Shibugaki City Battle 9

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Pre-Battle Script

May 27 11:50 PM
Takatoshi Hijiyama: I have to say, that composite ceramic armor... Our enemies have some smart-looking defenses.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: Between kit like that and a chance to disengage my limiters, my Sentinel would be invincible...
Ei Sekigahara: Sounds to me like you're just looking for an excuse to punch them.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: I have all I need. Let them send their machine swarms and their four-legged beasts. I'll take them all down myself.
Nenji Ogata: Not without an EMP, dumbass. You can't just punch the flyers and the shield guys.
Nenji Ogata: Why do you even want extra armor? Isn't that why you got your defense mode?
Ei Sekigahara: You need to pick your equipment based on the situation. If you two want to play hero, do it on your own time.
Nenji Ogata: What'd you say!? You really are tryin' to start shit, huh?
Takatoshi Hijiyama: Don't lump me in with Ogata. I'm actually serious about winning.
Nenji Ogata: Oh, you don't think I'm serious, Hijiyama? Do I sound like I'm jokin' to you?
Shu Amiguchi: Hey, don't let me interrupt you guys, but... we've got company.

Mid-Battle Script

System: Warning: Deimos signatures identified. Enemy in range.
Tomi Kisaragi: Man, they've got new APSOS models out too...
Tomi Kisaragi: If we don't stomp 'em out quick, they're gonna be a real pain in the butt!

Post-Battle Script

System: Termination of enemy signals confirmed.
System: Aegis activated. Terminal closure complete.
System: Surrounding 2 km area now fully secure. Ending tactical analysis.
Juro Kurabe: We pushed them back somehow...
Shu Amiguchi: These fancy upgraded kaiju are no joke.
Juro Kurabe: It's a vicious cycle. We're stuck in an arms race where we can only win by improving our own Sentinels...
Ryoko Shinonome: I managed to analyze the new model of APSOS...
Ryoko Shinonome: It's not just the shields. Their auto-repair nanotech got a major boost, too.
Shu Amiguchi: Seriously? I was just thinking it was weird how long they were lasting...
Ei Sekigahara: If we don't counter them with EMP equipment, we won't stand a chance.
Ei Sekigahara: Having less direct offense isn't ideal, but if we don't disable them, they'll get out of control.
Juro Kurabe: Even then... we've already bought a lot of time. It can't be that long left.
Shu Amiguchi: Oh, right... How much more time do we need for this big save-the-world program?
Miyuki Inaba: ...Well...


Work in Progress