, all four of them lost their physical bodies and arrived in the new loop as AIs.

In the new loop, the AI Miura (now called No.17) was installed as the pilot of Sentinel No.17. During this time, Miura discovered a massive amount of records from the year 2188 in Universal Control, which he was able to partially decipher. The AI Tamao (now in an android body developed by Tetsuya Ida) found out about this and decided not to report, but asked him to stop. Tamao refused, and asked Tamao to never disconnect her connection with him even if something happened to him.

Having became friends with Ei Sekigahara, Miura told him about the records of 2188, and how Morimura isolated it to keep others from accessing it. However, he kept a backup in the memories of Sentinel No.17. Miura asked Sekigahara to recover Sentinel No.17's memory module should anything happen to him.

Miura and No.17 participated in the battle of Sector 2 alongside 18 other Sentinels. However, the battle was lost due to the spread of DD-426, which disabled all Sentinels. Morimura decided to activate emergency transfer on all of the Sentinels to save them, causing them to be randomlmy scattered over all Sectors. However, Miura relocated into his Sentinel's Scout Unit and detached from the Sentinel before the transfer.

Miura's Scout Unit was recovered by Ida Tetsuya. However, he refused to cooperate with Ida's plan of intentionally causing another reset. Knowing that Miura had a backup of the 2188 records in his Sentinel. Since Miura still had the control authorization of Sentinel No.17, Ida was unable to track it, so he enlisted the help of Sekigahara. In the ruined Sector 3, Ida instructed Sekigahara to pretend to rescue Miura from him and trick him into revealing Sentinel No.17's location.

While en route to the Universal Control under Sakura High School, Sekigahara and Miura encountered Ryoko Shinonome, who was under the belief that Sekigahara was 426 and the one who spread DD-426 to the other Sentinels. While inside Universal Control, Miura witnessed Tomi Kisaragi's contact with her counterpart from one loop ago. Eventually, the group returned to Sector 4.

Sekigahara was eventually forced to hide Miura's scout unit inside the girl's changing room in Sakura High Athletics Building while avoiding the men in black - Ida's subordinate, whom he sent after Sekigahara to keep up the facade that they are working against one another. Unbeknownst to him, Miura was aware of his true intention and erased the location of his Sentinel from his memory, save for a single clue.

When Natsuno Minami arrived to change before returning home, she found Miura, who uttered the words "BJ eleven five" before erasing it from his memory. Natsuno assumed that the scout unit is an alien running from the men in black and began referring to it as "BJ". After checking her innerlocitor code and finding out that she was a Compatible, BJ enlisted her help in finding his lost Sentinel, showing her the location of the transfer gate at Tokisaka Shrine.


Click to Expand:

There are 41 Event Archive entries with Keitaro Miura (One Loop Ago):

