Beginning of the End Episode 1

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Pre-Battle Script

May 27 4:30 PM
Iori Fuyusaka: Am I inside the robot...?
Iori Fuyusaka: What the... Where did my clothes go?
System: Warning: Deimos signatures approaching. Enemy in range.
Iori Fuyusaka: Was that... my voice? It's like hearing myself talking in my head...
System: Preparing to intercept. Initiating tactical analysis.
Iori Fuyusaka: It-It's coming this way!
Iori Fuyusaka: Ohhh... How do I move this thing!?
Renya Gouto: Fuyusaka-kun? Can you hear me?
Iori Fuyusaka: Gouto-senpai? What are you...?
Renya Gouto: Why are you in Sekigahara's Sentinel?
Iori Fuyusaka: Senpai... Are you like Ei-kun, too? Did you come from the future?
Renya Gouto: We can discuss that later.
Renya Gouto: Do you understand the situation we're in? That area is under attack by D-forces.
Iori Fuyusaka: I came here to fight!
Iori Fuyusaka: But... I don't know how to control any of this.
Iori Fuyusaka: And this robot's not making a peep...
Renya Gouto: ...No time for a full rundown. We'll have to settle for the fundamentals.
Renya Gouto: Sentinels are made to be controlled with your mind.
Renya Gouto: Think of it as another body connected to your brain.
Renya Gouto: Try to direct it. You can do it.
Iori Fuyusaka: Like... this? Nnngh...
Iori Fuyusaka: Whoa, it moved...! But now my head feels weird. It's like... scratchy, or something...
Renya Gouto: That's the link system of the nanomachines inside your brain.
Renya Gouto: You'll also have a direct feed of information from the Sentinel's sensors.
Renya Gouto: It should sound like your own voice is speaking directly to you.
Renya Gouto: For now, you'll just have to get used to it as you fight.
Renya Gouto: ...Can you move?
Iori Fuyusaka: Y-Yes! I can walk, Senpai.
Renya Gouto: They're coming closer.
Iori Fuyusaka: I keep getting these popups in the way when I try to look around...
Renya Gouto: That's your equipment interface.
Renya Gouto: Use that to neutralize the D-forces in front of you.
Iori Fuyusaka: I dunno if I'm doing this right, but... How's this!?

Tutorial: Attack

To control your pilots, move the cursor over a pilot and select with A (or equivalent). Once the menu's open, press A (or equivalent) to select Action and destroy the enemy using Arm-Mounted Machine Cannons.

Iori Fuyusaka: There's more kaiju up ahead!
Renya Gouto: Slow down. Different combat situations might call for different weapons.
Renya Gouto: If they're all concentrated in one area, you could use a wide-impact armament like the rocket launchers.
Iori Fuyusaka: What? What!?
Iori Fuyusaka: Uh, okay, rocket launchers...? Where's the rocket launcher button?
Renya Gouto: Check your display... The rig is on your shoulders. Focus on them.
Iori Fuyusaka: My shoulders... Is this how I do it...?

Select Action and destroy the enemy using Multi Rocket Launchers. Adjust the attack range with the control stick to target as many enemies as possible.

Iori Fuyusaka: Yeah... I got 'em!
Renya Gouto: Fuyusaka-kun. Can you evacuate?
Renya Gouto: A massive kaiju is approaching from behind.
Iori Fuyusaka: What? Where...?
A kaiju appears behind Fuyusaka.
Iori Fuyusaka: Aaaah!
Renya Gouto: Fuyusaka-kun!
Renya Gouto: No. 15's taken damage to the rear exhaust system...
System: Sentinel No. 13: Activated.
Renya Gouto: Another Sentinel's been transmitted behind you, Fuyusaka-kun.
Renya Gouto: But who is it...?
Juro Kurabe: This is Sentinel No. 13.
Juro Kurabe: Moving to cover Fuyusaka-san.
Renya Gouto: Kurabe...? What are you doing here?
Juro Kurabe: I can't let this turn out like Sector 3.
Renya Gouto: Izumi...? No, there's no way his memory could have returned...
Juro Kurabe: I remember... doing this in my dreams...
Juro Kurabe: I think I can do this.
Renya Gouto: Wait until we call for backup, Izumi!
Juro Kurabe: My name...
Juro Kurabe: Juro Kurabe.

Select Action, then select Heavy Knuckles. Use the control stick to attack the enemies in front of you while moving around.

Post-Battle Script

Renya Gouto: What a pilot... That really isn't Izumi?
Renya Gouto: But how...?