Beginning of the End Episode 3

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Pre-Battle Script

May 27 4:35 PM
Takatoshi Hijiyama: ...The Sentinels are incredible weapons. If we could deploy them in the mainland war, they could instantly turn the tide...
Tsukasa Okino: That war's been over for decades, Hijiyama-kun. You can stop worrying about it...
Takatoshi Hijiyama: "We will never stop until our foes lie dead." I'm not about to forget my duty, Okino. Where to next?
Tsukasa Okino: Don't get ahead of yourself. We're not done here.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: Reinforcements... I see kaiju gathering from across the whole city.
Tsukasa Okino: I'll release some more drones to expand our search range.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: Good. Leave the fisticuffs to me.
Tsukasa Okino: What I'm worried about is the G-Molers in the back. You see them?
Takatoshi Hijiyama: Jamoler? Is that what you call the big round ones?
Tsukasa Okino: No, G-Moler. As in, with the letter G. It stands for... you know what, never mind.
Tsukasa Okino: A G-Moler is a Deimos built for excavation.
Tsukasa Okino: It uses the spinning blades on its back to dig into the ground.
Tsukasa Okino: They need to bore a path to the terminal. It's the core of their strategy, and we need to stop them.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: A slowpoke like that? All I need is one strike to take that one out.
Tsukasa Okino: They can withstand intensely high pressures and break through any rock.
Tsukasa Okino: If you underestimate it, you're the one who's going to get taken out.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: Is that where they're headed?
Tsukasa Okino: Yes... That's the point closest from the surface to the terminal.
Tsukasa Okino: But your Sentinel's a 1st-gen, which means more mobility. That'll come in handy here.
Tsukasa Okino: Can you take out some kaiju on your way there?
Takatoshi Hijiyama: I don't have much choice. We're going in.

Tutorial: EP

Using powerful armaments will consume Energy (EP). EP is gradually replenished by defeating enemies, but you can replenish it faster by using Defend (Charge EP). When you use Defend (Charge EP), you'll be unable to move temporarily. Make use of it strategically.

Try using the armament Leap Attack, which consumes EP.

Takatoshi Hijiyama: More enemies... Is there no end to them?
Renya Gouto: Looks like I made it in time... I'm going to activate Aegis before they overwhelm us.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: You're that guy from before!
Takatoshi Hijiyama: What are you scheming? I won't allow it!
Tsukasa Okino: Wait, Hijiyama-kun... Let him handle this.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: Are you sure? He's about to do something to the saucer.
Tsukasa Okino: It's all part of the plan. Besides, there's something I want us to try.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: ...Fine. I trust you.
Tsukasa Okino: The terminal has a few defense mechanisms in place.
Tsukasa Okino: Now that we've got access to them, you should be able to command them yourself.
Tsukasa Okino: Let the terminal attack the kaiju directly.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: We can make the saucer itself attack them?
Tsukasa Okino: Let's give this one a shot... This Phase Plasma EMP.

Tutorial: Meta-Skills

By gathering Meta-Chips from defeating enemies, your Meta-Gauge in the bottom left of the screen will increase. You can use Meta-Skills when the Meta-Gauge is filled up. Open the menu with X (or equivalent) and use the Meta-Skill Phase Plasma EMP.

Renya Gouto: What did you just do...?
Tsukasa Okino: The terminal forced a shutdown of designated targets within range.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: That was amazing... Let's fire off some more of those!
Tsukasa Okino: Don't know if we can do that, but... we have a couple other tricks up our sleeve. Let me take a look.

The only Meta-Skill you can currently use in battle is Phase Plasma EMP, and you can only use it once. Once Terminal Enhancements are available, you'll be able to unlock and enhance various skills. You can also increase the number of uses.

Post-Battle Script

Renya Gouto: Aegis activation confirmed...
Tsukasa Okino: All the hostiles in range destroyed themselves. Like magic.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: If we had that kind of weaponry, you should have told me! Why bother with the Sentinels when we have this?
Renya Gouto: It takes time to activate. And if we get taken out before it's ready, then it's all over.
Tsukasa Okino: It means... the terminal would be fully locked down. Nobody could ever open it again.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: Is that... a bad thing?
Renya Gouto: This is Renya Gouto. You are one of the compatible pilots from Sector 5.
Renya Gouto: Who are you communicating with?
Tsukasa Okino: I'd really rather not deal with this. Don't tell him, Hijiyama-kun.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: ...No one. I'm fighting solo.
System: Sentinel signals detected.
Renya Gouto: ...Sentinels are being activated in another location.
Renya Gouto: No. 17 and No. 19... Just how many Sentinels are online now...?