Kengo Ogata

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For the more spoiler-filled details about the character, go to File No. 057 of the mystery files.

I can't go on... My head... feels like it's splitting...

The section below contains spoilers for the story of 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. It would be ill-advised to scroll without caution if you want to have a blind experience with the game, or have not completed it in its entirety.

Kengo Ogata is a non-player 2188 character in 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim.


Shikishima's Former Chairman

Kengo Ogata was the chairman of Shikishima Industries before his passing in 2187. Although Kengo left ownership of Shikishima to his son, Nenji Ogata, he tasked Chihiro Morimura with bringing him back as an AI. After being brought back as an AI, Kengo served as a devil on Chihiro Morimura's shoulder, and instructed her on how to carry out Project Ark via his own twisted means.


Before the Nanomachine Infection

Kengo Ogata was the CEO of Shikishima Industries until his passing in 2187. Although Kengo helped finance and advocate for Project Ark while he was alive, his son, Nenji Ogata, refused to fund Project Ark upon taking power. Fortunately for Kengo, Chihiro Morimura brings him back as an Articial Intelligence per his instructions, and this allows Kengo to personally see Project Ark to its completion. Kengo's true objective for Project Ark was to create a clone to insert his artificial intelligence into. That way, he would not only live again, but would also become the leader of humanity on a new planet terraformed by Project Ark. To speed up Project Ark, Kengo urged Morimura to sell nanomachines on the black market and get funding from those sales. Because of the black market nanomachine sales, they were eventually used for various crimes against humanity, including memory-tampering, mind-hacking, and infections like the plague. Once the nanomachine infection began, Kengo and Morimura went to the 2188 colony for refuge. And although humanity may have perished, Kengo was more than thrilled, because Project Ark would now become the main focus of the 15 survivors.

On the Colony

After escaping the nanomachine incident and boarding the 2188 colony, it can be assumed that Kengo had no DNA left for Project Ark, and thus was not cloned. Because he was found in the 2188 Morimura's data logs, it can also be assumed that Morimura was still taking advice from him despite the tragedy they both caused.

As violence breaks out through the colony and even Chihiro Morimura is murdered by Ei Sekigahara, Kengo is eventually discovered by Renya Gouto. Kengo explained how Morimura revived him as an AI, and how he was going to overwrite the mind of the cloned Nenji Ogata. After half-heartedly giving Gouto condolences for the entire colony's unavoidable death in a few days, Kengo sets off with the rest of Project Ark.


Kengo's human death took place in 2187, and was most likely from old age. Moreover, the Kengo AI was never able to be reborn in the new world of Project Ark as he wished. This is because Ryoko Shinonome edited Project Ark's third phase at the last second to trigger a "loop" every 16 years. And so the AI Kengo Ogata was never able to be born in the body of an 18-year-old Nenji Ogata, and is stuck as simple data in Sector 0 for the entirety of game.


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There are 1 Event Archive entries with Kengo Ogata:

# Name Protagonist Setting Description
008 Kengo Ogata (Event Archive) Renya Gouto 2188: Satellite Orbit A log between Shikishima CEO Renya Gouto and Chairman Kengo Ogata. Ogata, who had died about a year prior, speaks from an AI backup stored within Chihiro Morimura's administrative data. He reveals that he was the one who ordered Morimura to sell the nanomachines, sowing the seeds for this disaster.


  • Kengo's surname Ogata means "thread" (緒) (o) and "person, side" (方) (kata/gata).