Terra Carrier

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For more information, File No. 144 of the Mystery Files gives a brief summary of Terra Carrier kaiju.

Terra Carrier Kaiju, officially known as "Megaton Class Gyro Cargos," are aerial Deimos forces in 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim.

Generation 1

HP: 10000

Giant aerial carrier kaiju. Attacks with machine guns and by releasing stored Hunters. It has thick armor and is difficult to damage since it's airborne. EMP and close-quarter attacks are most effective against it.

Skills: Homing Missiles, Machine Guns, Release Hunters

Generation 2

HP: 18000

This 2nd-generation kaiju is an improved, modified Terra Carrier. It has thicker armor and enhanced flight speed. It now possesses a quad-missile launcher which slow movement if hit, so approach them with caution.

Skills: Homing Missiles, Release Hunters, Machine Gun, Multi-Missile Launchers.

EX Generation

No EX models were produced during the final battle.


Work in Progress