Shibugaki City Battle 1

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Pre-Battle Script

May 27 8:22 PM
Keitaro Miura: Multiple Deimos signatures confirmed... We're starting to get even more of them.
Ryoko Shinonome: That's weird... They're a little different from the D-forces in the database.
Iori Fuyusaka: What do you mean?
Miyuki Inaba: They are similar to their original designs, but they've been modified and optimized further.
Miyuki Inaba: The system's making changes to the kaiju on the fly... specifically to fight all of you.
Miyuki Inaba: My current processing is at 6%... Be careful, everyone.
Nenji Ogata: I dunno how long we gotta hold out here, but... Not gonna back down now.

Mid-Battle Script

Ei Sekigahara: The database's been updated... I guess we have No. 16 to thank for that.
Yuki Takamiya: Those little buggy bastards are even faster now.
Ei Sekigahara: If we let any of them through, they'll swarm the terminal in seconds.
Iori Fuyusaka: Then, even that G-Moler...?
Ryoko Shinonome: Its power unit's been upgraded... Now it's got even more destructive potential...
Ei Sekigahara: Not just offense. Some kind of new alloy's been integrated into the defensive shell.
Nenji Ogata: If the shell's harder, then we just punch it harder. It's gotta crack eventually.

Post-Battle Script

System: Terminal of enemy signals confirmed.
System: Aegis activated. Terminal closure complete.
System: Surrounding 2 km area now fully secure. Ending tactical analysis.
Takatoshi Hijiyama: Everyone, listen up. Each of you needs to check this, ah... meta-system business...
Ei Sekigahara: Something's been added to the system... Did you do all this data analysis?
Takatoshi Hijiyama: Do I sound like I understand all this egghead talk!? I'm just relaying a message!
Nenji Ogata: From who...?
Takatoshi Hijiyama: Well... that child from earlier.
Keitaro Miura: Chihiro did this? So she is helping us...
Ei Sekigahara: ...Let's hope.
System: Warning: Deimos signatures approaching.
Ryoko Shinonome: Deimos signatures... That means they're coming.


Work in Progress