Mystery Files (0-99)

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I can't go on... My head... feels like it's splitting...

The section below contains spoilers for the story of 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. It would be ill-advised to scroll without caution if you want to have a blind experience with the game, or have not completed it in its entirety.

Mystery Files contain data that helps players clarify or learn new info about the story, as well as some extras.

There are a total of 250 mystery files in the game.

File No. 000 Mystery Files

  • As the story progresses, these files provide answers to mysteries related to the individuals and incidents that occur. You can unlock these answers by completing the protagonists' events, receiving them as battle rewards, and by using Mystery Points you obtain through fighting kaiju.

File No. 001 Juro Kurabe

  • Juro Kurabe is a 16-year-boy from Sakura High School. He loves B-movies and enjoys watching kaiju videos every night. While soft-spoken and good-natured, he feels something off about his everyday life, and one day finds himself summoning a giant robot for real."
  • During the battle of 2025, he sustained brain damage and was nearly reduced to an empty husk. To prevent this outcome, Morimura created the new personality Juro Kurabe and implanted it in him.
  • Kurabe's memories are being manipulated by Kyuta Shiba through video tapes, but Shiba is quick to wipe his memory whenever he gets too close to the truth.
  • According to the medical records in the nurse's office, Kurabe has been administered NM: A8075 and B01. He received four doses on NM:A8075, then the fifth dose on was switched to B01, which was created by Tamao Kurabe.
  • Although the Juro Izumi that Megumi Yakushiji knew is nearly gone, Kurabe still remembers fighting in the Sentinel and his feelings towards Yakushiji.
  • When 426 was arrested one loop ago, it became clear that 426 and Izumi (one loop ago) are genetically identical.
  • Due to the incompatibility between the violent memories of Izumi (two loops ago) that Morimura transplanted and the gentle artificial personality that Tamao created, Kurabe nearly had a breakdown. To avoid this, Shiba turned those memories into something tangible (video tapes) to allow Kurabe to perceive them as mere dreams.
  • When the kaiju appear in 1985, Shiba can't take part in the battle, so he entrusts everything to Kurabe. Kurabe then activates Sentinel No. 13 in order to support Iori Fuyusaka, who joined the battle before him.

File No. 002 Juro Izumi (2188)

  • In 2188, Juro Izumi has the rank of a major, making him the superior of Takatoshi Hijiyama and Megumi Yakushiji's father, Nozomu Yakushiji. Izumi looks after Megumi for Nozomu.
  • When a dispute over the remaining power supply escalates into a shootout, Izumi kills Tsukasa Okino. Following this, Hijiyama, Okino's lover, avenges him by gunning down Izumi and his cohorts.
  • The overarching plan was altered so that Chihiro Morimura's host would undergo a memory overwrite during the final process of Project Ark. Tetsuya Ida discovers this deviation, along with the fact that Izumi is the one who authorized the change.
  • The Izumi of 2188 shared an intimate relationship with Professor Morimura. Since Morimura died before she could execute the memory transplant, Izumi carries out her plan of transplanting her memories as Professor Morimura into her clone, Chihiro Morimura.

File No. 003 Iori Fuyusaka

  • Iori Fuyusaka is a female student in the same class as Juro Kurabe. She's an ordinary, cheerful girl who's hard not to like. Though her GPA is average, she excels (and fails) in specific subjects. Fuyusaka is Miwako Sawatari's childhood friend, and used to be classmates with Shu Amiguchi and Natsuno Minami too. Due to the strange dreams she's been having, she suffers from insomnia, oversleeps, and even frequently dozes off in class. One morning, in her rush to get to school on time, Fuyusaka literally runs into Ei Sekigahara at the front gate. It's love at first sight.
  • Fuyusaka is able to unlock the gate, which only Morimura should be able to do.
  • While holding onto Sekigahara as he takes her home on his motorcycle, Fuyusaka confesses her love for him.
  • Fuyusaka is originally a resident of Sector 1, and the parents she knows aren't her biological family.
  • Morimura was transplanting her own memories into Fuyusaka, but due to 426's influence, Morimura's memories are perceived as a hazy dream.
  • When the kaiju appear in 1985, Fuyusaka musters up her courage and activates Sentinel No. 15, which Sekigahara passed onto her.

File No. 004 Chihiro Morimura (2188)

  • When Keitaro Miura asks her why they didn't create a residential district of the 2180s, Morimura explains that the decision was to start over from a time before the world took such a terrible turn. She also notes that they couldn't come to an agreement as to how far they should go back, so they ultimately settled on preparing residential districts by era.
  • A former executive of Newman, Inc., and a leading figure in nanotech research. She has a research lab in Sector 4, which is a colony that's still under construction.
  • In order to raise funds, 2188 Morimura sold nanomachine technology on the black market, which lead to the infection on the surface and the end of humanity.
  • Upon testing the DNA of the 15 individuals for Project Ark, it became clear that Tsukasa Okino is Morimura's child. Though it wasn't through conventional birth, Morimura still feels a maternal connection to him.

File No. 005 Megumi Yakushiji

  • Megumi Yakushiji comes from the future, the destroyed world of 2025. A composed, laid-back girl who's also a hopeless romantic.
  • Megumi Yakushiji, who hopes to bring back Juro Kurabe's past memories, encounters a cat who she names Fluffy. The cat asks her to enter a contract with him, the terms being that he'll help bring back Kurabe's memories if she helps Fluffy fulfill his mission.
  • Though she tends to be serious and holds her emotions close to her chest, Yakushiji is very affectionate when it comes to Kurabe, as seen when she moved into the Kurabe house rather forcefully. Moreover, she's a skilled cook who whips up lunch and dinner for Kurabe and Keitaro Miura almost every day.
  • Yakushiji enters a contract with Fluffy and uses the Magical Gun to shoot Renya Gouto, Keitaro Miura, Shu Amiguchi, Tomi Kisaragi, and Iori Fuyusaka.
  • Yakushiji is the only one who is able to see Fluffy.
  • While Yakushiji is saddened by the fact that Kurabe doesn't remember her anymore, she's approached by Tamao Kurabe, who says she can arrange for her to live with Kurabe if she agrees to two conditions. Agreeing to the terms, Yakushiji accepts the rental agreement for the Kurabe House.
  • Unable to handle the crushing weight of remorse and guilt for forcing everyone into battle, Yakushiji shoots herself with the Magical Gun. She's soon woken up by Kurabe, who tells her about his memories from being Juro Izumi, and his current feelings towards her. Yakushiji realizes that Fluffy intended to keep his word from the beginning.
  • When the kaiju appear in 1985, Yakushiji makes up her mind that she'll be the one to save Juro and beat the game, then activates Sentinel No. 23.

File No. 006 Megumi Yakushiji (2188)

  • Megumi Yakushiji was eight years old in 2188. As humanity faced the brink of extinction, her father, Nozomu Yakushiji, entrusted his daughter to Major Juro Izumi in hopes that at least she could survive.


File No. 007 Ei Sekigahara

  • Ei Sekigahara is a boy from another dimension who suffers from memory loss. When he wakes up, he finds the corpse of Chihiro Morimura beside him, but has no recollection of knowing her. To make matters worse, he is being chased relentlessly by men in black. He finds a message from his past self, telling him to "escape this world."
  • He comes from the distant future of 2065.
  • Sekigahara lost his memories due to the effects of the code called DD-426.
  • Ryoko Shinonome was like a big sister to Sekigahara, who spent a lot of time alone when his parents weren't around. To Sekigahara, Shinonome is family, and he only wants her to be happy.
  • Before Sekigahara lost his memories, Tetsuya Ida told him to deceive Miura to extract information if he wanted to stop the effects of DD-426.
  • When the kaiju appear in 1985, Sekigahara rides his motorcycle to the battlefield where the 12 Sentinels are gathered, and activates the enhanced first-gen model, Sentinel No.11.

