Mystery Files (100-199)

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I can't go on... My head... feels like it's splitting...

The section below contains spoilers for the story of 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. It would be ill-advised to scroll without caution if you want to have a blind experience with the game, or have not completed it in its entirety.

Mystery Files contain data that helps players clarify or learn new info about the story, as well as some extras.

There are a total of 250 mystery files in the game.

File No. 100 Arm-Mounted Machine Cannons

  • Second-Generation Sentinel armament. Showers kaiju in front of the Sentinel with a hail of bullets from the machine guns mounted on both arms. The giant 6-barrel gattling guns fire bullets at a rate of 4,500 rounds per minute. The initial firing speed of the bullets can reach 1,100 m per second.

File No. 101 Multi Rocket Launchers

  • Second-Generation Sentinel armament. Fires off 8 consecutive rockets from shoulder-mounted missile pods, dealing extreme damage to the target. The missiles are 3.6 m in length, 0.4 m in diameter, and weigh around 300 kg.

File No. 102 Anti-Ground Piercing Rocket Launchers

  • Second-Generation Sentinel armament. The missile heads are made of a highly durable nickel chromium molybedenum steel alloy. Once the the tip pierces throught the kaiju armor, the explosives in the missile detonate and explode. The thicker the armor of the target.

File No. 103 Jammer Rocket Launchers

  • Second-Generation Sentinel armament. Fires off rockets that shoot nanomachines into kaiju, temporarily decreasing their defensive mobility functions.

File No. 104 Guardian

  • Second-Generation Sentinel Support Equipment. Attracts kaiju by sending out decoy signals to enemies around it, tricking them into thinking it's the terminal to draw their attention.

File No. 105 Guardian Avenger

  • Second-Generation Sentinel Support Equipment. Taking advantage of its kaiju-attracting capabilities, this guardian has a self-destruct function. It uses the same technolgy as the drum mine.

File No. 106 Repair Emitter

  • Second-Generation support equipment. Once placed, this giant device shoots off numerous tiny drones, repairing the damaged portions of nearby Sentinels.

File No. 107 Shield Emitter

  • Second-Generation support equipment. Once placed, this giant device shoots off numerous tiny drones, shielding nearby Sentinels with an electromagnetic barrier.

File No. 108 Sentry Gun

  • Second-generation Sentinel Support equipment. Automatically targets kaiju and attacks them. It cannot move itself, but uses its 4 legs to plant itself firmly in position when placed. This increases its stability to the point that it can easily absorb the recoil from the triple railgun.

File No. 109 Plasma Arc Fusion Cutter

  • Second-Generation Sentinel armament. The Ultimate weapon of the second-generation. This large fusion cutter creates superhot plasma from an arc discharge and cuts through kaiju armor. Though it uses an enormous amont of energy, it can melt through any kind of armor.

File No. 110 Chest-Mounted 6 Multi-Launching Rapid Cannons.

  • Third-Generation Sentinel armament. Rapidly fires off large-caliber rounds at incredible range. More technically, they're known as 22 caliber 46 cm 6-barrel cannons. Has a maximum firing rate of 85 rounds per minute. Each shell weighs 1.5 tons, an the initial lauch speed can go up to 1,050 m per second.

File No. 111 Long-Range Missiles

  • Third Generation Sentinel armament. The missiles use inertial guidance (flight path calculations through an accelorometer and position control through a gyro) to fly towards their target, then activates laser homing (where the missile fires a laser at the target to guide itself) to accurately hit the kaiju.

File No. 112 Anti-Ground Hunter Missiles

  • Third-Generation Sentinel armament. Launches high penetration anti-ground missiles at a long distance, attacking ground kaiju in their weak spots. More technically known as Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilizing Discarding Sabot Rounds. The penetrator is stick-like and made of tungsten alloy. When the missile strikes the target at a high speed of 1,800 m per second, the penetrator melts along with the kaiju's armor and punctures them.

File No. 113 Homing Missiles

  • Third-Generation Sentinel armament. Launches high-powered homing missiles atthe kaiju it locks on to. The missile itself does an image analysis of the target, and finds the most efficient route to fly in and attack. Because of this, no matter what sort of evasive manuever the target makes, the missile is guranteed to hit.

