Chihiro Morimura (Two Loops Ago)

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I can't go on... My head... feels like it's splitting...

The section below contains spoilers for the story of 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. It would be ill-advised to scroll without caution if you want to have a blind experience with the game, or have not completed it in its entirety.

This page is about the Chihiro who saved Tetsuya Ida. For other characters with the same name, please visit Chihiro (disambiguation)

Chihiro Morimura (Two Loops Ago) is a character in 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim.


A Woman Similar to Ms. Morimura

The Chihiro Morimura from two loops ago appears in the dreams of similar to Shu Amiguchi, Iori Fuyusaka, and Juro Kurabe. In these dreams, she appears as black-clad operative with a mission to stop kaiju production and destruction at any cost.


In the Underground Mainframe

Originally from the year 2104 two loops before the main timeline, Morimura has taken refuge alongside Juro Izumi and Tsukasa Okino inside a UFO spaceship buried beneath the city during the Kaiju invasion. They studied the alien technology inside and learned of how close it is to theirs, as well as the Kaiju's destruction of previous time periods labeled as 'Sectors'. During that time, Morimura wishes to confess her love for Izumi, but the latter apologized as he cannot answer and promised to reply to her confession after the disaster is resolved.

When the countdown inside the UFO that they discovered ran out, the Kaiju have already begun the destruction of their sector after taking control of the UFO's mainframe. Left with no other option than to escape to the past, Okino sacrifices himself by sending both Morimura and Izumi to the past via a shift to 'Sector 0'. This in turn saved Izumi and Morimura and allowed them to escape into a new loop of their previously destroyed timeline.

Having gone back 16 years into the past of their time period, Izumi encourages Morimura that they must move on and survive in the past by themselves. Knowing that the invasion will happen again, they must warn everyone and prepare for what is coming as well as trying to a way back to the UFO to find the means to save everyone.

Preparation and Gathering Forces

After entering a relationship during the 16 years growing up in the new loop, both the adult Izumi and Morimura participated in the bombing of a Shikishima facility connected to the interstellar development project that they suspect is connected to the Kaiju invasion. After the facility was destroyed and most of its researchers were killed, Izumi stayed behind to stall for time and allowed Morimura to escape before the authorities captured him.

In the Midst of Destruction

When the kaiju invade despite the destruction of the Shikishima facility, Chihiro takes it upon herself to rescue any survivors from the Sectors. Of these survivors, she finds Tamao Kurabe, Takatoshi Hijiyama, Keitaro Miura, Tomi Kisaragi, Tetsuya Ida, Megumi Yakushiji, Chihiro Morimura, Tsukasa Okino, and Juro Izumi (all from this loop of course). It can be assumed she takes all these survivors to sector 2, where tragedy strikes.

The adult Izumi attempts to eliminate the students who are the candidates for Project Ark, believing that it would stop the invasion. Having already killed six of them, including both the current loop's Morimura and his younger self, Izumi was about to finish off the young Tetsuya Ida before being shot from behind by the adult Morimura. His final words before passing out were that he did it all for her.

Sometime after this, Morimura sends Tamao Kurabe, Takatoshi Hijiyama, Keitaro Miura, and Tomi Kisaragi to a shifter gate in an attempt to shift them through this world's loop. Unfortunately, all four of them are killed by a rogue explosion.


With Sector 4 taken over and no survivors found, Morimura and Tetsuya Ida were the only ones left. Before the mainframe is taken over and the world loops, Morimura uses a Type-98 Biped to send Tetsuya Ida to the start of Sector 1 (2089-2105) in the new loop. Entrusting Ida to tell her new looped version about everything that happened this loop, she dies as the world restarts.


Click to Expand:

There are 7 Event Archive entries with Chihiro Morimura (Two Loops Ago):

# Name Protagonist Setting Description
009 The Final Countdown? Iori Fuyusaka Sector 1/2104: Mainframe A memory of a dream Iori Fuyusaka had. Three teenagers discover an ominous countdown amid what seems to be the ruins of an alien spaceship.
010 Escape from the End Juro Kurabe Sector 1/2105: Mainframe A memory of a dream Juro Kurabe had. As the Earth's crust crumbles beneath the buried UFO, the three teens plan an escape to the past. Okino, unable to set a timer on the transmitter, sacrifices himself to allow Juro Izumi and Chihiro Morimura to make it through to Sector 0 without him.
011 The Two Survive Juro Kurabe Sector 1/2089: Kaede River, Sumire Bridge A memory of a dream Juro Kurabe had. Thanks to Okino's sacrifice, Juro Izumi and Chihiro Morimura were successfully sent back two Sumire Bridge in the year 2089. With a bittersweet glimmer of hope in their hearts, the two of them begin to move on.
012 A Movie Scene? Juro Kurabe Sector 1/2104: Where the Rebels Hid A memory of a dream Juro Kurabe had. The two of them succeeded in destroying a facility associated with the interstellar development project, but are quickly detected by the authorities.
014 My Name is... Tetsuya Ida Shu Amiguchi Sector 3/2025: Destroyed Apartment A memory of a dream Shu Amiguchi had. Tomi Kisaragi stands in shock next to her crumbling apartment building as he attempts to console her. Keitaro Miura and Chihiro Morimura come to rescue them, and he reveals that his name is Tetsuya Ida.
015 A Relentless Nightmare Juro Kurabe Sector 2/2065: Destroyed City Center A memory of a recurring nightmare that Juro Kurabe has. Amidst a burning city, he slaughters students one by one. Just as he's about to fire the final shot at Shu Amiguchi, Chihiro Morimura takes him down.
016 A Wish Entrusted Shu Amiguchi Sector 4/1985: Destroyed City Grounds A memory of a dream Shu Amiguchi had. It's Judgment Day—the day the kaiju have made their assault, breaking through the last line of defense. To put an end to the fight, Chihiro Morimura sacrifices herself to send him back to Sumire Bridge, 16 years into the past.


  • The name Chihiro means "thousand" (千) (chi) and "search, seek" (尋) (hiro).
  • Chihiro's surname Morimura means "forest" (森) (mori) and "town, village" (村) (mura).
