List of 2188 Events

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I can't go on... My head... feels like it's splitting...

The section below contains spoilers for the story of 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. It would be ill-advised to scroll without caution if you want to have a blind experience with the game, or have not completed it in its entirety.

The Event Archive can be accessed from Analysis mode in 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. Entries are added to the Event Archive as the player progresses through Remembrance mode. It is listed in chronological order.

This is a list of all events containing logs from 2188.

16 Event Archive entries have been added:

# Name Protagonist Setting Description
002 Kurabe House Restoration Keitaro Miura 2188: Satellite Orbit A transmission between Keitaro Miura and Tamao Kurabe. Professor Kurabe is the leading authority on AI who served as Professor Morimura's former teacher. They plan to recreate Tamao Kurabe's residence in the 20th century based on nothing but her memories and old photographs.
003 Sectors Under Construction Keitaro Miura 2188: Satellite Orbit A transmission between Keitaro Miura and Chihiro Morimura. Construction of the Sectors is nearing completion. The group had decided to start over from before the nanomachine war, but could not agree on which era would make the best starting point. To resolve this dilemma, they created five wards covering multiple eras at once.
004 One Last Wish Juro Kurabe 2188: Satellite Orbit When Takatoshi Hijiyama learns that Nozomu Yakushiji is infected, he locks the doors to protect the colony. Major Izumi rushes to the scene and orders Hijiyama to open up, allowing him to exit and retrieve Nozomu's daughter, Megumi.
005 Proliferating Probes Renya Gouto 2188: Satellite Orbit A transmission between Yuki Takamiya and Chihiro Morimura. With the adjustments to the probes complete and the DNA data of the fifteen safely transported, the two of them entrust their hopes to their own clones. While gathering that genetic data, a certain someone's identity was revealed, but Morimura chooses not to intervene.
006 She Who Destroyed Mankind Ei Sekigahara 2188: Satellite Orbit A transmission between Chihiro Morimura and Ei Sekigahara. In a tense confrontation, Sekigahara accuses Morimura of being a traitor to humanity and sets off a bomb at the power generator. He then makes his way toward her, intent to finish the job.
007 Transmission Log to Gouto Renya Gouto 2188: Satellite Orbit A transmission from Tetsuya Ida to Renya Gouto. He reports that someone had modified the settings for the final phase, causing Chihiro Morimura's memories to be overwritten. According to the changelog, the one who did this was none other than Juro Izumi.
008 Kengo Ogata (Event Archive) Renya Gouto 2188: Satellite Orbit A log between Shikishima CEO Renya Gouto and Chairman Kengo Ogata. Ogata, who had died about a year prior, speaks from an AI backup stored within Chihiro Morimura's administrative data. He reveals that he was the one who ordered Morimura to sell the nanomachines, sowing the seeds for this disaster.
024 Innerlocitor Renya Gouto Sector 1/2104: Shikishima Tech Lab #6 As Renya Gouto started working with Chihiro Morimura and the others, they analyzed data from the mainframe and discovered something revelatory: news recordings from 2188, reporting on innerlocitors and memory tampering.
057 The Future Renya Gouto Renya Gouto Sector 3/2025: Mainframe At the mainframe, Renya Gouto looks at Chihiro Morimura's two logs, as well as the log of Renya Gouto from 2188. The Shikishima CEO in the 2188 log calls himself Renya Gouto.
119 Where Did We Come From? Keitaro Miura Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Natsuno Minami reveals to Keitaro Miura that she's been helping the alien, BJ. Miura notices that he looks like a Sentinel scout unit and BJ confirms that he's looking for the Sentinel he came on. BJ then shows an important log to Miura.
126 Mistaken Identity Natsuno Minami Sector 2/2065: Destroyed City Center Natsuno Minami goes back to 2065 in search of the Sentinel again, and finds out from BJ that the tripods are also robots made by Shikishima. BJ then reveals that they are not actually on Earth, and that Minami herself might be an alien.
130 Me, from the Future Yuki Takamiya Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Finding herself near the old school building, Yuki Takamiya sees Ryoko Shinonome watching a projection from a box-like device. Shinonome is unstable and looks like she might collapse, so she asks Takamiya to hide the device for her.
186 Live to Protect Takatoshi Hijiyama Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building In the old school building hallway, Takatoshi Hijiyama happens upon Ei Sekigahara and a Sentinel scout unit. When Hijiyama activates the scout unit, it projects what appears to be a conversation log between Takatoshi Hijiyama and Tsukasa Okino of the future.
233 Terraforming Tomi Kisaragi Sector 3/2025: Mainframe Tomi Kisaragi and Tsukasa Okino shift to the mainframe to find Shu Amiguchi and Natsuno Minami there as well. After seeing the log of Tomi Kisaragi from 2188, they reestablish communications with Miyuki Inaba and hear how she plans to change Universal Control.
279 Records of the Truth Ei Sekigahara Sector 4/1985: Sakura High, Old Building Ei Sekigahara enters the old school building after Yuki Takamiya, the mysterious girl he's been chasing. He ends up finding the girl he was searching for in the first place, Natsuno Minami. The data unit with her shows Sekigahara a log between himself and the other Miura, as well as a log between himself and Renya Gouto from 2188.
307 Project Ark (Event Archive) N/A Satellite Orbit A log from Chihiro Morimura and Tamao Kurabe in 2188. With the unlikely success of Project Ark, humanity will have a chance to pick up the thread of history.