File No. 008 Ei Sekigahara (2188)

  • An assassin who was hired by the 2188 Shikishima CEO, Renya Gouto, to kill Chihiro Morimura.
  • The assassin Ei Sekigahara was trapped in a room by Morimura while infiltrating Sector 4, but managed to escape by setting off a bomb at the power generator. He then seeks out Morimura to finish her off himself.

File No. 009 Renya Gouto

  • Renya Gouto comes from the future, the destroyed world of 2065. With calm and patience, he brings the Sentinel pilots together, always keeping an eye on their ultimate goal. He acts as a leader to the other students.
  • Gouto secretly had feelings for Ms. Morimura. However, after seeing a 2188 communications log between that era's Tetsuya Ida and Gouto, he suspects the Morimura's memories were overwritten by 426. In addition, Morimura's sudden change of behavior has raised his suspicions further.
  • In order to view Ms.Morimura's logs, Gouto uses Iori Fuyusaka who was unconscious from the shock of seeing a Sentinel in the 2065 ruins. He brought her to the UFO mainframe, and used her biometric ID.
  • After seeing Morimura's logs in the mainframe, Gouto visits the Kurabe House in 1945 to abduct Morimura's clone, Chihiro, and restore her original memories.
  • Upon realizing the distinct discrepancy between Ms.Morimura's and Chihiro's memories, Gouto considers the possibility that Chihiro isn't simply a clone of Morimura. After researching the logs of 2188's Morimura, he theorizes that Chihiro's true identity is instead Professor Chihiro Morimura from 2188.

File No. 010 Renya Gouto (2188)

  • CEO of the large conglomerate, Shikishima.
  • During the acquisition of Newmen Inc., he used Morimura's interstellar development project as a front to hide a backdoor transfer of a large slush fund, then suspended the project to cover up the proof. However, Morimura's project was about to face another investigation by an international agency for project reevaluation. Shortly before the nanomachine infection began, Renya Gouto feared that the investigation would shed light on where his funds went, so he hired Ei Sekigahara to assassinate Morimura and put an end to her project.

File No. 011 Natsuno Minami

  • Natsuno Minami is an energetic and honest female student who's part of the track team. She loves watching sci-fi shows, and is an avid fan of the supernatural who genuinely hopes to have an alien encounter herself. Her childhood nickname was Dr. Space. She has a family of five, including her parents and little brothers.Yuki Takamiya is her childhood friend, and her closest confidant.
  • One day, Minami finds BJ hiding in the track room. He's in search of a memory cell and Sentinel No.17, so she decides to help him find them.
  • She's very close to her neighbor Granny Tamao.(Juro Kurabe's grandmother).
  • In the girls' bathroom, the Tamao Kurabe android destroys the Tomi Kisaragi android, temporarily shuts off BJ, and shoots Minami in the right cheek.
  • In the 2065 ruins, Minami discovers something that looks like the brain of a destroyed BJ. On it, she finds the letters "SHIKISHIMA." To her dismay, Minami realizes that BJ, the Sentinels, and even the Mystery_Files_(100-199)#File No. 135 Kaijukaiju are all machines made in Japan. However, BJ implies that the planet they're currently on may not be Earth, and that Minami and the others are the real aliens.
  • Minami shifts to 2025 to get to the UFO, but is attacked by Ryoko Shinonome there and gets left behind in the ruins, unable to find a way home.
  • Minami changed the registered pilot of Sentinel No.17 on the Sumire Bridge. At the same time, BJ erased his own mind in order to free space for Sentinel No.17's log data. For the sake of BJ, who entrusted her with Sentinel No.17 and its log data, Minami makes up her mind to face the kaiju.

File No. 012 Natsuno Minami (2188)

  • The 2188 Natsuno Minami is Professor Yuki Takamiya's daughter, as well as Keitaro Miura's girlfriend.
  • The 2188 Minami explains to Shikishima's top figure, Nenji Ogata, the meaning of Professor Takamiya's research. She goes over details such as the fact that the top prospect out of the 117 planets being considered is a planetary system 12 light-years ahead. The ship will only carry their DNA, and they are planning for a population of 6 million people. But Ogata calls it an impractical, self-satisfying endeavor and rejects the plan.

File No. 013 Keitaro Miura

  • Keitaro Miura is a boy who shifted from 1945 to 1985. He's considerate, very earnest, and takes good care of his little sister. He hides his forehead scar with a hat. Takatoshi Hijiyama and Tamao Kurabe are both his childhood friends. No one loves his country more than he does.
  • After shifting to 1985, Miura ends up staying at the Kurabe residence thanks to Natsuno Minami's referral. That same day, Megumi Yakushiji, who happens to be staying there, cooks up some meat he knows only as "hemborger," which had him in awe from his first delicious bite.
  • When the kaiju appear in 1985, Miura takes back and activates Sentinel No.19 with the help of Hijiyama. At that moment, he decides that he will protect everyone he holds dear, even if it costs him his life.
  • The scar on Miura's forehead is the result of Tsukasa Okino's nanomachine adjustment, which restarts the Sentinels that stopped working due to DD-426. Without losing his mind and suffering the effects of DD-426, Miura managed to endure the pain as the data necessary for starting up the Sentinels was completed. Once Okino realizes this, he installs a feature so that the data will spread to anyone who comes into contact with Miura.

File No. 014 Keitaro Miura (2188)

  • In the 2188 world, Keitaro Miura is an engineer and Natsuno Minami's boyfriend. He's also an acquaintance of Professor Yuki Takamiya, Minami's mother. As a history buff, he's particularly fascinated by the Pacific War that occurred two hundred years ago.
  • He's the architect of the "Sectors," the virtual residential districts. He calls them Sectors since they're structured just like the five space colonies. He's always wanted to live in an era before the war.

File No. 015 Takatoshi Hijiyama

  • Takatoshi Hijiyama is a boy who shifted from 1944 to 1984. He is a brave and loyal individual who takes pride in his duty as a Sentinel pilot. Though he used to be rough-spoken and gruff, he's matured and found a certain dignity ever since he enlisted in 1944. After living like a homeless drifter for six months following his shift, he slides back to his initial surly nature. He fell for Tsukasa Okino, who was presenting as a girl, which Okino uses to manipulate him. His favorite food is yakisoba pan.
  • Okino straps Hijiyama to a chair in an abandoned factory and analyzes Hijiyama's mind. However, Okino has already seen inside Hijiyama's brain previously, when adjusting code.
  • When the kaiju appear in 1985, Hijiyama reads the letter Okino left for him and actviates Sentinel No.12, previously Okino's craft. Since Hijiyama and Okino shared Sentinel No.12, Hijiyama was able to communicate with Okino again in the cockpit of the Sentinel. Okino then reveals to Hijiyama that the world they are in is a simulated space, and the cockpit is actually the "real" world.

File No. 016 Takatoshi Hijiyama (2188)

  • The Takatoshi Hijiyama of 2188 was in a romantic relationship with Tsukasa Okino. He murders Juro Izumi to avenge Okino's death during the shootout in Sector 4. However, he was severely injured in the fray, and succumbs to his wounds soon after.

File No. 017 Nenji Ogata

  • Nenji Ogata is a compassionate delinquent with an old-fashioned sense of honor. All the delinquents in town knew of him during middle school, thanks to his fighting skills and nerves of steel.
  • His father is an executive of Shikishima Industries, so he grew up a rich kid. Childhood friends with Miwako Sawatari. Sawatari claims that Ogata's "not the type to break promises."
  • When Ogata was seven years old, he was implanted with nanomachines by Morimura while he was training to fight the League of Darkness in an empty lot next to Tokisaka Shrine. This is what allowed them to prepare Sentinels.
  • Ogata was the original holder of the D-code key, but Natsuno Minami is the one who currently has it.
  • When the kaiju appear in 1985, Ogata swears to protect Tomi Kisaragi this time, and activates Sentinel No.10.