File No. 114 Anti-Air Bombardment

  • Third-Generation Sentinel armament. Attacks aerial kaiju with multiple anti-air missiles. As this weapon was developed as a close-quarter aerial defense system, it has a short range but a fast response time. The missiles are 2.82 m in length and have a diameter of 14.61 cm.

File No. 115 Missile Rain

  • Third-Generation Sentinel armament. Rapidly launches multiple clusters of missiles. There are 10 smaller missiles inside of each cluster, and the missiles disperse mid-flight, raining down on a wide area.

File No. 116 Super Large Missile

  • Third-generation Sentinel armament. Fires a powerful missile the can decimate a large area. The giant missile is 9.1 m long and weighs 1 ton. Utilizing electromagnetic barriers, TNT, and aluminum dust, this weapon creates a wide-ranging dust explosion.

File No. 117 Main Battery Heavy Railgun

  • Third-generation Sentinel armament. Fires a round at high speed through powerful electromagnetic induction. By focusing this model's plentiful electrical energy into the rails, a tremendous amount of Lorentz force is created in the direction of the barrel and the round is propelled with incredible acceleration.

File No. 118 Main Battery Mega Railgun

  • Third-generation Sentinel armament. Enhanced version of the heavy railgun. Modified to greatly increase the amount of electricity input, limit the Joule heat generation, and reduce friction.

File No. 119 Stun Knuckles

  • Third-generation Sentinel armament. Attacks with the stun gun on each arm, stopping all kaiju movement. Thanks to learning from the flaws of the Type-98's design-namely, being useless at close-range-even the long-range attacker has a melee armament equipped.

File No. 120 EMP Stunner

  • Third-Generation Sentinel armament. Unleashes an electromagnetic pulse around the Sentinel, stopping all kaiju movement. Unlike the linear EMP attractor of the first-generation, this weapon affects all kaiju in a large area by expending a plentiful amount of electricity.

File No. 121 Arm-Mounted Pulse Lasers

  • Fourth-Generation Sentinel armament. Shoots laser beams from both arms intermittently. To make the intervals between each burst shorter, it sacrifices some precision, but since it can fire many lasers in a wide arrea it is often used to keep enemy forces in check. Fourth-Generation units are the only Sentinels capable of using laser weapons, the arm-mounted pulse lasers being one of them.

File No. 122 Arm-Mounted Convergent Lasers

  • Fourth-Generation Sentinel armament. Shoots convergent laser beams from both arms. Its power is equivalent to a few shots of the normal pulse laser, but easily pierces through armor due to being focused in one direction. Fourth-Generation units are the only Sentinels capable of using laser weapons, the arm-mounted convergent lasers being one of them.

File No. 123 Flare Torpedo

  • Fourth-Generation Sentinel armament. Fires a proximal mine that floats and stays in place, exploding when a kaiju moves near it. Its primary destructive power comes from the heat produced, rather than the imapct from the explosion. It differetiates between Sentinel and kaiju by analyzing the reverberations of the radar waves, which prevents attacking the wrong target.

File No. 124 Floating Mine

  • Fourth-Generation Sentinel armament. Utilizing the fourth-generation's mobility, this device releases a number of mines while on the move. When kaiju get near them, they explode, heating their armor and damaging them.

File No. 125 Multi-Lock Missiles

  • Fourth-Generation Sentinel armament. Fires multiple homing missiles that automatically target kaiju legs and wings. Each missile targets a kaiju automatically, so they may not neccesarily hit the intended kaiju.

File No. 126 Gravity Missiles

  • Fourth-Generation Sentinel armament. Based on a mechanic of the simulation game, Deimos. The kaiju are drawn toward the point of explosion through gravitational force. In Deimos, this appears as an equippable weapon called "Black Hole."

File No. 127 Leg Spike

  • Fourth-Generation Sentinel armament. Punctures the kaiju's armor and unleashes an electric attack directly within them. By conducting a high-voltage surge of electricity, it destroys the electrical equipment of the kaiju through intense, violent vibrations in the metal molecules.

File No. 128 Shield Matrix

  • Fourth-Generation Sentinel support equipment. Medium-sized drones envelop the Sentinel in an electromagnetic shield and protect it from kaiju attacks. Developed so the the Sentinels could us the APSOS's Active Proctective System. Weak to electromagnetic pulses and can be nullified by them.

