Shu Amiguchi (Mystery Files)

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For the main page regarding this character, see: Shu Amiguchi.

Shu Amiguchi is a popular kid from a rich family. He's a decent athlete, and kind of a playboy. Despite his flippant attitude, he's friendly and well-liked across the school. Deep down, he's mostly bored and tired of his life. While in the shopping district, he happened across Yuki Takamiya getting harassed by Takemi Wajima and his gang, and helps her out. Amiguchi ends up falling for her, smitten by her cute looks and tough attitude. Lately, he's been struggling with strange dreams, and an even stranger girl who's been talking to him through his TV.

The strange dreams that Amiguchi has been seeing were actually the past experiences of Tetsuya Ida, who looks near-identical to him. In order to protect "Project Ark," Miyuki Inaba expressed that she wants to learn his thoughts.

According to the medical records in the nurse's office, Amiguchi was administered a nanomachine medication called NM: A8076 once. The records also stated there was a "20% transplant rate."[1]

Amiguchi, who is genetically identical to Ida, was having Ida's memories from between ages 16 and 26 transplanted into him by Morimura. Moreover, Ida brought the infant Amiguchi to Sector 4 (the 1980s) and placed him into the Amiguchi family.

When Amiguchi was shot by Megumi Yakushiji up on the rooftop, it activated Sentinel No. 20.[2] Prior to this, Amiguchi had already come into contact with Keitaro Miura when he had to carry Miura back to his house after Nenji Ogata's altercation at the shopping district.[3] For that reason, Amiguchi was already affected by the force activation code for Sentinels that Tsukasa Okino embedded into Miura.