# Name Protagonist Setting Description
014 My Name is... Tetsuya Ida Shu Amiguchi Sector 3/2025: Destroyed Apartment A memory of a dream Shu Amiguchi had. Tomi Kisaragi stands in shock next to her crumbling apartment building as he attempts to console her. Keitaro Miura and Chihiro Morimura come to rescue them, and he reveals that his name is Tetsuya Ida.
028 KEITARO MIURA (Event Archive) Ei Sekigahara Sector 2/2064: Shikishima Sentinel Hangar Ei Sekigahara speaks with Miura, the AI of Sentinel No. 17, and learns of the logs from 2188. Morimura had locked most of this data down, but Miura secretly kept a backup of one log, storing it in the Sentinel's memory block. He implores Sekigahara to recover this at all costs if the Sentinel should ever come to harm.
041 Hidden Data Ei Sekigahara Sector 3/2025: Ruined City After losing the battle, Ei Sekigahara appears before Tetsuya Ida. Ida promises to take away the effects of DD-426 in exchange for Sekigahara's help in stopping Operation Aegis and bringing about another loop, as well as extracting log data from Miura. Although hesitant, Sekigahara activates Miura.
042 Izumi, Unreturning Megumi Yakushiji Sector 3/2025: Road to Sakura High After losing the battle in 2025, Megumi Yakushiji and Juro Izumi meet once again in front of the downed Sentinel No. 13. A man that was Izumi's ally appears before them, as Yakushiji holds the heavily injured Izumi in her arms.
069 Discord Tomi Kisaragi Sector 3/2025: Sakura High Chasm To escape from 2025, Tomi Kisaragi and company decide to go down the giant hole. Taking Miwako Sawatari with them, once they get near Sakura High School they find Ryoko Shinonome and Ei Sekigahara confronting each other.
070 Sentinel No. 16, Respond Tomi Kisaragi Sector 3/2025: Mainframe Tomi Kisaragi and company make it to the shifter 300 m underground. As Kisaragi touches a mysterious display, she is able to communicate with the missing Sentinel No. 16. But the transmission is quickly cut off, and they are attacked by androids once again. The shift is executed right as they are in danger, and they escape 2025.
071 Universal Control (Event Archive) Tomi Kisaragi Sector 4/1985: Tokisaka Shrine As they complete their shift from 2025 to 1985, they notice Miwako Sawatari is nowhere to be found.
086 Hello, BJ! Natsuno Minami Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Track Room In the track team locker room, Natsuno Minami has a fated encounter with the alien, BJ. Minami hides BJ in her P.E. bag and heads toward the shrine near the school, looking for the "Gate" he's been wanting to find.
087 The Shifter Gate Natsuno Minami Sector 4/1985: Tokisaka Shrine Natsuno Minami arrives at BJ's destination: Tokisaka Shrine. She gets excited when she sees the brightly lit shifter gate appear before her.
088 The War of the Worlds Natsuno Minami Sector 2/2065: Destroyed City Center Natsuno Minami shifts to a devastated city with BJ. According to the news report shown, this place is Kasumi-cho of the future and BJ has come here to find a memory cell. To get away from the giant alien weapons that keep destroying the city, Minami sprints deeper into the city.
089 The New Old Building Natsuno Minami Sector 5/1945: Sakura National Hallway Natsuno Minami and BJ shift to the Sakura High School of 1945. Just as she expresses her awe in seeing the brand new old school building, the two of them hear voices and hide. They learn from a conversation between a male and female student that a weapon lies at Ayame Pass.
090 Mysterious Motives Natsuno Minami Sector 5/1945: Ayame Pass, Sentinel Factory Natsuno Minami and BJ arrive at the military factory at Ayame Pass. While they don't find Sentinel No. 17, they do find Sentinel No. 19, which had been piloted by one of BJ's friends.
091 Transcending Space and Time Natsuno Minami Sector 5/1945: Tokisaka Shrine With the gate lock changed by the mysterious boy, another boy wearing a cap finds Natsuno Minami and BJ, who are unable to return to their own time.
092 Boy Meets Girl Keitaro Miura Sector 5/1945: Tokisaka Shrine After getting a break from his factory duty, Keitaro Miura is able to come back to town for a few months. He sees a mysterious light come from Tokisaka Shrine and has a fated meeting with Natsuno Minami, who had been hiding behind the trees.
094 The New American Weapon Keitaro Miura Sector 5/1945: Tokisaka Shrine Keitaro Miura and the others run away from the strange-looking new American weapons. Leaving Chihiro and Natsuno Minami to Tamao Kurabe, Miura runs off to the Sentinel to mount a counterattack.
098 No Place Like Home Natsuno Minami Sector 4/1985: Building Rooftop Natsuno Minami and BJ, who had been hiding in the maintenance hatch, were able to return to their own time in Sentinel No. 19. Keitaro Miura is already gone and Minami and BJ leave before people start to gather.
106 Usami's Got a Gun Natsuno Minami Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, New Building Natsuno Minami is relieved that she found her top secret notebook, but is suddenly shot at by Tomi Kisaragi and makes a run for it.
109 Exterminator Natsuno Minami Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Girls' Bathroom Natsuno Minami hides in one of the stalls in the girls' bathroom. Outside of the stall, the machines get into an intense battle. As things become quiet, Minami comes out of the stall only to be shot in the cheek by the android that looks like Tamao Kurabe.
118 The Mysteries of Time Travel Keitaro Miura Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Athletics Keitaro Miura goes to the athletics building in search of Natsuno Minami. To discover the truth about time travel, the two head to the old school building.
119 Where Did We Come From? Keitaro Miura Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Natsuno Minami reveals to Keitaro Miura that she's been helping the alien, BJ. Miura notices that he looks like a Sentinel scout unit and BJ confirms that he's looking for the Sentinel he came on. BJ then shows an important log to Miura.
121 Going Back Home Keitaro Miura Sector 4/1985: Tokisaka Shrine Keitaro Miura arrives at Tokisaka Shrine and witnesses the moment that Natsuno Minami and BJ shift. Miura follows them in to make sure that Chihiro is safe in his own time... But that shift was also witnessed by someone else.
