Sakura Ward Final Battle

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Pre-Battle Script

May 28 4:17 AM
Shu Amiguchi: We're up against the wall here. Would really love a clue about what's gonna happen...
Juro Kurabe: How much do you know about Universal Control?
Shu Amiguchi: Well, it manages the world, right? Keeps things running smooth, keeps us thinking we're from our own eras?
Juro Kurabe: So why would it let some crazy disaster like this go unchecked?
Shu Amiguchi: What, you're saying it's not working?
Renya Gouto: Universal Control is still operating
Renya Gouto: If it wasn't, we wouldn't be getting headlines of this happening around this world.
Iori Fuyusaka: So... the system doesn't think this is unusual?
Miyuki Inaba: That's right... because it's checking it against the D-Code inside you.
Miyuki Inaba: It convinces the system that's a normal process. That's when the Deimos appear.
Miyuki Inaba: Universal Control has no idea it's under attack.
Juro Kurabe: The mainframe gets taken over before it can even register anything. It forces a manual system reset.
Miyuki Inaba: If it were aware of any of this, it'd never let this situation even happen.
Shu Amiguchi: It still hasn't picked up on the problem? This whole giant-robot-apocalypse thing is kinda hard to miss.
Miyuki Inaba: The Aegis severs the link. It can't detect any of this.
Ei Sekigahara: Cutting off its connection to its nerves. Like a doctor's anaesthetic before the knife.
Miyuki Inaba: It's numb to the intrusion. And that's why we have to wake it up, and show it the threat.
Miyuki Inaba: We have to make the system understand... This is not normal. It's a state of emergency.
Tomi Kisaragi: So how do we do that?
Miyuki Inaba: I can boradcast the terminal link signal from the command ship I'm on.
Miyuki Inaba: By routing through here, I can reconnect the link severed by the Aegis.
Miyuki Inaba: That should make Universal Control finally realize what's going on..
Tomi Kisaragi: So this was your big fallback plan?
Miyuki Inaba: Yes. It's the only option we have left.
Tomi Kisaragi: And that'll fix all of this...? We won't have to fight anymore?
Miyuki Inaba: Not yet... You've still got 5 minutes and 44 seconds until the mainframe is ready...
Miyuki Inaba: If the final terminal is taken over before then...
Miyuki Inaba: When the world gets reset... you'll all vanish along with it.
Miyuki Inaba: This is the moment of truth. The final battle.
Miyuki Inaba: Please... Protect us all.

Mid-Battle Script

Miyuki Inaba: The last adjustments are going smoothly... Just hold out a little longer.
Miyuki Inaba: Processing is halfway done. You've all come so far... I know you can do this.
System: Life support final processing at 75%
Miyuki Inaba: We're in the final stretch... Please, don't give up. Protect us.

Post-Battle Script

System: Emergency escape preparations complete.
System: Universal Control: suspended.
System: Innerlocitor: link disconnected.
For the remainder of this event, go to Planet RS13-Alpha in the event archive.


Work in Progress