Proliferating Probes

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Transmission Log from Professor Takamiya
Chihiro Morimura: Professor Takamiya.
Chihiro Morimura: How are the projections on those self-replicating probes?
Yuki Takamiya: The simulations look good.
Yuki Takamiya: Especially the survey range. We never expected a rate of expansion that high.
Yuki Takamiya: It was definitely the right call to prioritize its strength as a group over individual units.
Yuki Takamiya: These probes are pretty much living machines now.
Yuki Takamiya: They self-replicate using natural resources mined from asteroids in their routing.
Yuki Takamiya: They'll just keep building up and breaking down.
Yuki Takamiya: An infinite cycle of self-replication on its way too its target.
Yuki Takamiya: There's basically no chance of the tech failing midway through.
Yuki Takamiya: They'll just keep on going...
Yuki Takamiya: ...Probably long after humanity's gone.
Chihiro Morimura: Glad I came to an expert, then.
Chihiro Morimura: All that's left is the refinement of the memory cube.
Yuki Takamiya: The infrastructural storage cell, right?
Chihiro Morimura: The cube's made up of five identical memory layers.
Chihiro Morimura: In theory, it'll compare itself to nearby probes and use them as a template for repairs.
Yuki Takamiya: If it can't be repaired, well...
Yuki Takamiya: Fine, one probe down. We've got thousands more.
Chihiro Morimura: And our passengers?
Yuki Takamiya: I'll be loading them up with the DNA of all the survivors.
Yuki Takamiya: I've already got samples and data from all fifteen.
Yuki Takamiya: Now it's just down to launching them.
Chihiro Morimura: These clones will go with all our hopes on their shoulders.
Yuki Takamiya: By the way...
Yuki Takamiya: What do we do about him?
Yuki Takamiya: I mean, after that DNA test...
Chihiro Morimura: ...
Chihiro Morimura: We do nothing.
Chihiro Morimura: ...He doesn't have to know. What could I even say to him?
Yuki Takamiya: Not much, I guess.
Yuki Takamiya: ...