122 The Search for Chihiro Keitaro Miura Sector 5/1985: Tokisaka Shrine Keitaro Miura returns to 1945 with the others and they leave Tokisaka Shrine to search for Chihiro.
123 The Disappearance of Tamao Keitaro Miura Sector 5/1985: Near Kurabe House Keitaro Miura and company make their way to the Kurabe residence, unnerved by the fact that not a single other person is around. There they find Tamao Kurabe on the ground, weakened and near-death. She tells Miura that Chihiro was taken by Renya Gouto, and then vanishes without a trace.
126 Mistaken Identity Natsuno Minami Sector 2/2065: Destroyed City Center Natsuno Minami goes back to 2065 in search of the Sentinel again, and finds out from BJ that the tripods are also robots made by Shikishima. BJ then reveals that they are not actually on Earth, and that Minami herself might be an alien.
127 A Missing Memory Natsuno Minami Sector 1/2105: Underground Facility Natsuno Minami and BJ shift to the underground facility in 2105 to access the quantum computer and find the location of Sentinel No. 17. They discover that Sentinel No. 17 is located on a man-made satellite.
129 A Closed World Natsuno Minami Sector 3/2025: Ruined City Natsuno Minami goes to Sector 3 to find the UFO, but is shot by Ryoko Shinonome, who had been lying in wait. When she comes to, BJ is nowhere to be found and Minami realizes that she has been trapped in 2025.
130 Me, from the Future Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Finding herself near the old school building, Yuki Takamiya sees Ryoko Shinonome watching a projection from a box-like device. Shinonome is unstable and looks like she might collapse, so she asks Takamiya to hide the device for her.
140 Miura, Activate Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Yuki Takamiya, now remembering what the device Ryoko Shinonome asked her to hide looked like, goes back to the classroom and pulls out the box she stashed there earlier. She struggles to figure out how to activate it, and Ei Sekigahara shows up just in time to do so with ease. Along with this robot he calls Miura, they head to Sector 3, where Natsuno Minami has been stranded.
141 Where You Go, I'll Follow Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Tokisaka Shrine Ei Sekigahara and Miura head to Tokisaka Shrine, the place that was mentioned in Natsuno Minami's notebook as well. They shift to Sector 3 through time travel, but are unable to find Minami.
147 To Nat-chan Yuki Takamiya Sector 3/2025: Ruined City Led by Miura, who found a location that had an unnatural gathering of androids, Yuki Takamiya sets out to rescue Natsuno Minami.
148 The Hawk Has Landed Yuki Takamiya Sector 3/2025: Kaiju Remains With the gun given to her by Ei Sekigahara, Yuki Takamiya takes down the attacking androids. At the end of her long search, she finally finds Natsuno Minami. The two of them embrace each other like they never want to let go.
152 The Past Keitaro Miura Keitaro Miura Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Keitaro Miura is hung up on Ei Sekigahara's words and asks BJ if they are one in the same. BJ acknowledges this and says that he isn't from the future, but rather someone that used to be Miura.
153 From The Future Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Shu Amiguchi happens upon Keitaro Miura in the passageway. Amiguchi tells Miura about the dream he had of him the other day.
186 Live to Protect Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building In the old school building hallway, Takatoshi Hijiyama happens upon Ei Sekigahara and a Sentinel scout unit. When Hijiyama activates the scout unit, it projects what appears to be a conversation log between Takatoshi Hijiyama and Tsukasa Okino of the future.
230 Ida vs Amiguchi Shu Amiguchi Sector 3/2025: Mainframe Shu Amiguchi confronts Tetsuya Ida, who's taken Yuki Takamiya hostage. Ida then commands Miyuki Inaba's functions to be shut down. Ryoko Shinonome manipulates the equipment to shift herself, Ida, and Takamiya to Sector 4, leaving Amiguchi and the black suits behind. As Amiguchi and the black suits try to find a way out of the mainframe, Natsuno Minami appears.
233 Terraforming Tomi Kisaragi Sector 3/2025: Mainframe Tomi Kisaragi and Tsukasa Okino shift to the mainframe to find Shu Amiguchi and Natsuno Minami there as well. After seeing the log of Tomi Kisaragi from 2188, they reestablish communications with Miyuki Inaba and hear how she plans to change Universal Control.
274 Led by a Scout Unit Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Takatoshi Hijiyama meets a girl and a scout unit inside the old school building. The girl gives Hijiyama a phaser, and he heads back to the UFO with the scout unit to rescue Tsukasa Okino.
275 Okino's Death Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 3/2025: Mainframe Takatoshi Hijiyama takes down the androids that come at him one by one with the phaser. He runs over to where Tsukasa Okino is lying, and after entrusting Hijiyama with a letter, he vanishes.
276 Goodbye, BJ Natsuno Minami Sector 4/1985: Kaede River, Sumire Bridge Natsuno Minami comes to Sumire Bridge and, at BJ's request, becomes the pilot of Sentinel No. 17. She transmits the Sentinel and asks BJ if the log data was successfully saved, but he doesn't respond.
279 Records of the Truth Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Ei Sekigahara enters the old school building after Yuki Takamiya, the mysterious girl he's been chasing. He ends up finding the girl he was searching for in the first place, Natsuno Minami. The data unit with her shows Sekigahara a log between himself and the other Miura, as well as a log between himself and Renya Gouto from 2188.
312 Respective Futures N/A Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Front Gate Takemi Wajima, same as ever, waits for Nenji Ogata in front of Sakura High. Ogata, to whom a lot of time has passed, is moved by his loyalty. At the front gate, Keitaro Miura and Natsuno Minami celebrate the return of BJ as Yuki Takamiya and Shu Amiguchi arrive. The two now have a child, Konatsu, despite their bickering.