File No. 018 Nenji Ogata (2188)

  • The Nenji Ogata of 2188 is the son of the distinguished family that owns the conglomerate Shikishima. He is opposed to Morimura's "Project Ark," which his deceased father pushed for.
  • At an energy dispute over Project Ark, Ogata revealed he'd come armed, which resulted in a shootout. In the ensuing chaos, Ogata was killed.

File No. 019 Tomi Kisaragi

  • Tomi Kisaragi comes from the destroyed future of 2024. People tend to think she's sassy because of her candid, unbothered demeanor, but she's quick-witted and strong willed to overcome most stresses. Her nickname is Usami.

(Usami is a nickname that plays on her first name, Tomi. The "To" in her name is the same character for rabbit, or usagi in Japanese. "Mi" is one way of reading the Japanese character that means beauty. Usa + mi makes Usami.)

  • In 2024, she uploaded a video called "Inaba Rabbit" on a video sharing site, showcasing her talented singing skills.
  • Although Tetsuya Ida was authorized to use Sentinel No.16, Tsukasa Okino was able to help transfer authorization over to Kisaragi, as he is the one who created the Sentinels. He also woke up Miyuki Inaba, who was shut off by Ida.
  • The Idol Miyuki Inaba, who is also the control system for Sentinel No.16 (gone missing after the Sentinel Infection Incident), is the other Tomi Kisaragi. Inaba's song sounds just like the song Kisaragi used to sing in middle school, but rearranged for an '80s sound. Kisaragi's username at the time was also "Inaba."

File No. 020 Tomi Kisaragi (2188)

  • The 2188 Tomi Kisaragi was a terraforming researcher who designed the second phase of the interstellar development project.
  • According to Kisaragi's report on February 8th, 2188, the simulation for the 25th terraforming attempt revealed that it took 1,800 years for a type 57B planet to reach a habitable state for humanity. Furthermore, at Professor Morimura's suggestion, the command ship was updated to monitor the final phase-the surface facilities. The objective was for the command ship to determine whether the final phase needs to be redone, before any harm can come to these facilities.

File No. 021 Shu Amiguchi

  • Shu Amiguchi is a popular kid from a rich family. He's a decent athlete, and kind of a playboy. Despite his flippant attitude, he's friendly and well-liked across the school. Deep down, he's mostly bored and tired of his life. While in the shopping district, he happened across Yuki Takamiya getting harassed by Takemi Wajima and his gang, and helps her out. Amiguchi ends up falling for her, smitten by her cute looks and tough attitude. Lately, he's been struggling with strange dreams, and an even stranger girl who's been talking to him through his TV.
  • The strange dreams that Amiguchi has been seeing were actually the past experiences of Tetsuya Ida, who looks near-identical to him. In order to protect "Project Ark," Miyuki Inaba expressed that she wants to learn his thoughts.
  • According to the medical records in the nurse's office, Amiguchi was administered a nanomachine medication called NM: A8076 once. The records also stated there was a "20% transplant rate."
  • Amiguchi, who is genetically identical to Ida, was having Ida's memories from between ages 16 and 26 transplanted into him by Morimura. Moreover, Ida brought the infant Amiguchi to Sector 4 (the 1980s) and placed him into the Amiguchi family.
  • When Amiguchi was shot by Megumi Yakushiji up on the rooftop, it activated Sentinel No.20. Prior to this, Amiguchi had already come into contact with Keitaro Miura when he had to carry Miura back to his house after Nenji Ogata's altercation at the shopping district. For that reason, Amiguchi was already affected by the force activation code for Sentinels that Tsukasa Okino embedded into Miura.

File No. 022 Tetsuya Ida (2188)

  • During a bug regression test, the 2188 Tetsuya Ida noticed that a part of the final phase had been altered, so he reported this change to Renya Gouto. The change was made in Chihiro Morimura's host to trigger a memory overwrite. Though the memories' contents remain unknown, it's clear that Juro Izumi was the one who made the change.

File No. 023 Yuki Takamiya

  • Yuki Takamiya is a skilled sukeban girl infamous across many schools as "Takamiya of Suzu High." She's devoted to her friends, has a strong sense of justice, and is quick to get into fights. Natsuno Minami is a childhood friend of hers, and though they were seperated for a while, she's still her best friend and one of the only people she can feel truly at home with. Tetsuya Ida, the head of SIU, blackmails her and asks her to infiltrate Juro Kurabe's high school.

(Sukeban is a term originating in the 1970's to describe delinquent girls, deriving from the the combination of another slang term, "suke," a now antiquated way to refer to women, and "ban" from bancho, which refers to a leader of a gang of delinquents. However, "sukeban" was used to describe any girl that was a delinquent, not just the leaders.)

  • Under the SIU's orders, she hands over the scout unit to Ei Sekigahara, who had lost his memories.
  • When the kaiju appear in 1985, she declares to the team that they can relax now that she's taking the field, and activates Sentinel No.21.

File No. 024 Yuki Takamiya (2188)

  • Professor Yuki Takamiya in the 2188 world is Natsuno Minami's mother. She uses her maiden name "Takamiya," as she's already divorced her husband. She feels bad that her daughter, Minami, had to go through the divorce.
  • The 2188 Professor Takamiya studies self-replicating probes.

File No. 025 Ryoko Shinonome

  • Ryoko Shinonome comes from the future, the destroyed world of 2064. Ever since the battle in 2064, her memories have been getting clouded. As her feelings towards Tetsuya Ida fuel her desire for revenge, she tenaciously seeks the culprit behind the incident. Unless she regularly takes her medication, she suffers an intense headache and amnesia.

(Many of the first year students will call her Shinonome-senpai. Senpai, defined as someone who preceded you in an organization, is used as an honorific here to show respect to a senior or superior. This is often used at schools or places of work.)

  • Due to The Sentinel Infection Incident, she ends up being force-shifted to Sector 4 and questioned by the police of 1984.
  • Whenever Shinonome sees Shu Amiguchi, she feels a strange surge of jealousy... or affection. She comes to realize that his eyes and behavior are just like Ida's.
  • Shinonome discovers Ida's true feelings and motive from watching surveillance footage in the underground facility in 2105. Realizing that Ida is attached only to Tomi Kisaragi and has no intention of saving Shinonome and the others, Shinonome finally loses her patience and ends up shooting and killing Ida.
  • Blinded by her feelings towards Ida, Shinonome falls for his trick and adds DD-426 to Ei Sekigahara's Sentinel. During the 2064 battle, DD-426 infects the Sentinel, and Juro Kurabe, Sekigahara, and Shinonome suffer brain damage. Shinonome went missing for some time after the force shift, losing memories to a point where she couldn't even remember her own name. The one thing she does remember is that Ida chose her for Sentinel No.14. Morimura tries everything to get the password to decontaminate the Sentinels from her, but ends up failing.
  • When the kaiju appear in 1985, Shinonome actives Sentinel No.14 with her memories of Ida on her mind.

File No. 026 Ryoko Shinonome (2188)

  • In the footage from 2188, Ryoko Shinonome is broken-hearted after realizing that Tetsuya Ida has been using her from the very beginning. She loses all hope for humanity, and alters Project Ark so that the heavy machinery will purge humans from all sectors. Her goal was to trigger a reset every time the project reaches its final process, causing all sectors to fall into a never-ending loop.