File No. 129 Shield Repair

  • Fourth-Generation Sentinel support equipment. Modified version of the Shield Matrix. Medium-sized drones envelop the Sentinel in an electromagnetic shield while smaller drones are dispersed to repair the damaged portions of the Sentinel.

File No. 130 Interceptors

  • Fourth-Generation Sentinel support equipment. Releases 4 high-mobility attack drones that automatically target and Attacks kaiju. After the Hunters' high speed assault against the terminals proved so effective, Tsukasa Okino built these weapons after thoroughly analyzing their flight mechanism.

File No. 131 Counter

  • Sentinel function. When the Sentinel is attacked, it will immediately counterattack. This depends more on the battle senses of the pilot rather than the automated systems of the Sentinel.

File No. 132 Composite Ceramic Armor

  • Sentinel Equipment. A high defensive effect is achieved through the many layers of special ceramic armor. Has an overwhelming defensive capabality compared to regular armor, especially against lasers and directional energy weapons, piercing rounds, and even explosive energy rounds.

File No. 133 Hyper Condenser

  • Sentinel equipment. A modified condenser made to greatly enhance weapon efficiency. The metal plates inside the condenser are 50 nm thick and the space between each plate is only 40 nm. An incredibly high-performance condenser.

File No. 134 Forced Cooling Device

  • Sentinel equipment. Device that was developed to prevent system overheating and structure distortion from repeated use of weaponry. A powerful cooling device that utilizes liquid metal to remove tremendous amounts of heat.

File No. 135 Kaiju

  • A large unidentified object that crash-landed in the city and destroyed everything in its path.
  • In the 2065 ruins, Natsuno Minami witnesses a giant, four-legged machine that looks just like the weapons that the aliens used in the sci-fi classic, "The War of the Worlds"
  • The hologram that appeared inside the 2025 remains of the kaiju stated the following: Shikishima Interstellar Development Division Terraforming Project #8834, 3rd phase, Surface Construction and Modification, Colossal Autonomous Heavy Machinery, D series, D-800, Giant Moler, Surface Excavation Unit.
  • Deimos is the generic name for kaiju, and there are many types. Some models can be as large as entire buildings, while others are about the size of a large car.

File No. 136 Meteor

  • When the kaiju come down, they descend in a plume of atmospheric fire, like meteorites. However, they have a slow falling speed compared to meteors, and an observer can easily see them slowing down before they hit the surface.

File No. 137 Worker

  • Officialy called "Small Wrecker." 8 m tall, they are the smallest of the kaiju, but still pose a great threat to humans. They form large groups like army ants, making their way over buildings to attack. They come equipped with a high-output directional energy weapon.
  • Officially transport drones for construction material.

File No. 138 G-Moler

  • Officially called "Giant Moler." 35 m tall. A massive kaiju with both incredible weight and power. This kaiju specializes in close-quarter combat. Its thick armor makes it hard to take down with ranged attacks, like missiles and rapid fire guns.
  • D Series, D 800. Large surface-excavation unit developed by Shikishima Industries. It was built for the 3rd phase of the Terraforming Project, for the purpose of surface construction and modification. Built ot withstand the the extreme conditions of increased pressure and gravity. Has an outer hull composed of a specially-treated metal with an increased melting point. Possesses three articulated legs that allow for autonomous mobilization to any excavation site. Able to perform for up to 180 days of continuous operation.

File No. 139 Twintail

  • Officially called "Bimanual Grand Roller." Kaiju with 2 giant arms. Compared to other kaiju, has a slow movement speed but specializes in ranged attacks, such as long-range missiles and gattling guns.

File No. 140 Drum Mine

  • Officially called "Blasting Excavator." Kaiju with a body like a giant wheel. Once a target is acquired, it uses its rocket engine to spin its wheels and close in on the target at a high speed. Afterward, it uses the large amount of RDX-filled explosives inside itself to self-destruct.

File No. 141 APSOS

  • Officially called "Active Protection System Operating Supplier." Also called an APS feeder, this kaiju protects other kaiju by putting shields around them. Kaiju that are covered with the shield aren't affected by attacks, so it's vital to prioritize the destruction of APSOS to prevent the shields from engaging. Since the APSOS is structurally frail, destroying them is not difficult.

