Beginning of the End Episode 5

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Pre-Battle Script

May 27 4:59 PM
Megumi Yakushiji: Urgh... My Sentinel can't take much more of this...
Megumi Yakushiji: It's like that thing has a wall protecting it...
Megumi Yakushiji: How am I supposed to damage it?
Tomi Kisaragi: Judging by the big crane... That one's probably a Hi-Quad.
Megumi Yakushiji: Tomi... Why are you...?
Tomi Kisaragi: What are you so surprised about? This is my Sentinel, isn't it?
Tomi Kisaragi: Seriously, Megumi. I wish you'd just told me.
Megumi Yakushiji: I have to apologize...
Megumi Yakushiji: If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be—
Tomi Kisaragi: Look, there's only one thing I want an apology for.
Tomi Kisaragi: I got that switch 'cause you shot me, right?
Tomi Kisaragi: 'Cause like... did you have to put it on my back? I'm gonna give myself a cramp swiping that thing.
Tomi Kisaragi: But you gotta fall back, Megumi. Your Sentinel's at its limit. I'll handle this.
Megumi Yakushiji: No, Tomi... We'll fight together.
Tomi Kisaragi: Come on, dork. What's the point of fighting together if it gets you killed?
Tomi Kisaragi: You gonna be dumb, or you gonna listen to your best friend?
Megumi Yakushiji: ...Yeah, you're right...
Nenji Ogata: Wait a sec. I get it now... This thing's the cockpit of my Sentinel!
Tomi Kisaragi: You charged out first all thumping your chest, and it took you this long to get here?
Nenji Ogata: The train stopped. I got kinda lost in the crowd.
Nenji Ogata: But I got this now, Kisaragi. You can hang back where it's safer, okay?
Tomi Kisaragi: I just got here, you moron. I'm not going anywhere.
Nenji Ogata: Fine, whatever. Just tell me which of these bozos I gotta trash.
Megumi Yakushiji: The one with four legs, right in front of you.
Megumi Yakushiji: Tomi's Sentinel won't be much good against it.
Megumi Yakushiji: But your 1st-generation Sentinel's perfect for close combat.

Tomi Kisaragi: Did they just get reinforcements? We've got two more threats incoming...
Nenji Ogata: Fine by me. I was just thinkin' I was running out of asses to kick.
Megumi Yakushiji: My Sentinel's fixed. I can get back on the field.
Megumi Yakushiji: Please, Tomi. Let me fight with you.
Megumi Yakushiji: I'll protect you...
Tomi Kisaragi: Two girls and their robots against the world. You know, we could record this and be set for life.

Tutorial: Repairs

When a Sentinel's HP reaches 0, it will be immobilized, and the pilot will be ejected onto the battlefield. Immobilized Sentinels automatically retreat and begin repairing, but they'll be temporarily inoperable. Without the protection of the Sentinel, any pilots on the field can easily be killed by a mere explosion. Avoid this by moving to a safe location and performing the Repair function.

Post-Battle Script

Tomi Kisaragi: They all vanished... What just happened?
Renya Gouto: Aegis activation confirmed. That area's now secure.
Nenji Ogata: Hey, he's that 2nd-year...
Tomi Kisaragi: Renya Gouto. He's from the future... Further into the future than me.
Tomi Kisaragi: Megumi... When we're done with all this fighting... we should go get some crêpes.
Tomi Kisaragi: I know a great little place near school.
Megumi Yakushiji: ...Yeah. Wouldn't miss it for the world.
Renya Gouto: Yakushiji, prepare to intercept. The D-forces have changed course.