File No. 027 Tsukasa Okino

  • Tsukasa Okino is a young genius with an extremely high IQ. Starting with the Sentinels, he developed various technology to aid the defense corps. Driven only by his intellectual curiosity, he tends to act on his own terms, regardless of what other people think. In 1944, he presents as a girl and goes by the name Kiriko Douji.
  • In order to prevent the kaiju from destroying world, Okino searches for whoever is sending the D-Code signal that calls the kaiju.
  • Since he had used DD-426 on himself in an attempt to detach the D-Code, he wasn't affected by The Sentinel Infection Incident in 2064. Although he lost his memories from from detaching the D-Code, no one could tell the difference between the original Okino and the current one. This was because he preserved his memory in his nanomachines, and ensured the simulated personality that makes up his identity would be affixed to his brain.
  • Back in 1944, when Okino called himself Kiriko Douji, he operated on Takatoshi Hijiyama and Keitaro Miura to ensure their synchronicity with the Sentinels. In doing so, he implanted a linking component into their heads.
  • Although he dies in Universal Control due to an android attack, he's still able to communicate with Hijiyama inside Sentinel No.12.
  • While the Sentinels couldn't be activated due to the effects of DD-426, Okino got them operational again by creating a code that reconstructed the nanomachines to nullify the effects of DD-426. He then applied the code to Miura (Sentinel No.19), which led to the completion of the Sentinel activation data. Furthermore, he made it so the completed data would spread to the other pilots as long as they come into contact with Miura.

File No. 028 Tsukasa Okino (2188)

  • The Tsukasa Okino of 2188 was in a romantic relationship with Takatoshi Hijiyama. As a result of the shootout in Sector 4 , he was shot and killed by the Juro Izumi of that time period.
  • The 2188 Okino is the genius engineer who created Universal Control. However, he tends to cut corners in coding, which explains why he borrowed a portion of its environment code from the classic video game, Mighty Kaiju Deimos.
  • Upon testing the DNA of the 15 individuals for Project Ark, it becomes clear that he is Chihiro Morimura's child.

File No. 029 Kiriko Douji

  • Kiriko Douji is Professor Douji's daughter. She's visiting the factory on behalf of the professor.
  • Kiriko Douji is actually a cover identity, and is actually Tsukasa Okino temporarily presenting as a girl. The real Kiriko Douji is in Tokyo.

File No. 030 Tsukasa Okino (Two Loops Ago)

  • The Tsukasa Okino from two loops ago (32 years ago) survives the war. Along with his friends Juro Izumi and Morimura, he goes down the giant tunnel that the kaiju created and discovers Universal Control, how to shift between different sectors, and the countdown to the destruction of their world. Although he was able to send Izumi and Morimura to the next loop by shifting them to Sector 0, he himself disappeared along with that world.

File No. 031 Erika Aiba

  • Erika Aiba is a student in Class 1-D. She's a mysterious girl who has a unique point of view, despite her placid personality. As of lover of mystery novels, shes enjoys comparing Yuki Takamiya to Holmes and herself to Watson as she assists in Takamiya's search for Natsuno Minami.
  • According to Nenji Ogata, who's been in the same class as Aiba, the girl named Aiba has been absent from school for a while now. He also claims that she and the person who's been following Takamiya are not the same.
  • 426 took over Tamao Kurabe AI's android body. Immediately after seizing control of the Tamao android, the track team manager finds him in the track room and mistakes him for "Erika Aiba", who was interested in joining the track team and the reason why he started to use that name. Right before Aiba jumped off the Sumire Bridge, she is asked the question, "Just what the hell were you doing to me!?" by Takamiya, to which she answers, "...Getting you ready...Ready for the game that will soon begin.

File No. 032 Tamao Kurabe (2188)

  • In 2188, she is Chihiro Morimura's mentor, as well as a leading authority on artificial intelligence. Despite the fact that she's 120 years old, she looks much younger than her true age thanks to nanomachine treatments.
  • Since humanity lacked the technology to sustain life across multiple lightyears' travel at the time, Tamao Kurabe's plan for "Project Ark" was to transport only the genetic information over to the new world, where cloning and species-restoration efforts would occur. However, since she believed that humanity is defined by the inheritance and evolution of our culture and knowledge, she also came up with growth pods to teach the necessary information in a virtual world, over the course of 20 years.

File No. 033 Tamao Kurabe (1945)

  • She lives in 1945 with Keitaro Miura's little sister, Chihiro.
  • Tamao Kurabe has repeatedly been receiving medicine from Renya Gouto, which causes her to suddenly remember strange dreams. However, she starts receiving a different type of medicine one day that has the opposite effect, causing her to forget what she sees in her dreams.
  • In 1945, Tamao exhausts herself in the burning ruins of the post-kaiju invasion, and disappears as Keitaro Miura and the others watch. However, she is not truly dead. Instead, she remains under life support inside her pod, waiting for the end.
  • Once Tamao hears from Kiriko Douji that her parents aren't her real ones, and that she was brought her from the future, she can't help but sense that it's the truth.

File No. 034 Tamao Kurabe (One Loop Ago)

  • The Ai of Tamao Kurabe that was born one loop ago.
  • The body is the Tamao android, prior to 426 taking control of it. When the Tomi Kisaragi android (426) chased Natsuno Minami into the girls' bathroom, Tamao fought and destroyed the Kisaragi android. However, 426 seized the opportunity to take over Tamao Kurabe's body, which erased her AI.
  • As Juro Izumi would've become a husk due to the battle in 2025, she changed his personality into the calm and obedient Juro Kurabe. She took pity on Megumi Yakushiji, who loved the prior Izumi, so she allowed Yakushiji to live with Kurabe and look after him.

File No. 035 Tamao Kurabe (1985)

  • The landlady of the Kurabe House. She's Juro Kurabe's grandmother, who's also close with Natsuno Minami through her long-standing friendship with the neighboring Minami House. She's currently visiting her relatives over in Shimane.
  • When the Tamao Kurabe from one loop ago arrived in 1985, the AI Tamao Kurabe(Granny), originally from 1985, was erased by Universal Control since they are the same person. To eliminate any discrepancies, the erased Tamao was established to be "visiting relatives in Shimane."

File No. 036 Chihiro

  • Chihiro is Keitaro Miura's little sister. She loves Miura and calls him "big brother." She's under Tamao Kurabe's care in 1945.
  • She's Chihiro Morimura's clone, created from the compatibility experiment. Upon birth, her original memories were sealed by Morimura and she lived a normal life as Miura's little sister. However, once Renya Gouto saw Morimura's experiment log from March 2nd, 2100, he abducted her from the Miura House and awakened Morimura's sealed memories. Gouto is also the one who prepared her kindergartener outfit.
  • For the compatibility experiment, Morimura believed she had transplanted her own memories (previously saved in Sector 0) over to her clone, Chihiro. However, the memories that she transplanted from Sector 0 actually belonged to Professor Chihiro Morimura from 2188.
  • She is responsible for the murder of Ms. Morimura.
  • When the 2188 Professor Chihiro Morimura's memories were restored to Chihiro, she witnesses the destruction caused by the kaiju invasion, and the ectent of the situation's deviation from her original plan for Project Ark. Chihiro decides that for her plan to succeed, she'll need a fresh start with a new world, devoid of all these problems and variables. Although they are both "Chihiro Morimura," Morimura and her efforts to enable Operation Aegis were obstacles to the original plan, so Chihiro kills her.
  • The Chihiro was born on March 2nd, 2100, her actual identity is Professor Chihiro Morimura from 2188. Therefore, she has no recollection about two loops ago or the time before Chihiro was born in the current loop, as those memories belong to the Morimura from two loops ago. She also has the memories from 2188, which include knowledge about Project Ark and the simulated space, her feelings towards Juro Izumi, and her maternal instincts towards Tsukasa Okino.

