Ashitaba City Battle 7

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Pre-Battle Script

May 27 6:28 PM
Natsuno Minami: That kaiju just looks like it's got a big fan on it. What even is that thing?
Juro Kurabe: That's an APSOS. More officially it's an APS Feeder.
Ryoko Shinonome: Oh, that one... They're pretty nasty to fight. They can put up deflective barriers...
Juro Kurabe: Probably easier to say it's like a support kaiju that can give other kaiju shields.
Natsuno Minami: It's got shields?
Juro Kurabe: A shield matrix. The 4th-gen Sentinels have those as well.
Natsuno Minami: Oh, I get it! Like the one on Amiguchi-kun's Sentinel.
Juro Kurabe: Your own 3rd-gen unit should have a weapon that can disable that, too.
Keitaro Miura: The EMP Stunner... I think that's the one.
Juro Kurabe: That'll stop the D-forces in their tracks with an electromagnetic pulse.
Juro Kurabe: The EMP should also deactivate any shields they have up, too.
Ryoko Shinonome: That said... you'd be better off destroying them before they get the shields up at all.

Post-Battle Script

System: Termination of enemy signals confirmed.
System: Aegis activated. Terminal closure complete.
System: Surrounding 2 km area now fully secure. Ending tactical analysis.
Chihiro: All units fighting the kaiju. Can you hear me?
Shu Amiguchi: Who's that? How'd you get on this channel?
Tomi Kisaragi: Wait, you're the girl Miwako was helping...
Keitaro Miura: ...Chihiro? Is that you, Chihiro!?
Chihiro: I'm Chihiro Morimura.
Tomi Kisaragi: What...?
Shu Amiguchi: ...That's our teacher's name...
Chihiro: I'm going to evacuate the populace all at once. Readouts say 1.2 million people in Sector 4...
Chihiro: They'll all be force-shifted to the year 2025... As in, Sector 3.
Keitaro Miura: ...To the year 2025?
Renya Gouto: You're shifting over a million people!?
Chihiro: ...So you don't have to worry about any civilian casualties.
Chihiro: ...That's all.
Keitaro Miura: Chihiro, wait a minute...


Work in Progress