File No. 142 Hunter

  • Officially called “High-Speed Transporter.” Utilizes 2 giant tiltrotors to fly at high speeds. These are 5 m-tall aerial scout drone kaiju. They fly in formation and attack with small excavator lasers.

File No. 143 Drillfly

  • Officially called “Flying Drill Machine.” 20 m tall aerial excavator kaiju . Its 6 rotor blades can create more than 130 decibels of explosive sound. Since it moves flying and ignores roads, it is highly mobile. Attacks from the sky with machine guns and missiles.

File No. 144 Terra Carrier

  • Officially called “Megaton Class Gyro Cargo.” Giant aerial carrier kaiju. Utilizes powerful attacks through machine guns and can also trigger assaults by unleashing the massive numbers of Hunters stored within. Equipped with thick armor.

File No. 145 RPF

  • Officially called “Roving Production Facility.” Giant roving factory kaiju that harvests matter around it as material, and then rapidly produces kaiju within its internal production facilities. Since it continually produces small and medium-sized kaiju, leaving it alone will result in the enemies’ forces swelling to overwhelming numbers.

File No. 146 Hi-Quad

  • Officially called “Colossus-Class Terrain Changer.” A giant roving crane kaiju that can reach heights of over 100 m. Comes equipped with a multitude of weapons, and has thick armor. Its plasma cannon fires from the top-center of its body. Taking a direct hit would melt even the thickest Sentinel armor, due to its extreme heat levels.
  • Initially developed under the name, “Shikishima Industries four-legged autonomous crane, Hi-Quad 150B, Mars development heavy machinery robot.”

File No. 147 Gladiator

  • 1st Generation Sentinels from 2064 that were taken during the kaiju invasion. They became deadly additions to the kaiju forces...Or so it was thought. In actuality, to combat the Sentinels gaining power, these were newly developed kaiju based on the construction data of the first-generation Sentinels. Their destructive power is still intact, and they even come equipped with Composite Ceramic Armor. Despite being prototypes, these enemies come with the durability to withstand low power attacks.

File No. 148 Sakura High School

  • A high school located in the center of Ashitaba City. Each grade consists of five classes, ranging from A to E. There’s a total of 512 students at this school. It is a comprehensive junior and senior high school, and their policy requires all students to wear uniforms.

File No. 149 Front Gate

  • The gate used by everyone affiliated with Sakura High School. If you face the campus, on the left side is the baseball field and behind it is the athletics building. On the right is the new school building, and behind that is the old school building.

File No. 150 New School Building

  • A four-storied ferro-concrete school building that was completed in the spring of 1985. The shiny linoleum of the hallway reflects a lot of sunlight, bringing about a much brighter atmosphere compared to the old school building. Most students are happy that they no longer have to deal with the creaking floors, but there are some students who miss the wooden smell of the old building.

File No. 151 Cafeteria

  • The dining area, on the first floor of Sakura High School's south building. There is a school store that sells bread and bento for cheaper than the market price. The most popular item is their yakisoba pan, second place is the mayonnaise chicken bento, and third is their sandwich. (Research on 1984)

File No. 152 Nurse’s Office

  • A school facility where students receive consultation, guidance, and treatment for injuries and illness. There are three male students who show up here everyday just to see the school nurse, Ms. Morimura.

File No. 153 Science Room

  • A school facility where students run chemistry experiments. Due to rumors that point to paranormal phenomena-like someone hearing voices from the science room when no one was inside, or someone from the field outside seeing a creepy, white flash of light from inside the dark room-it is considered one of the seven wonders of the school.
  • There is a gate inside the science room, which allows one to travel to another era. Since the student who witnessed the gat being used caused a stir, Morimura and the others started the rumor about it being a paranormal phenomenon so students would stop going to the room so often.

File No.154 New School Building, Rooftop

  • A sealed-off area where delinquents often gather.Shu Amiguchi recently pried open the lock, so anyone can access it as they please. You’ll often find a handkerchief left out to dry up here. It looks like it belongs to a female student.

File No. 155 Passageway

  • A passageway that connects the new school building to the old school building. It was originally supposed to be a hallway for connecting the old school building to a lecture hall. Instead, the new school building side houses the science room and science preparation room.
  • There used to be a potato field beside it, but it’s no longer there in 1985.

