Ashitaba City Battle 3

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Pre-Battle Script

May 27 5:52 PM
Natsuno Minami: Look at it... It's like a Tripod.
Tomi Kisaragi: Oh, that's a Hi-Quad. I just fought one earlier...
Tomi Kisaragi: It's basically just a huge crane, though, right?
Juro Kurabe: Don't underestimate it. That thing's set with all kinds of weapons and defensive devices.
Juro Kurabe: The plasma cannon's what you need to watch out for. Sentinel armor doesn't stand a chance against it.
Natsuno Minami: But it's just a big dumb crane! Why'd they put all the weapons on it?
Juro Kurabe: Once they started facing resistance, they updated their designs. Trying to match our own force.
Tomi Kisaragi: Wait, you mean those things only have weapons because the Sentinels showed up?
Juro Kurabe: Maybe, but we can still take them down... At least, we probably can...
Megumi Yakushiji: Keep it together. Everything will work out.
Tomi Kisaragi: How do you know that, Megumi...?
Natsuno Minami: They're coming. Be careful.
Natsuno Minami: We're toast if we don't win here, right? So... let's get out there and fight back.

Post-Battle Script

System: Termination of enemy signals confirmed.
System: Aegis activated. Terminal closure complete.
System: Surrounding 2 km area now fully secure. Ending tactical analysis.
Renya Gouto: Aegis activation confirmed.
Yuki Takamiya: Dammit, the whole city's on fire...
Natsuno Minami: Is that how this is gonna go? Whether we win or lose, we're ruining thousands of people's lives...?
Renya Gouto: We have evacuation measures in place, but they're far from perfect. And the efforts still lack direction.
Renya Gouto: We tried to reach out to governments and financial institutions through Shikishima... for all the good that did.
Tomi Kisaragi: What're we gonna do, not fight back? This is all we can do if we want to save the world from these creeps.
Tomi Kisaragi: We've got kaiju signals popping up nearby another terminal...
Yuki Takamiya: We got tons of civilians over there, thanks to all the highways being backed up.
Tomi Kisaragi: Come on, Miwako... Please tell me you didn't take a bus...
Tomi Kisaragi: Hey, maybe we could send a drone out to check on Miwako?
Natsuno Minami: On it. Worth a shot, anyway...
Natsuno Minami: Hope my mom and dad made it out. I told them exactly what to do...


Work in Progress