Himawari Ward Battle 5

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Pre-Battle Script

May 28 2:37 AM
System: Warning: Deimos signatures approaching.
System: Preparing to intercept. Initiating tactical analysis
Shu Amiguchi: Look, that's a new model of RPF... oh, and of course it's frigging gigantic.
Shu Amiguchi: Who knows what kinda kaiju this one spits out...
Shu Amiguchi: And there's a new model of Drum Mine, too... Not sure what to expect from this one.
Ryoko Shinonome: According to the computer's estimates, it's reinforced its shell. And the explosions will be magnitudes higher...
Nenji Ogata: What happens if they rush the terminal? What would we even do?
Keitaro Miura: If we let it through, that may be our last mistake.
Nenji Ogata: So that's it, huh? No more screwing around? I wanna laugh, but this ain't even funny...
Keitaro Miura: We have to stop it. No matter what.

Post-Battle Script

System: Termination of enemy signals confirmed.
System: Aegis activated. Terminal closure complete.
System: Surrounding 2 km area now fully secure. Ending tactical analysis.
Juro Kurabe: Aegis finally went through... Everyone okay?
Shu Amiguchi: Took long enough. Can't believe we actually survived that...
Natsuno Minami: Yuki-chan's okay, too... Are all the fights gonna be this bad now?
Shu Amiguchi: We've been working pretty hard... That's worth a little time off, right?
Shu Amiguchi: And I've got just the idea for Yuki-chan. How about a day at the amusement park?
Yuki Takamiya: What, just you and me goin'?
Shu Amiguchi: Hey, it's the best reward I could ask for. Could be fun, right?
Yuki Takamiya: ...
Yuki Takamiya: Fine, dumbass. You get your one date.
Shu Amiguchi: Uh... really? I wasn't actually expecting...
Yuki Takamiya: So... For now, go kick some ass, and... try not to die.
Natsuno Minami: Yuki-chan...


Work in Progress