File No. 156 Old School Building

  • A wooden school building that was built over 40 years ago. The floorboards creak and the doors are hard to open. The building is only lit by miniature naked lightbulbs, which show the passage of time.
  • The wooden school building that was built in 1944. It used to be called Sakura National School back then. There were no students during the first year the school opened, as all students were enlisted or had entered the labor force.

(National Schools were started in 1941, and many of the current schools were converted into them. Influenced by nationalism and facism, national schools taught children the basic training necessary for citizens of the country. They aimed to train their body and mind, and asked them to give their lives for the nation and for the Emperor. Many schools trained children in military tactics, as well as group training and rituals. By 1947, these schools were reformed under a new system, turning the focus back to education.)

  • It was originally two stories, but they added a west building in 1985 that’s three stories high.

File No. 157 Athletics Building

  • The athletics building for Sakura High School’s athletic clubs. About half of the students participate in some form of athletic club. The clubs with the highest member count are baseball for the boys and volleyball for the girls.

File No. 158 Amiguchi’s Room

  • Anyone would be envious of this luxurious room; a whopping 20 tatami mats in the floorspace. It features a cutting-edge audio system, the latest gaming consoles, a large bookshelf, and a fine view to boot.

File No. 159 Shopping District

  • The main street in Keyaki-cho, where various shops are lined up. A fascinating town where hungry students can satisfy their appetites on their way to and from home.

File No. 160 Train Platform

  • Platform five of Kamazumi Station. You can get on Tsutsuji-bound and Azami-bound trains here.

File No. 161 Riverbed

  • Kaede River’s riverbed, where you can get a good view of Kasumi-cho. Not many people come here because of the substantial elevation difference from the metropolitan area.

File No. 162 Park

  • Ayame Park is located at the top of a small hill. It used to be called Ayame Pass, back when the munitions factory was still there.

File No. 163 Downtown

  • Area near the scramble crossing in front of Tsutsuji Ward, Shiroyashio-cho, Tsutsuji Station. It’s an extremely crowded spot, where nearly 3,000 people cross the street during a single green light in peak hours.

File No. 164 Commercial District

  • Gogyo Street is a vertical street that runs down the center of high-rise buildings in Aoi Ward. Suzuna Crossing has the highest vehicle traffic density out of all areas in Ashitaba City. The Shikishima Industries headquarters is located nearby.
  • The headquarters of the Special Investigations Unit is located on the top floor of the building next to the Aoi Police Station.

File No. 165 Tokisaka Shrine

  • A shrine near Sakura High School, rumored to be haunted by ghosts.
  • The gate that lets you travel to another era is located right past this archway.

File No. 166 Back of Factory

  • An abandoned factory in Higoromo-cho. It used to be a small factory that produced bolts, nuts, washers, and rubber gaskets. It is now Tsukasa Okino’s base of operations.

File No. 167 Special Investigations Units Office

  • A room on the fifth floor of the government building in Aoi Ward. Tetsuya Ida’s office.

File No. 168 Sumire Bridge

  • The name of the 193 m-long bridge that’s built above Kaede River. It has a long history, built back in 1673 by the feudal lord of the Satsuki clan. It was originally five linked arched bridges built on top of the layered stone piers.

File No. 169 Laboratory

  • The cybernetic organism development room in Shikishima Tech Lab #6. It is located six levels underground, in the year 2100. This was an experimental facility where everything but the brain was replaced by artificial objects in the human body. Tetsuya Ida was developing a way to turn humans into androids.
  • Although Sector 1 was destroyed by the kaiju invasion in 2104, this laboratory remained unharmed since it was underground.

File No. 170 UFO

  • Also called a saucer. A giant circular structure with a diameter of 30 km. It is 300 meters underground Ashitaba City.
  • Houses a giant infrastructural-control system constructed with 2188 technology called Universal Control.

File No. 171 Residential District Dome

  • A giant dome with a diameter of 30 km. Holds an urban structure with Ashitaba City as its center. The world doesn’t exist past the 30 km boundary, and whoever steps past the residential zone gets false memories implanted, making them believe that the world continues as normal.
  • 1.2 million people live inside it.

