Shibugaki City Battle 10

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Pre-Battle Script

May 27 11:58 PM
Miyuki Inaba: I have something to report to you all.
Tomi Kisaragi: Ugh, finally. Is the processing stuff done yet?
Miyuki Inaba: It's well over 90% processed. We're so close. But there's a problem...
Miyuki Inaba: As some of you may know, I'm working from the command ship in orbit.
Miyuki Inaba: Unfortunately, it's still on that orbital path...
Miyuki Inaba: Soon, I'll be too far from your location. I'll lose signal, and I won't be able to communicate.
Miyuki Inaba: And when that happens... the mainframe processing will be suspended.
Miyuki Inaba: It'll be another 850 minutes before I come back from a full orbit.
Miyuki Inaba: Until I can reestablish a connection, you have to hold on.
Juro Kurabe: But that's just over 14 hours...! We have to hold out until tomorrow afternoon?
Miyuki Inaba: Please, don't give up hope.
Miyuki Inaba: Until I get cut off, I promise I'll do everything I can...
Ei Sekigahara: This is insane. Have you seen how fast new ones keep appearing? There's no way we can fend them off for that long.
Miyuki Inaba: ...
Shu Amiguchi: Say...
Shu Amiguchi: As long as you're still here... maybe you could sing for us?
Miyuki Inaba: ...
Miyuki Inaba: All right... As long as you can hear my voice, you'll know I'm still connected.

Mid-Battle Script

System: Warning: Deimos signatures approaching.
System: Preparing to intercept. Initiating tactical analysis.

Post-Battle Script

System: Confirmed termination of Twintail EX Deimos signature.
System: Destroy Twintail EX
System: Aegis Activated. Terminal Closure complete
Shu Amiguchi: Well... sounds like she's gone...
Yuki Takamiya: ...
Yuki Takamiya: Would you losers lighten up already? Everyone's actin' like we already lost this!
Iori Fuyusaka: Um... She's right. This fight isn't over yet. If we do our best, I know we can pull through...
Nenji Ogata: 14 hours, though...? That's nuts.
Nenji Ogata: Never had a brawl that lasted all night. Hell, we might be about to set a new record.
Shu Amiguchi: Man... Think we can last until sunrise...?


Work in Progress