Beginning of the End Episode 2

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Pre-Battle Script

May 27 4:32 PM
Iori Fuyusaka: Ngh... Huh?
Iori Fuyusaka: Oh yeah... I got in this robot, and...
Juro Kurabe: Oh, good... Looks like you're okay.
Iori Fuyusaka: K-Kurabe-kun?
Juro Kurabe: Fuyusaka-san... Everything you said came true...
Iori Fuyusaka: ...We got kaiju everywhere, right?
Juro Kurabe: I think I prefer my kaiju to stay on the silver screen...
Juro Kurabe: Looks like there's more on the way. Can you get your Sentinel up?
Iori Fuyusaka: I'll try, but...
Iori Fuyusaka: I think it might be broken in some places...
Juro Kurabe: You're in a 2nd-generation Sentinel. It weighs around 2,200 tons.
Juro Kurabe: With that kind of weight, it can end up crushing its own components if it collapses.
Iori Fuyusaka: This big robot looks so tough. Is it really that useless if it falls over?
Renya Gouto: Don't let your guard down! We have another wave of D-forces inbound.
Iori Fuyusaka: You keep talking about them like that. What are these D-forces?
Juro Kurabe: Deimos. They're the kaiju.
Renya Gouto: That's them. They're trying to reach the mainframe in the depths below.
Renya Gouto: That's why they attack every terminal that has a connection to it.
Juro Kurabe: If they manage to reach the mainframe... this city will be wiped out.
Renya Gouto: But we can't stay on the defensive forever. With so few of us, we could never sustain it.
Renya Gouto: Instead, we have to rely on the terminal's internal defenses. A specialized program.
Renya Gouto: That puts up an impenetrable shield around the area. The D-forces would be completely locked out.
Iori Fuyusaka: That's gotta be the Aegis System Ms. Morimura was talking about. But... is it even safe to use?
Renya Gouto: We're only using it to buy time.
Iori Fuyusaka: How do we activate it?
Renya Gouto: Whichever one of you is closest, move to the D-forces' invasion point.
Iori Fuyusaka: Invasion point...? You mean where the kaiju are all trying to get to?
Renya Gouto: Yes. The terminal sits directly below that point.

Make your way toward the terminal, which is the invaders' target.

Tutorial: Move

Choose a Sentinel and select Move from the menu. Use the control stick to move the cursor to where you want to go, then press A (or equivalent) to start moving.

Renya Gouto: You made it.
Renya Gouto: That's where you send the signal to the terminal 300 meters underground.
Renya Gouto: Either of your access IDs should be capable of activating it.
Iori Fuyusaka: And... that'll fix it? That's enough to get rid of all the kaiju?
Juro Kurabe: No. It won't be that simple.
Renya Gouto: The defense systems have a long startup. We'll need to buy enough time for Aegis to initialize.
Renya Gouto: Until it activates, our mission is to keep the D-forces away from the terminal.
Juro Kurabe: We'll try.
System: Warning: Deimos signatures identified. Enemy in range.
System: Preparing to intercept. Initiating tactical analysis.

Tutorial: Loss Condition

You must protect the terminal until the self-defense system Aegis is activated. Damage to the terminal is shown in the top left of the screen. If this defense gauge is depleted, or if even one of your pilots dies, it's game over.

Tutorial: Switching Pilots

You can switch pilots you control with the directional pad. Change up pilots depending on the situation.

Post-Battle Script

Renya Gouto: Aegis activation confirmed... This area is now protected.
Renya Gouto: Are your Sentinels still operational?
Iori Fuyusaka: Mine's doing okay.
Juro Kurabe: I can still fight.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: Who's there? Are you fighting?
Renya Gouto: You're in a Sentinel... You're going to tell me who you are, now.
Renya Gouto: I believe that's Sentinel No. 12. Okino's machine.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: I'm Takatoshi Hijiyama. And this is my Sentinel.
Juro Kurabe: Takatoshi Hijiyama? You were with Okino-kun, before...
Takatoshi Hijiyama: I've come to save the human race. Leave this region to me.
Renya Gouto: He cut off his comms...
Renya Gouto: I've found his Sentinel's location. But it's a ways from your position.
Iori Fuyusaka: He's not gonna try taking them all on by himself... is he?
Renya Gouto: I'll move to rendezvous. You two should keep going towards the next combat zone.
Iori Fuyusaka: Oh, wait... Which way is the next zone?
Juro Kurabe: It's this way. Follow me.