File No. 172 Universal Control

  • Universal Control is the underground mainframe. The town residents are all controlled by Universal Control, which sometimes adjusts the residents’ memories or situations and twists the truth in order to eliminate any possible inconsistencies in the world.
  • A giant disc-shaped structure with a diameter of 30 km, 300 meters below Ashitaba City.
  • When the Universal Control of all sectors gets taken over by the Deimos, the five sectors get reset, the world gets recreated, and a new loop occurs.
  • It’s linked with the surface through a region called the terminal. There are two terminals that have been analyzed, Sector 1 and Sector 3. Out of the two, the terminal of Sector 3 is the only one that allows access to mainframe,
  • The center device of the terminal is used to authenticate biometric IDs, required when shifting to other sectors or accessing personal logs.
  • The 2188 Tsukasa Okino is the developer of Universal Control, as well as the one responsible for borrowing a portion of the environment management system from a “Deimos” simulation game.          
  • All humans except for the 15 members of Project Ark are AI constructs that are controlled by Universal Control.

File No. 173 Colony in Satellite Orbit

  • A colony under construction, up in a satellite orbiting Earth in 2187. Once completed, it had a diameter of 30 km and was docked with multiple giant, cylindrical food production silos.
  • This is where Project Ark began for the sake of continuing the human species, but is also the source of the nanomachine infection that wiped out humanity. In 2188, Ei Sekigahara infiltrated Sector 4 and set off a bomb on its power generator in order to assassinate Morimura.
  • A dispute over whether to allocate the remaining energy towards Project Ark or life support led to a shootout resulting in seven deaths.

File No. 174 Artificial Satellite in Orbit

  • An artificial satellite that orbits around a planet. After looking at the 2188 logs and figuring out a way to link to the satellite in orbit, Morimura learned about the facility. Morimura states that this artificial satellite is “orbiting the real world.”
  • This is where the automated factory in Sector 1 is pulling the blueprint for the Deimos from.
  • An artificial satellite that presides over terraforming, the second phase of interstellar development. It controls the heavy machinery for planetary development and adjusts air temperature.
  • This is where Miyuki Inaba exists. During the 2064 Sentinel Infection Incident, Inaba ends up shifting outside the world and over to the artificial satellite, where she comes across the 2188 data and learns the truth about the world.
  • Connection gets cut off when the satellite is behind the horizon, as that puts it outside of comms range.
  • Also called the “command ship” or “mothership” in orbit. Chihiro accessed this in order to stop the automated factory’s mass production of the Deimos.
  • Once a probe arrives at a new planet and creates the artificial satellite, it also creates the facility and the growth pods there. Inside the growth pods, all the DNA data is used to start the nurturing process of the 15 project members. The command ship monitors the surface facilities so it can determine whether the final phase needs to be redone before any harm may come to these facilities.

File No. 175 Kisaragi’s House

The apartment where Tomi Kisaragi lived in 2025 was destroyed by the kaiju. The first floor of the building was a cake shop, popular for their pear tart.

File No. 176 Inside the Wall

  • 15 km away from the center of Ashitaba City. While in this city, the sky and land seem to go on forever, but 15 km away from it, there is nothing but an endless view of a giant mesh-patterned structure. In order to get Shu Amiguchi to go to these outer walls, Miyuki Inaba unlocked a part of the Tsuwabuki Bypass.

File No. 177 Sectors

  • In 2188, the satellite orbiting Earth had five colonies, called sectors. Since the residential zones that Keitaro Miura created for Project Ark are structured similarly to the colonies, they were also called sectors. Morimura, as well as other individuals involved with Project Ark, felt that humanity should start over from a time before the nanomachine incidents. However, they couldn’t come to an agreement as to how far they should go back, so they ultimately settled on preparing residential districts by era, which is how the five sectors were born.

File No. 178 Sector 0

  • Unlike the other five sectors, this one is unique, as it doesn’t take up any space. Since it’s unaffected by loops, Morimura and Tetsuya Ida used it as an excavation site where they stored their own data.

File No. 179 Sector 1

  • A facility that simulates the years 2089 to 2109. It is already in ruins due to the kaiju attacks and toxic levels of radiation.
  • A virtual space created in order to pass on the culture and knowledge of humanity to the 15 individuals arriving in the new land.