File No. 037 Ms. Morimura

  • The Sakura High School nurse who's also the homeroom teacher of Class 1-B, which Juro Kurabe and Iori Fuyusaka are in.
  • Morimura learns from a 2188 log that the 2188 Morimura is responsible for the end of humanity. Fearing that the others will discover this truth, she discreetly deletes the log. Moreover, when Morimura links up to the artificial satellite in orbit, she finds out that the stability of the facility, which is responsible for maintaining the world, is at its breaking point. She then decides to set Operation Aegis in motion to completely wipe out the kaiju, even if it means stranding them all in a dead world.
  • In order to become compatible, she tried to overwrite her memories and personality into Fuyusaka and take over her body, but gave up on it after hearing that a loop was no longer possible.
  • Ms.Morimura has been in love with Juro Izumi since she was young.
  • The grown-up version of Chihiro Morimura, from two loops ago. When the world was reset, the Morimura that was saved in Sector 0 continued into the new world as a simulated personality.

File No. 038 Woman Who Looks Like Ms. Morimura

File No. 039 Kyuta Shiba

  • Kyuta Shiba is Juro Kurabe's childhood friend who's also into sci-fi and special effects films. He's the life of the party, easy to get along with, and is always making jokes. He seems to have a mysterious power.
  • An artificial personality 48Q that only Kurabe is able to see. Shiba claims that he's Juro Izumi and that his memories are already inside Kurabe's head.

(In Japanese, 48Q is a play on words of Shiba's name. 4 can be read as shi, 8 can be read as hachi, and Q and Kyu sound similar. "Ha" sounds can also be turned into "ba", due to the usage of diacritic marks, called dakuten. With this Shi + ba + Q makes 48Q. QTA_CBA also plays on his name. Q + ta can be read as Kyuta, and C + ba as Seeba. Combining them creates a reading close to his full name.)

  • His true identity is 426. Due to the incompatibility between the violent memories of Izumi transplanted by Morimura and the gentler personality that Tamao Kurabe created, Juro Kurabe was close to having a breakdown. In order to avoid this, Shiba converted Izumi's violent memories into a medium Kurabe could understand.

File No. 040 Fluffy

  • A mysterious talking cat who offers Megumi Yakushiji a deal. He enters a contract with Yakushiji, promising he'll grant her wish of saving Juro Kurabe if she carries out a dangerous mission.
  • Though he looks like the cat seen around Sakura High, they're two completly different animals. Only Yakushiji is able to see him.
  • While Yakushiji lies unconscious on the floor after shooting herself with the Magical Gun, Fluffy speaks to her about his true motives, then leaves. All this time he's been talking to her about Magic, when his true goal concerned the Sentinels.
  • Fluffy's true identity is 426, or Juro Izumi. In order to prevent the kaiju invasion from destroying the world, Fluffy had Yakushiji inject nanomachines into the "witches", which unlocked the entire Deimos game system. Although this means the kaiju will be an even greater threat, it also unlocks beneficial features that help in fighting off the kaiju. This includes obtaining Meta-Chips every time a kaiju is defeated, and using Meta-Chips to strengthen the Sentinels.

File No. 041 Shintaro

  • A cute stray cat that Tsukasa Okino takes care of at Sakura High. He started living on campus when Okino happened upon him and began to feed him. He's earned quite a few fans at school.
  • He often finds loose change on the ground. Guess cats really do like shiny objects.
  • He looks like Fluffy but they are two different cats.

File No. 042 BJ

  • A small mysterious robot (60 cm tall) that Natsuno Minami finds. He requests Minami's cooperation in finding the memory cell.
  • One of the drones manufactured by Shikishima Industries. They were manufactured for surveying undeveloped lands and repairing machinery.
  • BJ isn't his name, but is actually the coordinates BJ-011-005 that BJ was looking for in order to find the memory cell. It's the word BJ kept repeating when he met Minami for the first time. Thanks to Minami's good memory, he was able to recall it.
  • He's the "Miura" that escaped into a drone before Sentinel No.17 was shifted from kaiju in 2064. He's also a friend of Ei Sekigahara.
  • BJ's true identity is Keitaro Miura from the past world.
  • While transferring all logs of 2188 from Sentinel No.17 over to his storage, he deleted his own AI in order to free up enough space.

File No. 043 Tetsuya Ida

  • Tetsuya Ida is the substitute teacher assigned to Ryoko Shinonome's class at Sakura High School. He's actually a member of an unofficial organization who forces Shinonome into battle.
  • Ida is the director of the Special Investigations Unit (government affiliated spies).
  • He serves as an advisor to an anti-kaiju defense team, and helps Morimura gather members for their team.
  • Back when he was a student, he supported Tomi Kisaragi on her singing livestreams under the screename "F8". He used to wear glasses, and came off as a studious, serious young man, but he tried to act cooler in high school to catch Kisaragi's attention.
  • He was in love with the deceased Kisaragi, so in order to revive her, he developed Android at Shikishima Industries in 2100. He transplanted the past Kisaragi and Tamao Kurabe's AI into androids.
  • It was believed that Ida died when he stayed behind during the 2064 kaiju invasion. However, he was actually still alive, and took Shinonome into custody when she was being interrogated in 1984.
  • Ida seeks to transplant the simulated personality of the revived Kisaragi android into the physical body of the current Kisaragi, but she rejects the idea. He then realizes he should've transplanted Kisaragi into the living body of the current Kisaragi to begin with, instead of reviving her as an android first. For that reason, he aims to reset the world and begin anew.
  • Ida is genetically identical to Shu Amiguchi.
  • He saved his consciousness into Sector 0 to prepare for the next loop.

File No. 044 Miwako Sawatari

  • Miwako Sawatari is a good friend of Iori Fuyusaka and Tomi Kisaragi. The three of them often snack on something on their way home from school. She's a kind and reserved girl who's self conscious about her plump figure.
  • Sawatari has no recollection of the time she got left behind in to 2025 ruins.
  • Thanks to Chihiro, she was able to evacuate the Sector 4 battlefield and find refuge in Sector 3.
  • An AI managed by Universal Control.

File No. 045 Miyuki Inaba

  • Miyuki Inaba is the new idol gaining popularity on TV in 1985. She has an ethereal, graceful presence to her. Rumors say she'll be making an appearance on a famous awards show.
  • The grown-up version of Tomi Kisaragi from another world. Back when she used to stream her songs on the internet, Tetsuya Ida was a regular in her chat (going by "F8"). His support and encouragement pushed her to get serious about her singing. In order to evade Universal Control's surveillance, she sang on an unmonitored broadcast and managed to connect with Shu Amiguchi through his TV.
  • She had Ida install her into Sentinel No.16, as its AI.
  • During the Sentinel Infection Incident in 2064, Inaba was piloting Sentinel No. 16 when it was shifted up to the orbiting command ship.
  • Back when their final line of defense failed one loop ago, Kisaragi and the others tried to shift before the world got reset. Unfortunately, due to an explosion, their data was damaged and couldn't be fully reconstructed, preventing them from making it to the next world.

File No. 046 Takemi Wajima

  • Takemi Wajima is a delinquent student in 1985. He's one of the top dogs in the gang at Nigakuri Industrial School, (Kuri High for short). Also known as Tak of Kuri High. He's rough around the edges and has a foul mouth to match. Seems like a tough guy, but he's usually the one getting beaten up.
  • He's fallen for Iori Fuyusaka and doggedly seeks a relationship with her.
  • An AI managed by Universal Control.

File No. 047 Juro Izumi (Two Loops Ago)

  • During the kaiju invasion two loops ago (32 years ago), Juro Izumi arrived at a mysterious underground facility, along with his friends Tsukasa Okino and Morimura. With Okino's help, Izumi and Morimura manage to escape the end of that world, but due to their radical actions in an attempt to change the future, Izumi gets captured by the government and becomes known as prisoner number 426.

