Renya Gouto (Mystery Files)

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For the main page regarding this character, see: Renya Gouto.

Renya Gouto comes from the future, the destroyed world of 2065. With calm and patience, he brings the Sentinel pilots together, always keeping an eye on their ultimate goal. He acts as a leader to the other students.

Gouto secretly had feelings for Ms. Morimura. However, after seeing a 2188 communications log between that era's Tetsuya Ida and Gouto, he suspects the Morimura's memories were overwritten by 426.[1] In addition, Morimura's sudden change of behavior has raised his suspicions further.

In order to view Ms. Morimura's logs, Gouto used Iori Fuyusaka who was unconscious from the shock of seeing a Sentinel in the 2065 ruins. He brought her to the UFO mainframe, and used her biometric ID.

After seeing Morimura's logs in the mainframe, Gouto visits the Kurabe House in 1945 to abduct Morimura's clone, Chihiro, and restore her original memories.

Upon realizing the distinct discrepancy between Ms. Morimura's and Chihiro's memories, Gouto considers the possibility that Chihiro isn't simply a clone of Morimura. After researching the logs of 2188's Morimura, he theorizes that Chihiro's true identity is instead Professor Chihiro Morimura from 2188.