File No. 180 Sector 2

  • A facility that simulates the years 2049 to 2064. It is already in ruins due to the kaiju attacks.
  • A virtual space created in order to pass on the culture and knowledge of humanity to the 15 individuals arriving in the new land.

File No. 181 Sector  3

  • A facility that simulates the years 2009 to 2029. It is already in ruins due to the kaiju attacks.
  • It was used as a trial run for Operation Aegis. The self-defense system was successfully activated for one of the terminals here.
  • A virtual space created in order to pass on the culture and knowledge of humanity to the 15 individuals arriving in the new land.

File No. 182 Sector 4

  • A facility that simulates the years 1969 to 1985. It is still a peaceful place where the kaiju have not yet invaded.
  • A virtual space created in order to pass on the culture and knowledge of humanity to the 15 individuals arriving in the new land.

File No. 183 Sector 5

  • A facility that simulates the years 1929 to 1949. It is already in ruins due to the kaiju attacks.
  • A virtual space created in order to pass on the culture and knowledge of humanity to the 15 individuals arriving in the new land.

File No. 184 Facility

  • A facility that houses the entire world. Its stability is reaching its breaking point. Once Sector 4 (1985) gets taken over by kaiju, the facility will reset, preventing any further loops. If this were to occur, the reset would wipe all data, including any memories stored in Sector 0. The lives everyone has experienced through time would cease to exist for good.
  • In truth, it holds the growth pods and the computers that simulate virtual space. This facility was constructed on the planet after the terraforming phase was completed. Built to last for about 5,000  years.

File No. 185 Gas Explosion

  • An incident where Juro Kurabe accidentally summons a Sentinel when he touched Keitaro Miura’s forehead. Kurabe unwittingly transmitted a mysterious giant robot onto his favorite video store in the shopping district.
  • The news report on TV said it was a gas leak that caused the explosion and damaged the surrounding buildings.
  • At the dock in 1945, Tsukasa Okino added a feature to Sentinel No. 19 that copies over the Sentinel force-activation code to whoever comes into contact with Keitaro Miura. This is the reason Kurabe ends up summoning the Sentinel.

File No. 186 Shootout Dream

  • The dream Juro Kurabe told Iori Fuyusaka about in the science room. It’s a dream about two rebels who travel back in time to bomb an interstellar development facility they believe to be the cause of an apocalypse. Kurabe claims that the woman who appears in a leather jumpsuit looked just like Fuyusaka.

File No. 187 North Building Fire

  • It wasn’t actually a fire, but someone trashing the girls’ bathroom. Ever since this incident, Natsuno Minami stopped showing up at school.
  • The destruction of the north building girls’ bathroom was the result of the battle between the Tomi Kisaragi android, who was after Minami, and Tamao Kurabe’s android. This is also when the entity inside of the Kisaragi android and the Tamao android switched places.


File No. 188 2064 Kaiju Invasion

  • A defensive battle that took place towards the center area of Ashitaba City in 2064. Juro Kurabe(Izumi), Ryoko Shinonome, and Ei Sekigahara were among the Sentinel pilot force during this battle. Sentinel No. 15, piloted by Sekigahara, shut down the systems of all their Sentinels, causing the front line to collapse. Morimura prioritized the lives of the pilots and force transmitted all Sentinels. Tetsuya Ida stayed behind and fought using a remotely-controlled Sentinel.
  • The cause of this defeat was the DD-426 code that Shinonome put into Sekigahara’s Sentinel.

File No. 189 2025 Kaiju Invasion

  • The kaiju attack in 2025. Juro Kurabe(Izumi) tries to protect the city by himself, but ends up losing. Following Kurabe’s defeat, Megumi Yakushiji manages to find him in the ruins,but Kurabe had already suffered immense brain damage from piloting the Sentinel for two hours straight. He loses consciousness in Yakushiji’s arms. Because of this battle, Kurabe ends up completely losing his memories.
  • Renya Gouto and Morimura snatched Tomi Kisaragi away while she was searching for her mother in the commercial building of Kamazumi Ward.
  • Morimura used Sector 3 as a trial for Operation Aegis. She succeeded in activating the self-defense system of one terminal.