File No. 048 Man Who Looks Like Juro Kurabe

  • The man who appears and fights alongside the woman who looks like Iori Fuyusaka in Juro Kurabe's dream.
  • Prisoner E-426, captured in 2104 as the terrorist bomber. He's also known as 426.
  • What Juro Izumi from two loops ago looks like after 16 years.

File No. 049 426

  • 426 is the prisoner number of an escaped criminal from the future.
  • His real name is Juro Izumi. He's already dead, and currently exists as a replication that is based off of the memory information written onto Sector 0. He had previously been researching ways to download memories from the innerlocitor and how to get into the production line of the Deimos code. He escaped confinement through transferring his data into an android that looked like Tomi Kisaragi.
  • The Kisaragi android that 426 was using as his body got destroyed during the battle against the Tamao Kurabe android in 1985. He then took over the Tamao android's body and managed to escape.
  • When the Tamao android was being used as 426's body Ei Sekigahara discovered his true identity and destroyed it. Soon after, Juro Kurabe happens to pass by the destroyed remains and 426 transfers his nanomachines.
  • Kurabe sees him as Kyuta Shiba.
  • Megumi Yakushiji sees him as Fluffy.
  • His true identity is Juro Izumi from one loop ago.
  • He tried to kill all the candidates one loop ago because he theorized that the kaiju invasions would stop if all candidates for the D-Code control key were gone.

File No.050 Heizo Onishi

  • Heizo Onishi is a plainclothes police officer who's part of the Kamazumi Police Force, juvenile division. Although he cracks down hard on youth misconduct, students affectionately call him Onishi the Ogre, knowing he genuinely does care about their well-being. Even when he's off-duty, he can often be found on the streets, looking after the students as much as he can. He and Takemi Wajima have crossed paths often.
  • He's particularly concerned about Yuki Takamiya as he's had to take her into custody many times. He's aware of her family situation, too.
  • An AI managed by Universal Control.

File No. 051 Professor Douji

  • The Professor's first name is Heizou. In 1945, he's involved with the development of a secret weapon for fighting against the Americans. He has a daughter named Kiriko Douji.
  • He's the originator of Shikishima technology. Shikishima's technological strides after the war were thanks to his groundwork.
  • Professor Douji suspects that Tsukasa Okino, who gave refuge to Ei Sekigahara, is a spy that stole intel. He tries to get the military to capture him.
  • An AI managed by Universal Control.

File No. 52 Heita Takamiya

  • Heita Takamiya is Yuki Takamiya's father, currently serving a sentence for assault and attempted murder. He's the only real family Takamiya has.
  • An AI managed by Universal Control.

File No. 053 Track Members

  • Although the track team at Sakura High School isn't that skilled, their captain is popular for having experience competing in inter-high school events. She does a good job keeping the team together.
  • Having to deal with the track room repeatedly getting trashed and Natsuno Minami skipping training, the manager is racking her brain. The track member with the pigtails is close to Minami, as they're in the same grade.
  • They are all AI constructs managed by Universal Control.

File No. 054 Men in Black Suits

  • Members of the Special Investigations Unit, experts in combat and gathering intel. Many of them are former self-defense experts or former police officers. They carry out dangerous missions in exchange for generous compensation.
  • They are all AI constructs managed by Universal Control.

File No. 055 Wajima's Cronies

  • Takemi Wajima's loyal crew. Usually caught up in his messes. Still, no matter how many times Wajima gets beaten up by Nenji Ogata or Yuki Takamiya, they'll stick by him no matter what. Starting from the left, their nicknames are "Teru," "Masa," "Shacho," and "Nobu."
  • They are all AI constructs managed by Universal Control.

File No. 056 Policeman

  • An earnest Policemon of the Kamazumi Police Station, Community Affairs Division.
  • An AI managed by Universal Control.

File No. 057 Kengo Ogata

  • Father of the 2188 Nenji Ogata , as well as the chairman of the Shikishima Group. He died in 2187, but he left behind a simulated AI construct of his personality. He is responsible for manipulating Professor Morimura and pressing Project Ark forward, planning to revive himself through the use of the innerlocitor and cloning technology on the new Earth.

File No. 058 Gate

  • A place that allows one to shift through time. The coordinates for shifting are set to 40-year intervals.
  • The primary shifter is underground, while the gates on the surface (such as Tokisaka Shrine and Sakura High Science Room) all connect to in from afar.
  • The gates are available for use because Morimura brought them online.
  • There are five possible shift destinations: Sector 1 (2100s), Sector 2 (2060s), Sector 3 (2020s), Sector 4 (1980s), and Sector 5 (1940s).
  • The gate in the mainframe can't be controlled without the biometric ID of a compatible individual who possesses nanomachines.

File No. 059 Android

  • It possesses the skelatal structure of a human. Reinforced titanium carbon nanotubes are masked with high-quality siliconE skin, making it nearly indistinguishable in appearance from a real human. The battery inside allows it to operate for 120 years before it needs to be recharged.

File No. 060 The Kisaragi Android

  • An android that looks like Tomi Kisaragi. It was developed by Tetsuya Ida in 2100. Soon after the AI of the past Kisaragi was transplanted into it, 426 seized his chance to take over the android.
  • Although this was destroyed during the battle against the Tamao Kurabe android in 1985, 426 manages to take over the Tamao android's body.
  • After being destroyed in the girls bathroom, 426 (Juro Izumi) hides the android husk inside the broom cupboard of the old school b


File No. 061 The Tamao Android

  • An android that looks like Tamao Kurabe. It was developed by Tetsuya Ida and Tamao's memories were transplanted into it.
  • During the battle against the Tomi Kisaragi android (426) in 1985, Tamao's body is taken over by 426.
  • The Tamao android (426) gets cornered by Morimura, then jumps off Sumire Bridge.
  • Ei Sekigahara destroys the Tamao android after finding out that 426 had taken over her body. Soon after, 426 manages to transfer himself to Juro Kurabe's nanomachines and becomes Kyuta Shiba. The Tamao android, now an empty shell, is disposed of at a nearby dumpster.

File No. 062 Phaser

  • A stun gun manufactured in 2100. Its power can be adjusted up to ten levels. Level one only inflicts sharp pain, but level can kill an elephant in one shot.
  • It uses a bio-authencation system that prevents anyone other than its registered user from being able to fire it.
  • The gun that Ei Sekigahara uses was given to him by the Tomi Kisaragi android, along with some medicine, when they escaped the underground Shikishima Tech Lab in 2104 after the Sentinel Infection Incident.

File No. 063 Magical Gun

  • A bizarre looking gun that Fluffy gives to Megumi Yakushiji. Whoever get shot by this gun will have their short-term memory of the incident disorted.
  • This Magical Gun is identical to the one used by the woman who looks like Iori Fuyusaka at the end of Juro Kurabe's dream (in which he killed everyone).
  • The gun supposedly "seals the power of witches." Those who get shot by the Magical Gun are forced into a game of survival.
  • In 1976, Nenji Ogata, who was seven years old at the time, gets injected with nanomachines by Ms. Morimura (the one considered to be the grown-up version of Fuyusaka). This is a crucial step in preparing the Sentinels.
  • An apparatus the uses compressed air to inject miniature capsules of nanomachines into a human body. Also known as a syringe gun.
  • The Sentinel pilots who were shot by Yakushiji's syringe gun are able to enhance their Sentinels by utilizing the Deimos game system.

File No. 064 Pills

  • Medicine that Ms. Morimura administers to Ryoko Shinonome in the nurse's office, advising her to take it whenever she has severe headaches. Side effects include confusion and disruption of memory. Being large, they're tough pills to swallow.
  • The pill bottle has the label "Oral NM:CO204" printed on it. These pills inhibit the effect of DD-426, slowing down the resultant memory loss. They are composed of the same chemicals as the pills Ei Sekigahara received from the Tomi Kisaragi android in 2104, before he lost his memories.
  • Sekigahara, prior to losing his memories, delivered these pills to Morimura in order to save Juro Kurabe and Shinonome.

