426 (Mystery Files)

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For the main page regarding this character, see: Juro Izumi (Two Loops Ago).

426 is the prisoner number of an escaped criminal from the future.

His real name is Juro Izumi. He's already dead, and currently exists as a replication that is based off of the memory information written onto Sector 0. He had previously been researching ways to download memories from the innerlocitor and how to get into the production line of the Deimos code. He escaped confinement through transferring his data into an android that looked like Tomi Kisaragi.[1]

The Kisaragi android that 426 was using as his body got destroyed during the battle against the Tamao Kurabe android in 1985. He then took over the Tamao android's body and managed to escape.[2]

When the Tamao android was being used as 426's body, Ei Sekigahara discovered his true identity and destroyed it. Soon after, Juro Kurabe happens to pass by the destroyed remains and 426 transfers his nanomachines.[3]

Kurabe sees him as Kyuta Shiba.

Megumi Yakushiji sees him as Fluffy.

His true identity is Juro Izumi from two loops ago.

He tried to kill all the candidates one loop ago because he theorized that the kaiju invasions would stop if all candidates for the D-Code control key were gone.[4]