File No. 190 Shikishima’s Interstellar Development Project

  • One of the projects that Shikishima Industries ran, formally designated Shikishima Interstellar Development Division Terraforming Project #8834.
  • The first phase of this space initiative ends with the dispersal of countless probes carrying the DNA data of the 15 individuals. The second phase ends when the terraforming of the new planet is completed. The final phase refers to the creation of clones based off the DNA data of the 15 individuals, dormant until they safely arrive at their new Earth when they reach 20 years in age. Furthermore, the 15 clones spend their 20 years in a virtual space, while they undergo a special training program designed to provide vital knowledge for the final two years.

File No. 191 Nightmare

  • The dream Juro Kurabe sees of him killing everyone. Seeing this dream makes Kurabe anxious that he might end up killing Megumi Yakushiji, so he starts to avoid her. In his dream, the man called Juro Izumi (who resembles Kurabe) claims that the nanomachines in their body is what’s calling the Deimos here. Towards the end of the dream, Izumi gets shot by a woman who looks just like Iori Fuyusaka.
  • During this time, 426 believed that the only way to escape from this eternal loop was to kill all the compatible ones. However, 426 later discovers another escape method that utilizes the mechanics of the Deimos simulation game.

File No. 192 1940s

  • The city sea of flames due to the kaiju attacks.
  • The 1940s is a turbulent era of World War II, a major war which involved numerous powerful nations and marked a turning point for technology and ideology. It’s also a period when Japan transitioned from militarism to pacifism.
  • Sector 5. Keitaro Miura, Takatoshi Hijiyama, and Tamao Kurabe were born in this era.

File No. 193 1980s

  • The kaiju are about to appear in this era.
  • The 1980s is an era of countless innovative products and technology such as mobile phones, video cameras, small PCs, and video games. It’s also an era that saw a global shift from industrial societies to information societies.
  • Sector 4. Yuki Takamiya, Natsuno Minami, and Nenji Ogata were born into this era.

File No. 194 2020s

  • This city is in ruins due to the kaiju attacks.
  • There is a giant abyss where Sakura High School used to be.
  • The 2020s is an era of worldwide progress in communications technology, as well as rapid growth in simulated reality and video content. Furthermore, advancements in medical technology vastly improved human longevity.
  • Sector 3. Megumi Yakushiji, Tomi Kisaragi, and Shu Amiguchi were born into this era. Moreover, Tetsuya Ida and Miyuki Inaba were born in this era one loop ago.

File No. 195 2060s

  • The city is in ruins due to the kaiju attacks.
  • The 2060s are characterized by rapid worldwide progress in robotics and AI technology. With the Mars exploration starting to gain momentum, the terraforming project becomes more and more feasible.
  • Sector 2. Ei Sekigahara, Renya Gouto, and Ryoko Shinonome were born in this era.

File No. 196 2100s

  • The 2,400 meter tall Century Tower is the city’s symbol. Humanity is steadily progressing to a new stage, having made breakthroughs designing AI capable of emotion, and space colony construction.
  • The surface shows no sign of life, due to kaiju attacks and toxic levels of radiation from the government’s use of nuclear bombs.
  • Sector 1. Juro Izumi, Chihiro Morimura, and Tsukasa Okino were born in this era.

File No. 197 Bankara

In the latter half of the Meiji era, Western culture was considered more acceptable as “haikara,” the cultural adoption of western fashions, became popular. The term “haikara” was made popular by Meiji-era journalists, derived from the English “high collar.”

To counter this movement, “bankara” was born out of a desire for ”goodness within”---something not determined by outward appearances. ”Bankara” came from the twisting of “haikara,” and being “bankara” meant holding onto a crude outer appearance while seeking spiritual nobility, integrity, and greatness on the inside.

File No. 198 Dogface

In the original Japanese, the word he uses is “chinkusha,” derived from “chin” (Japanese Chin dog) and “kushami” (a sneeze). The Japanese Chin dog’s facial features are unusually close together, and the originator of this insult must have imagined that such a dog sneezing would be especially hard on the eyes.

While Kisaragi failed to recognize this old-fashioned retort, it was clear that it wasn’t a compliment.

File No. 199 The Three Laws

Three Laws written by a famous author, well known for his science fiction piece from the 20th century: “2001: A Space Odyssey.”

1.When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.

2. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.

3. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Mystery Files (200-249)
Mystery Files (0-99)