File No. 065 Drone's Brain

  • A drone part bearing the manufacturing stamp of Shikishima Robotics. Its high-quality silicon neuron circuits are shaped like a human brain.

File No. 066 Communication Device

  • A transceiver used by then men in black suits. Its range is comparatively limited, at 1.2 kilometers.

File No. 067 Headgear

  • A device that Tsukasa Okino created to look inside a person's mind. He uses it to search for the key hidden inside Nenji Ogata's memories.
  • Okino uses this to check Takatoshi Hijiyama's brain. Wearing the headgear shows all your thoughts and feelings as numerical readouts.
  • Before losing his memories, Ei Sekigahara uses this device to extract his memories and store them onto the nanomachines inside his brain.
  • Okino uses this to gain control over 426, who had escaped into Juro Kurabe.

File No. 068 Ampoule

  • Ryoko Shinonome finds this by Iori Fuyusaka, who was asleep in the nurse's office. It's labeled NM0206. It contained the nanomachines that were administered to Fuyusaka.
  • Morimura was implanting her own memories into Fuyusaka, which is the cause of Fuyusaka's troubling dreams.

File No. 069 Automated Factory

  • Parts of a fully-automated global-scale manufacturing network. Without requiring any human input, everything from planning, production, and shipment is automated by computers. Once it was deemed more efficient to synchronize the production of various factories worldwide, the system reached peak popularity in 2080, comprising of 1.2 billion factories by 2142. Kolkata and Chennai in India have the world's largest plants.
  • The Juro Izumi of two loops ago discovered that it's possible to alter the automated factory's processes, which led to the birth of the Sentinels.
  • Chihiro used her senior admin ID in the UFO's mainframe to stop the automated factory from producing kaiju.
  • Most functions of the current automated factories take place online. Not only has the production time been drastically shortened, but due to the technological leaps of 2188, their potential range of products output is near-infinite.

File No. 070 Innerlocitor

  • The name of the nanomachine and technology used to overwrite memories. Transplanting one's memories into another body is made possible by sending information directly to the brain's synapses. In March of 2188, Newmen Inc. (the industry leader of innerlocitor tech at the time) and Shikishima joined forces to make leaps and bounds with this technology. Since then, there's been a rise of crimes in human trafficking and illegal cloning, thought to be attempts at reincarnating through technology.
  • It's unknown who injected the innerlocitors into the 15 students. Furthermore, more than 80% of innerlocitor processes are devoted to an unknown function. The D-Code uses a relatively minor portion within the remaining 20%.
  • 80% of the innerlocitor memory is used to supply sensory data to their users. This ensures that whatever happens in the simulated reality feels real to them.

File No. 071 Time Travel

  • Travelling to a past or future world by leaping across the flow of time.
  • You can travel to five eras: 1945, 1985, 2025, 2065, and 2105.
  • In reality, they aren't travelling to the past or future, but between each sector.

File No. 072 Aegis System

  • A terminal's self-defense system. When the Aegis System is activated, the kaiju won't be able to invade a specific range around it. It takes two minutes for the system to activate.
  • When all self-defense systems within the sector are activated, the city will be cut off from Universal Control, which results in chaos and the disappearance of all residents.

File No. 073 Operation Aegis

  • By hacking the underground mainframe computer at the moment the kaiju attack, the terminals' Aegis System (self-defense system) will be force-activated. As a result, the terminals will automatically attack and destroy all the kaiju. However, activating the Aegis System will render the time machine useless, preventing the user from "resetting" the timeline. Instead, they will be left behind to survive in the ruins of their destroyed world.
  • When the Aegis System is activated for all terminals, the world cannot be restarted, and they can no longer loop.
  • When all the self-defense systems of the terminal are activated, everyone in the city will disappear.

File No. 074 DD-426

  • DD-426 is the program code Tetsuya Ida gives to Ryoko Shinonome, supposedly to greatly increases the Sentinels' capabilities. Shinonome ends up installing this into Ei Sekigahara's Sentinel.
  • The nanomachine equivalent of a virus that attacks the brain. It severs a portion of the nanomachine that's physcially connected to the cerebral cortex, which handles the memory. As the connections get severed, the brain suffers damage, causing severe pain and memory loss. In the worst case, the afflicted are left as mindless husk.
  • Upon discovering that this program code could be used to sever the Deimos Code, Tsukasa Okino tested the code on himself one year ago. However, he suffered gradual memory loss, so he had no choice but to become an AI with a simulated personality.
  • Morimura and Renya Gouto try to get Shinonome to remember the password that disables DD-426, but it results in failure and causes her to lose all her memories.
  • In 1945, DD-426 was successfully disabled thanks to Okino's nanomachine reconstruction and Keitaro Miura's efforts.
  • Ida uses DD-426 in hopes that he Sentinel Project would result in a failure. He had given up on this world, so he wanted to start a new loop quickly.

File No. 075 Deimos Code

  • Fluffy explains to Megumi Yakushiji that the Deimos Code is the relic of an ancient civilization that destroyed another world.
  • The Deimos Code is the code that summons the Deimos (the kaiju).
  • Also called the D-Code for short. It is broadcasted by someone designated the "commander," which gives the signal for the kaiju to attack.
  • The D Code's function is to maintain a link to one commander and access three locations at regular intervals (Universal Control/ Automated Factory in Sector 1/ a Satellite in orbit).
  • A program code that was written in 2188, 20 million years ago, during the heyday of an ancient civillization. The 2188 researcher, Ryoko Shinonome, was sick of humanity and believed peace could only be achieved through genocide. She was the one responsible for this code.

File No. 076 The Compatible

  • Those with the capacity to control the gates, Sentinels, and the mainframe.
  • In an experiment to see if she could transfer her compatability onto her clone, Morimura used her data, which she had saved in Sector 0, to create her clone. However, this experiment failed to establish compatability.
  • The clones of the 15 survivors in the colony are the compatible ones.

File No. 077 Control Key

  • The Control Key is a program code of the 15 individuals. Until the world gets destroyed, the one with the key unknowingly broadcasts command signals from their body that create and beckon the kaiju.
  • Initially, Nenji Ogata had the control key, but it went to Natsuno Minami after.
  • Since anyone with an innerlocitor is a candidate for becoming a commander, it would be pointless to kill whoever has the control key. Another candidate would simply become the next commander.
  • The Deimos avoid the sector with the commander and control key when they attack. This is why Sector 5 was destroyed before Sector 4, which housed the commander.

File No. 078 Loop

  • The kaiju invasions cause the world to be reset every 16 years. As a result, the students grow up and die before reachig adulthood, and then born again to repeat the cycle. This cycle is what they call a loop.
  • Once the kaiju gain control of every mainframe in all sectors, the world is automatically recreated as a new loop begins.
  • If you save your own data (or shift yourself) to Sector 0, then you will be able to skip the reset and end up in the new world, which is 16 years in the past, while maintaining your current appearance. However, you would no longer be human in the new loop, but merely a simulated personality that Universal Control has reconstructed.
  • "One loop ago" refers to one loop before the current time, and "two loops ago" refers to two loops before the current time.
  • The nurturing of the 15 members started once the terraforming of the new planet was completed, but the details of the terraforming's official "end date" are unknown. Therefore, the details on when the current loop began, or how many have passed before it, are unknown. However, based on the stability of the facility, it's believed that there have been at least 300 loops leading up to this point.

