4th Generation Sentinels

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General Description

<Flight Support>

Fourth Generation Sentinels are metal titans used during the battles of 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. The latest and sleakest of the Sentinel models, they are the sole generation capable of flight. This increased mobility allows for quicker support, despite a lowered health and defense. They are effective against hordes of weak aerial or ground kaiju.

Sentinel No.20

Shu Amiguchi

Arm-Mounted Pulse Lasers, Multi-Lock Missiles, Shield Matrix, Arm-Mounted Convergent Lasers, Leg Spike, Floating Mine, Flare Torpedo, Shield Repair, Interceptors

Pilot Skills
-Level 5: Motorcyclist- Movement speed increases when not piloting a Sentinel.
-Level 10: Playboy- The more girls on the strike team, the higher all of his stats increase.
-Level 15: Easily Bored- Increases armament power if it was not used previously.
-Level 20: Pressure's On!- High chance to dodge attacks if many kaiju are nearby.
-Level 25: Watch This, Yuki-chan!- Whenever Takamiya is nearby, Attack significantly increases.
-Level 30: Inaba's Support- If kaiju are nearby, WT recovery speed increases.

"Time to put on a show for Yuki-chan!"- Amiguchi awaiting orders.

Amiguchi is the pilot of Sentinel No. 20, a flying 4th Generation model built for speed and versatility. Despite his looks and lackadaisical attitude, he is a straightforward pilot who can handle most situations he's thrown into. He thrives under stress, pushing himself to the limit when surrounded by kaiju, utilizing different weapons, and being helpful in a pinch with his healing and shielding abilities. What makes him unique among the other 4th Generation pilots is a weapon called Floating Mine. It is one of the only few attacks in the game where a pilot can attack and move at the same. This enables him to get in, get out, and provide anti-air support as well ensnaring and damaging kaiju. Should his Sentinel fall in battle, Amiguchi can commandeer a motorcycle and escape to safety. He's even fast enough to outrun homing missiles!

Compared to his 4th Generation comrades, he's the frailest of them all while having very similar stats to Megumi. A low HP pool but above average Accuracy makes him somewhat of a glass cannon, killing enemies before they get to him through critical hits. Where Amiguchi truly shines is when paired with Yuki Takamiya or being deployed on a sortie full of female pilots. With Yuki at his side, he is stronger and more mindful. Being in the thick of things with her increases his evasiveness as well as his proficiency with his weapons. His support weapons such as Shield Emitter and Shield Repair complements the more reckless and In Your Face fighting style of Yuki.

Most of his attack power comes from being with Yuki and juggling different weapons so it might take some finesse and timing to get the most out of him. His low HP pool makes him more susceptible to one shot kills and getting swarmed if an enemy EMP disables his flight systems.

Sentinel No.21

Yuki Takamiya

Arm-Mounted Convergent Lasers, Multi-Lock Missiles, Leg Spike, Arm-Mounted Convergent Lasers, Shield Matrix, Flare Torpedo, Counter, Composite Ceramic Armor, Interceptors

Pilot Skills
-Level 05: I Got This- The less members in the strike team, the higher all stats increase.
-Level 10: Let's Do This, Nat-chan!- If Minami is in the strike team, WT recovery speed increases.
-Level 15: Brawling Prodigy- Leg Spike power increases proportional to distance traveled.
-Level 20: I Can Take You All- If many kaiju are nearby, Attack and Defense increase.
-Level 25: Too Slow, Buddy!- Back Attack power increases against attacking kaiju.
-Level 30: My Only Friend- Whenever Minami is attacked, Attack significantly increases.

"You picked a fight with the wrong girl!"- Yuki, proudly defeating a kaiju.

Yuki is the pilot of Sentinel No. 21, a 4th generation model. The main draw of this daring, darling pilot is a combination of speed, explosive burst damage, and a full suite of wide hitting weaponry. Due to the airborne nature of her Sentinel, she can easily engage Terra Carriers and RPFs without the need for EMP support. On top of that, Yuki has access to Composite Armor and Counter, a combination that improves her survivability and lets her take the roll of a tank, to a small degree. Lastly, Shield Matrix is her only support weapon, helping to round her off.

