Ashitaba City Battle 9

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Pre-Battle Script

May 27 7:04 PM
Yuki Takamiya: My Sentinel looks pretty skinny compared to you guys'. Don't tell me I got stuck with a wimpy one...
Megumi Yakushiji: Its shoulder gyros can carry up to 600 tons. So it can fly, but it's about a quarter of the weight of a 3rd-gen.
Shu Amiguchi: But hey, that's some crazy mobility, Yuki-chan! Besides, it's got a lot of power in those legs, right?
Renya Gouto: The spiked heels are powerful pile bunkers. They can also release a high-voltage surge to overload enemy internals.
Renya Gouto: But that requires a massive amount of energy. If you overuse it without any cooldown, you'll find yourself out of power fast.

Post-Battle Script

System: Termination of enemy signals confirmed.
System: Aegis activated. Terminal closure complete.
System: Surrounding 2 km area now fully secure. Ending tactical analysis.
Yuki Takamiya: Looks like they changed targets...
Yuki Takamiya: Now they're going for another terminal a ways off.
Shu Amiguchi: You guys go on ahead. I'm giving my Sentinel a break for repairs.
Shu Amiguchi: I'll go find a motorcycle nearby and catch up.
Nenji Ogata: Stealin' bikes again? I thought you said you were gonna stop that shit.
Shu Amiguchi: Hey, don't say it like that... I'm just borrowing it! Cut me some slack, man, it's an emergency.
Ryoko Shinonome: Could you give me a ride?
Shu Amiguchi: You're dismounting too, Shinonome-senpai? Sure, let's go.
Yuki Takamiya: Y-You're gonna let her ride behind you?
Shu Amiguchi: Yeah? What's wrong with that? Don't tell me you're—
Yuki Takamiya: No, dumbass, I am NOT jealous!
Yuki Takamiya: I got places to be.


Work in Progress