File No. 079 Terraforming

  • The proccess of modifying a planet's environment into a habitable state for humanity. Once a planet with similiar qualities to the Earth is found,its atmospheric component and air temperature are adjusted. Doing so requires an extraordinary amount of time, effort, and technology.
  • The planet the boys and girls are on isn't Earth, but rather one that the D-forces developed through the terraforming proccess.

File No. 080 Probe

  • Inside the probes are infrastructural storage cells called "memory cubes," which allow the probe to compare itself to nearby probes and use them as a template for repairs. If a probe can't be repaired, then it dies, as a biological organism would, and the others move on. The probes that departed the Earth with the DNA data of the 15 individuals surveyed an extremely wide range, replicating themselves infinitely until they found a new planet that humanity could inhabit.

File No. 081 Proliferation of Probes

  • A theory that Professor Yuki Takamiya of 2188 advocated and implemented for Project Ark. The probes carry DNA payloads to keep the human race alive, and they self-replicate and repair using the natural resources mined from asteroids in their path through deep space. They continually build up and break down, even through any unforseen accidents. As long as they proliferate themselves like living organisms, they'll eventually arrive at their destination.

File No. 082 Sentinel

  • Giant robot that the boys and girls pilot to fight against the kaiju. The Sentinels are made to be piloted through mental commands. Furthermore, by linking the nanomachines within a pilot's brain to the Sentinel, the Sentinel's information is sent directly to the brain in a voice that sounds like the pilot's own.
  • They were designed by Tsukasa Okino and manufactured in an automated factory.
  • Due to the effects of DD-426, pilots who enter their Sentinels may suffer brain damage, lose memories, and in the worst cases, become mindless vegetables. Even being inside for a few minutes can be fatal.
  • The Sentinels were ready for use after the 2104 kaiju invasion. The first time they were actually used in battle was 2064.
  • In order to become a Sentinel pilot, one must be injected with nanomachines that enable command of the Sentinel and be registered as the pilot for that Sentinel.
  • Similar to the shifter gate, the Sentinel is capable of travelling between sectors. It has a maintenance hatch like the Type-98 bipeds, where one can set the shift destination. The pilot must confirm the shift in order for it to happen.
  • The Sentinel pilots have an activation switch that's used to activate the Sentinel. Typically, the activation switch would be where the nanomachines were injected, but if additional codes have been implemented later, then that would be the new spot for the switch. Swiping across the activation switch causes the letters "START" to appear, and activates the registered Sentinel.
  • Using Meta-Chips allows for expansion and improvements of the Sentinel armaments.

File No. 083 1st-Generation Sentinels

  • Specializing in close combat, these are the oldest models of all the Sentinels. The three Sentinels of this generation are No.10, No.11, and No.12.
  • The pilot of each respective sentinel during the final battle was Nenji Ogata in No.10, Ei Sekigahara in No.11, and Takatoshi Hijiyama in No.12.
  • Sentinel No.12 originally belonged to Tsukasa Okino, but he hid it in the ocean of Sector 5 so that Morimura and the others wouldn't find and retrieve it. In case something happened to him, Okino registered Hijiyama as its pilot.

File No. 084 2nd-Generation Sentinels

  • These Sentinels have diverse armaments for both close-combat and long-range attacks, and they also have thick armor. They can weigh up to 2,200 tons.The three Sentinels of this generation are No.13, No.14, No.15.
  • The pilot of each respective Sentinel during the final battle was Juro Kurabe in No.13, Ryoko Shinonome in No.14, and Iori Fuyusaka in No.15.
  • During the battle in 2064, Ei Sekigahara piloted Sentinel No.15.

File No. 085 3rd-Generation Sentinels

  • These Sentinels specialize in long-range attacks. The three Sentinels of this generation are No.16, No.17, and No.19.
  • The pilot of each respective Sentinel during the final battle was Tomi Kisaragi in No.16, Natsuno Minami in No.17, and Keitaro Miura in No.19.

File No. 086 4th-Generation Sentinels

  • These are the latest models of the Sentinels, capable of flight thanks to their giant tiltrotors. The four Sentinels of this generation are No.20, No.21, No.22, and No.23. They were made for the purpose of supporting the other Sentinels.
  • The pilot of each respective Sentinel during the final battle was Shu Amiguchi in No.20, Yuki Takamiya in No.21, Renya Gouto in No.22, and Megumi Yakushiji in No.23.
  • The final battle is the first time they are put into use.

File No. 087 Cockpit

  • This is where the pilots control the Sentinel. They appear to lose their clothes on entry.
  • Since any pilots would suffer enormous damage from a kaiju strike to the Sentinels, Tsukasa Okino's original designs for the Sentinels didn't have a cockpit at all.
  • Growth pods intended to pass down humankind's culture and knowledge over the course of 20 years. These were meant for the 15 individuals who would inherit the new land. Those inside experience a world indistinguishable from reality through their nanomachines, as if they were living a normal life on earth.

File No. 088 Type-98 Biped

  • A weaponized mech that predated the Sentinels. Equipped with sixteen rocket launchers and two gatling guns. With no way of handling close-quarters combat, they were swiftly outclassed as the kaiju drew near.

File No. 089 Demolisher Blade

  • First-generation Sentinel armament. With Steel-blade cutters spinning at high speed, it can cut through hard bedrock like soft cheese. However, cutting through kaiju armor produces friction heat over 1500 degrees Celsius, so it requires the usage of liquid-metal coolant.

File No. 090 Leap Attack

  • First-generation Sentinel function. Using rocket emgines and giant pistons on both legs, the Sentinel leaps high into the air. The massive shockwave upon landing is powerful enough to topple kaiju.

File No. 091 Rush Attack

  • First-generation Sentinel function. Destroys kaiju by hammering them with rapid punches. This utilizes the first-generation's characteristic dexterity, their punches made even more powerful via a twisting function built into the waist of the mech.

File No. 092 EMP Attractor

  • First Generation Sentinel armament. Unleashes a forward-aimed electromagnetic pulse and paralyzes the enemies' electrical equipment. This draws enemy attention, which can be useful for distracting them from high-priority targets. It can also stop the rotor blades of flying enemies, bringing them crashing to the ground.

File No. 093 Anti-Air Defensive Flares

  • First-generation Sentinel armament. Spreads numerous superheated flares into the air, destroying aerial kaiju and missiles.

File No. 094 Anti-Ground Multi-Lock Missiles

  • First-generation Sentinel armament. Launches several auto-homing missiles at ground-based kaiju. Deprioritizing anti-air capabilities has made these missiles lighter while still preserving the Sentinel's mobility.

File No. 095 Limiter Removal

  • First-generation Sentinel function. When the Sentinel's joints or drive systems are under stress, temporary restrictions are placed on their movement to make sure those areas don't break. By removing these safe operating limits, however, the Sentinel can move at 3 times its normal speed. Long periods in this state will cause the Sentinel to break down, so it is considered best to avoid extensive use.

File No. 096 Tackle

  • First-generation Sentinel function. Tackles kaiju along its path at a speed of Mach 1.47. It utilizes the same propulsion power typically reserved for its leap attack, so a trajectory parrallel to the ground results in explosive speeds.

File No. 097 Defense Mode

  • First-generation Sentinel function. Utilizes the Sentinel's movement energy to create an electromagnetic armor. The Sentinel's move speed gets reduced, but its defensive power increases significantly.

File No. 098 EMP Surrounding

  • First-generation Sentinel armament. Unleashes a powerful electromagnetic pulse around the Sentinel to stop enemy movement and draw their attacks. Aerial kaiju will crash into the ground, as this pulse briefly cuts their power.

File No. 099 Heavy Knuckles

  • Second-generation Sentinel armament. Attacks kaiju by launching heavy impact-arms towards them. The arms were originally built to break down massive pillars for high-rise buildings.

Mystery Files (100-199) Mystery Files (200-249)