  • BJ's full name, BJ-011-005, is actually the coordinate of his lost memory cell.


Characters of 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Protagonists Juro KurabeIori FuyusakaMegumi YakushijiTomi KisaragiNenji OgataNatsuno MinamiShu AmiguchiYuki TakamiyaEi SekigaharaKeitaro MiuraTakatoshi HijiyamaRyoko ShinonomeRenya Gouto
Non-playable Characters Tsukasa OkinoTamao KurabeTamao Kurabe (One Loop Ago)Takatoshi Hijiyama (One Loop Ago)BJMiwako SawatariKyuta ShibaFluffyErika AibaJuro IzumiChihiro MorimuraChihiroTetsuya IdaMiyuki InabaTakemi WajimaHeizo OnishiKiriko DoujiHeizou Douji
2188 Characters Juro Izumi (2188)Chihiro Morimura (2188)Megumi Yakushiji (2188)Ei Sekigahara (2188)Renya Gouto (2188)Natsuno Minami (2188)Keitaro Miura (2188)Takatoshi Hijiyama (2188)Nenji Ogata (2188)Tomi Kisaragi (2188)Tetsuya Ida (2188)Yuki Takamiya (2188)Ryoko Shinonome (2188)Tsukasa Okino (2188)Tamao Kurabe (2188)Nozomu Yakushiji