Stats wise, Yuki boasts the highest HP, Defense and Attack out of the 4 but has the lowest EP. If there are less pilots in the strike team, Natsuno is part of the attack group, and is surrounded by numerous kaiju, her performance will be all the more deadly. Despite her views of him, Amiguchi makes for a fine companion in combat. He can support her directly with healing and shields, while her presence improves his damage and focus.

Yuki's low EP means she can't recklessly use Leg Spikes, her most powerful move. Not only that, Leg Spikes needs to be activated farther away from the enemy in order to strengthen it for maximum damage. Her High Risk, High Reward of being constantly in harm's way can go south very quickly. Compound the fact that she's slow on foot, there's a possible chance the team might lose an esteemed pilot too soon.

Sentinel No.22

Renya Gouto

Arm-Mounted Pulse Lasers, Flare Torpedo, Multi-Lock Missiles, Arm-Mounted Convergent Lasers, Leg Spike, Shield Matrix, Gravity Missiles, Interceptors, Hyper Condenser

Pilot Skills
-Level 5: Tactical Analysis- The more Kaiju appear, the higher all stats increase.
-Level 10: Element of Suprise- Increases armament power significantly against recently-appeared kaiju.
-Level 15: Leadership- When defending, increases all stats of the strike team.
-Level 20: Buried Emotion- If Chihiro contacts the team, increases all stats until the end of the next wave.
-Level 25: Just as Planned- If many kaiju are defeated in 1 hit, Attack, WT recovery speed, move speed, and damage received increases temporarily.
-Level 30: Optimally Efficient- WT recovery speed increases the less armaments equipped.

Sentinel No.23

Megumi Yakushiji

Arm-Mounted Pulse Lasers, Shield Matrix, Flare Torpedo, Multi-lock Missiles, Forced Cooling Device, Shield Repair, Gravity Missiles, Hyper Condenser, Interceptors

Pilot Skills
-Level 5: My Sole Best Friend- If Kisaragi is in the strike team, WT recovery speed increases.
-Level 10: This Time, I'll Save You- If Kurabe is in the strike team, increases all stats.
-Level 15: Used to Loneliness- Increases all stats when no allies are nearby.
-Level 20: Hidden Girl Power- After defending, EP slightly recovers for boys, and HP slightly recovers for girls.
-Level 25: Watch Me, Juro!- Whenever Kurabe is nearby, Attack is significantly increased.
-Level 30: Look out, Juro!- Whenever Kurabe's HP decreases, WT recovery speed increases.

"I'll participate. Is Juro going too?"- Megumi getting ready for battle.

Megumi is the pilot of Sentinel No. 23, a 4th Generation Sentinel. As its pilot, her forte is providing support to her allies both offensively and defensively through unparalleled maneuverability and a Forced Cooling Device. With it, Megumi can jump between different engagements, effectively deploy Interceptors to the fore, heal, shield, impede, weaken enemies, and shoot down missiles in a moment's notice. In short, she is a taskmaster who takes cares of the little things to make everyone's life a bit easier. What she makes up for in lack of firepower is having a balanced loadout, and fast recovery times between actions.

In terms of stats, she herself is a frail unit with an above average EP pool. She has the lowest Defense out of the four 4th Gen. pilots but has a respectable amount of HP to make up for it. Being alone, having Juro and or Kisaragi boosts her performance considerably.

Megumi is overly reliant on having Juro, or at least Kisaragi on the team to be at her best. Her lack of more powerful weaponry makes it difficult to secure safe kills on medium kaiju unless she gets in close with her Arm Mount Pulse Lasers or Multi-Lock Missiles. The firepower issue can be remedied with Interceptors+Hyper Condensor, but this combination takes up two valuable weapon slots for a pilot whose main strength is support and is cost prohibitive. As an extension, her Interceptors won't be as useful if they're not consistently mopping up Workers and Hunters to help recover EP.