Takatoshi Hijiyama (Mystery Files)

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For the main page regarding this character, see: Takatoshi Hijiyama.

Takatoshi Hijiyama is a boy who shifted from 1944 to 1984. He is a brave and loyal individual who takes pride in his duty as a Sentinel pilot. Though he used to be rough-spoken and gruff, he's matured and found a certain dignity ever since he enlisted in 1944. After living like a homeless drifter for six months following his shift, he slides back to his initial surly nature. He fell for Tsukasa Okino, who was presenting as a girl, which Okino uses to manipulate him. His favorite food is yakisoba pan.

Okino straps Hijiyama to a chair in an abandoned factory and analyzes Hijiyama's mind. However, Okino has already seen inside Hijiyama's brain previously, when adjusting code.[1]

When the kaiju appear in 1985, Hijiyama reads the letter Okino left for him and activates Sentinel No. 12, previously Okino's craft.[2] Since Hijiyama and Okino shared Sentinel No. 12, Hijiyama was able to communicate with Okino again in the cockpit of the Sentinel. Okino then reveals to Hijiyama that the world they are in is a simulated space, and the cockpit is actually the "real" world.[3]
